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Everything posted by zx3vfr

  1. Well I know that. It's infuriating
  2. How about spending some resources to shut down one of LAs numerous meth labs.
  3. 93s to 83s- Typical 83. Clean almost no traffic held a 80-90-100 pace most the way Left on 146 - fairly clean, not as exciting as Google maps portrayed a couple nice sweepers but nothing to intentionally seek out 70-80 pace Right on 147 - see 146 left on 78 - dirty dirty dirty. lots of mowing, gravel and traffic. Lots of one lane construction zones. Right on 536 - The whole goal of today. Road isn't perfect but it was fun 7N to 556 7N was clen but its more of a highway 556 very clean very little traffic and what there was got out of the way quickly for me 80 steady pace 145 West - see 147 not overly impressed Right on 26 -absolutely beautiful road clean and quick. Held a 80-90 pace behind some lady in a Buick sedan Left on 148 - do not remember anything about this. I think it was a quick way onto 800 800N/250 W. Cut my ride short as I was tired and have ridden the other roads I planned many a time. Road was clean. Heavy traffic. 75 -80 pace to keep up with traffic. *all numbers followed by pace was the speed I was going. Of course those numbers are in kmph
  4. If anyone one wants to join I'll be at the Lynn Auto Drive Inn, in Strausburg between 8am and 8:10am. Here is my proposed route, but this was just going off of Google Maps, so it could end up being a total cluster fuck 93s to 83s Right on 821 Left on 146 Right on 147 Right on 536 7N to 556 145 West Right on 26 Left on 148 800N Left on 342 Right on 258 Left on 34 28 into 36E 250 N/W to 77 to home. No GPS, just written down on a piece of paper.
  5. Did you go look at the bike and show up with cash? You'll be amazed how much people and dealers go down when you show them a was of cash
  6. I swore I'd never mess with carbs after my vfr750 but the 599 has no issues and since I know the person who owned it before me...
  7. H2 or nothing at all you pussy bitches. Also, why not another VFR?
  8. zx3vfr

    Bike Night

    Thinking about going. Gotta convince the 7 month preggers wife to get on the back tho. That or I'll be hitting up a local burger joint
  9. My VFR was the exact same way. I'd sit there for ages with the choke on and if it was any less than 5 minutes with choke on, as soon as you turned it off it would just up and die. The 599 isn't as bad but sometimes I have to start it, and a few seconds later then turn the choke on. Weird that if it's
  10. How long are your toes? I keep way up on the balls of my feet often borderlining tiptoeing on the peg. When I need to touch the rear brake in a parking lot or adjust in a turn I slide my door forward
  11. Also lets privatize social security. Lolol
  12. Glad I sold off 2 weeks ago after having a bad dream about it. I'm still baffled why gold and silver are still falling.
  13. I took a vacation day and planning on a good 500-600 miles. Would be leaving around 7am and be back in Akron by 6pm. No set routes or anything but I was thinking about doing what the other guys did and head to hillbilly hotdogs. Let me know.
  14. So where were the good honest realtors that said no to people buying 10x the house they could afford priror to 2008? That's right all they care about is their commission. Andthe realtors are the one advertising on radio, especially stations that have a lot of minority listeners, that it is everyone's right to and part of the American dream to own your home and get, contact a local realtor today and they'll get you in debt for the next 30 years.... Also it was the Clinton administration that threatened the banks into approving loans to people who could not afford them. And the realtors who just went a long with it.
  15. Lolololololololol. Their all scuzbuckets like all the politicians. You would spew something off like that. Their only interest is their commission
  16. Sounds like you need a Grom.
  17. I have a good friend who has one and rides it everyday
  18. All the salt is below it now. Salt is heavier than water and salt water could've had a positive charge and once upon maximum saturation of salt the excess sank, became negatively charged and pulled the positively charged salt back out of the water.
  19. zx3vfr

    Winter Storage

    I've got room or 2 or maybe 3 bikes in my garage with electric hook up so I can rotate the battery teneder. If anyone is looking for storage just let me know.
  20. Also nitpick EVERYTHING. If the carpet is worn out that's worth a good 2-3k off the asking price. Etc
  21. We opted for the 15 year because our payment is (was) 541 a month and we figured if we can't swing $550 a month we have no business buying a house in the school district we both grew up in so our kids could go there. We have fully funded emergency fund to cover minimum 6 months expenses. But the neato thing is the payment was 541 and I just pay 550 a month and 7 months later our minimum payment is something like 503 and continues to fall.
  22. I wish we would have bought new buyer insurance. The previous owner was a fuckwad and didn't use any thread sealant on plumbing fixtures and bought home depot house brand specials., and there was mold in our under sink cabinent in the kitchen from a slow drip our inspector missed.I ended up replacing all 3 because they were hampton bay or w/e the fuck HD sells made in Meziko-China garbage. Cost well over what that insurance would have cost. Not to mention the other crap he hacked together.
  23. If you are financing, 15 year fixed is the best way to go. Truthfully, if you can't affoard to pay it off in 15 years and you say to yourself, oh I'll go with a 30 year fixed and pay extra, it most likely is not going to happen. In before I get flamed for not wanting people to bet the difference in money in the stock market hoping to earn more money over that time than you would pay in interest. We got our 15 year fixed through Home Savings and Loan out of Youngstown @ 2.785% earlier this year. The guys name is Dave Beltz and he's awesome.
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