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Everything posted by zx3vfr

  1. Dude go in and get on a new plan. I pay 120 for 8 gigs and 3 iPhones. Also 22% discount through my employer. Lol
  2. judgjng radar maps to see if I should commute on 2 or 4 wheels today
  3. zx3vfr


    Insurance does go up. Ohio is a fairly stable ate. Esurance does a new customer discount. That discount most likely went away. But pricing does go up for insurance policies. Mostly due to the rising cost of health care. When you hit someone and put them in the hospital think about all those $8 a piece Tylenol.
  4. I could be up for a quick jaunt around 3. Where you planning on going?
  5. I had 7 month preggers wife (with daughter) on the back of a bike at a very high rate of speed. Daughter is an absolute dare Devil ever since born. Loves being tossed around and now she tries to do wheelies on her strider. son... Never took preggers wife and he just looks scared whenever he gets tossed around.
  6. A friend I am no longer friends with had a check fraud felony charge pull from a random background check with prison time served. he was handling money at the company I was with at the time. Guess how that turned out.
  7. Home as of an hour ago. Took 33 to 270. Stopped for fuel in cbus. 470 miles total. Proof of Mach retard.
  8. Ive been rocking mine for 3 years and they are still like new.
  9. Don't have that kind of time to dick around setting up a suspension on a bike designed for a 130# little European/Japanese person.
  10. I recently discovered Hampton Hills MTB Park. Tried riding on my converted Schwin MTB with road gearing and 2" hybrid tires. Had a blast the first few times then as I started getting faster rear tire cannot keep any traction. I'm keeping it as a road bike because I can hold a steady 18mph on flat ground with it. been looking at a Kona Blast (new) for $900. My budget is $1000 including tax and I'm not buying used. Any other suggestions (and I will never own another trek MTB ever again)
  11. Don't worry. Ohioans economy is about to hit the shitter when Hillary becomes president and the fracking shuts down forever.
  12. Yo, your inbox is full.


    I got an ak47 and some cash for the 650. you can keep the luggage and accessories.

    1. Dying Shadow

      Dying Shadow

      Type of ak? Model and how much cash?

    2. zx3vfr


      IO Polish. (made in florida, the good ones and some ammo) and I dunno, how much cash would you need.

    3. Dying Shadow

      Dying Shadow

      Sent you a pm I cleaned mail box 

  13. Too bad it doesn't use ar mags.
  14. post and ad on Craigslist casual encounters mw4m:
  15. I love my 460# gsx s750. Steel frame, 10 year old motor. 103hp. 0-60 faster than your average 100k+ sports car. easy riding due to added weight, doesn't get bounced around like an rr
  16. You're going to die. Should have bought the 750 or fz09
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