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Everything posted by racerx78

  1. I've AutoX for several years but this will be my first Drivers School. Should be fun.
  2. Thats what i figured but couldn't tell from the animation, and i didn't see any other detail about it that stated this.
  3. I read this on Autoblog: Cadillac Confirms 420-Hp Twin-Turbo V6 The specs are nice but i watched some of the videos of the engines setup and it has two relatively small intercoolers for each turbo covered up on top of the motor. While this will surely make for a compact, responsive engine. I wonder how it keeps from heat soaking worse than a STI or MS3. From the animations i couldn't tell if it had a water to air setup or not. Engine Build Animation TT Airflow Animation
  4. I really wish i could make this. Maybe next time.
  5. If it had a real LSD then i'd have it. Because the at that point the ST becomes the best version of the MS3, available. Given that ford use the MS3 as a test bed for the DI motor they now call Ecoboost. The chassis is also the same Ford C1 platform. With the ST you would also get better interior & tech as well. I'd prefer AWD over FWD, but if i had to choose i'd only get the ST if they offered a mechanical LSD from the factory.
  6. After getting bitten by the AWD bug and having owned a Gen 2 MS3 i can't say i'm supprised at the results. For a performance DD/AutoX the WRX is a good choice. Take that out of the mix for my own personal use i would get the MS3 over the ST. While the ST looks like, has compariable power, and a better tuned stock suspension. I do like the fact its been cheaped out and given a brake biased e-diff. I know how widely auto makers user it, but i've never driven a system with that when pushed didn't feel clumsy.
  7. Scratch is what my son is using
  8. I went this past weekend and had a lot of fun. Some higher end brands have more cars locked than before. But i was able to gen into the Audi S7, MB CLS & GT500. The new vette and viper look nice in person.
  9. Will do, he didn't have any gloves so he was trying to hold the camera with one hand.
  10. It was impromptu, since it was later in the afternoon and i was trying get it in before someone could kill my fun. Hopefully we have more real snow days this season, then i can find something more out of the way. to play alittle bit longer.
  11. I'll agree that Snow tires are > A/S tires no matter what the drivetrain layout is. That is what i use to run until recently. There isn't much to choose frorm, in size(245/45/20) for winter tires, without having to buy another size of rims. Also with the winters being so mild the past few years most of the time the roads are clear so the winter tires aren't as much of a benefit (except for the tread maintaining flexibility in lower temps.) With as long as my daily commute is driving on clear streets with winter tires would wear them out sooner. With the Motivo, i get decent snow and ice traction. Good traction every other time with the ground is clear. Also Longer treadlife. I'm ok with the trade off.
  12. We finally got a decent amount of snow here so I took the SHO out to play and to test how the Nitto Motivo did in the snow. At the end of the day the tires were good in the snow but snow tires would have been much better, but wouldn't last as long with my driving. The SHO's AWD system is a good Auxiliary setup that allows the car to put its power down. I wouldn't compare it to a EVO, STi or Audi AWD setup. Ahh..Lets Play http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee117/j2onlineaccts/Wheels/IMAG1410_zps9318783f.jpg http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee117/j2onlineaccts/Wheels/IMAG1412_zps8d15bc49.jpg http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee117/j2onlineaccts/Wheels/IMAG1411_zpsaf2d548b.jpg Youtube: 2013 Ford SHO, Snow Day
  13. It looks good, no just for a buick but overall. I don't care of they call it a GNX, Grand National, or National Lampoon. I just want it to have the performance to back it up.
  14. Pray that she feels better soon.
  15. racerx78

    SEMA 2012

    Autoblog: SEMA http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2012/10/10-ford-focus-st-sema-2012-opt.jpg http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2012/10/legacy-power-wagon-conversion-sema.jpg http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2012/10/ford-fusion-sema-2012.jpg I want... http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2012/10/hurst-trans-am-sema.jpg http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2012/10/jeff-dunham-challenger-sema.jpg
  16. All he needs is a draw-bridge, and some gators for his moat
  17. I'd second the nomination for the Conti DWS. Its a great DD tire in all weather and rated highly with tirerack.
  18. I used this on my MS3 mainly so i could monitor fuel pressure, intake temps, etc. It worked really well and looked in the daily light and at night. Never had any issues with it.
  19. Because most columbus drivers are either like this http://www.centralnewyorkinjurylawyer.com/scared%20driver.jpg Or This... http://www.childrenswishingwell.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/teentext.jpg when it is a little as a light drizzle or a few flakes on the side of the road.
  20. I can't remember the last white X-mas we had.
  21. Before i switch to AWD cars i use get snow tires religiously. So i know how much they are superior they are to A/S tires when in comes to stopping, going and turning in the snow and Ice. But in recent years our winters have been coming later and later and temps have been warmer so snow tires have less time to take use all of their attributes. Snow tires don't last as long as A/S tires driven on clear roads even when its 20 degrees. Currently i run Summer tires during the warmer months so i run a A/S tires with a good tread wear rating use that for my winter setup. I'll get the longest use out of that setup, while still being able to get around when we do actually get snow here. If i lived somewhere further up north where i would get more snowfall, i'd have a different opinion.
  22. Given how non existent last winter was i'm not switching to my A/S until next sometime time next month. Even then i'll still be getting some UHP A/S tires because streets are clean most of they time any way since we typically don't get serious winters here.
  23. I thought i'd agree with Mitt on something, oh well. http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee117/j2onlineaccts/Misc/Untitled.jpg
  24. I got everything done at the sametime. I could always go these rims, http://www.beetlepartsnow.com/images/beetledaisywheel.jpg
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