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Everything posted by crb

  1. crb

    Home buying budget

    $2500 maybe honestly there are a ton of variables. The way we wrote our offer was asking the seller to pay half of the closing costs up to $x.xx Hone warranties suck just an FYI, if the seller offers is or pays for it great. We bought our house had an inspection done OTR microwave worked, when we moved it the microwave didn't work. Warranty refused to cover it. Ac had an issue $75 deductible, repair was less than $80. Gas fireplace quit working, oh sorry that's not covered. We didn't renew, and when I explained why they stopped bothering us.
  2. crb

    Home buying budget

    Thanks for all the info you offered via PM. It is nice to know that there are some really good people here! +1 for Ohioriders peeps!
  3. Thanks I found that cord after I posted the question. I went with a different brand I think, but same difference. Ended up suggesting a Lenovo desktop for her. She doesn't do much with he pc anyway. I don't know that she has upgraded in the last 8 years or so, other than some upgrades (ram, fan,etc) I made.
  4. How would I go about getting pics and stuff on an old IDE hard drive and onto a SATA hard drive? Mother in laws desktop's mother board fried. Any reccomendations on desktops? Probably refurbished under $500. I would replace mother board, but her desktop in ancient.
  5. crb

    Bad Day!

    Glad you are okay. Sorry to hear. Very good lesson for the kids on the bright side.
  6. Damn I should have thought of putting exarch in there.
  7. Yes we can! Forward! Yes we can! Forward! Yes we can! Forward!
  8. Murder! Murder! Where is the justice! Murder! Such violence. NOT! Assisted suicide?
  9. Done! Tax deducible also which is cool! Congrats on quitting smoking!
  10. crb

    Home buying budget

    PM'd you apparently I should refinance since my current rate is 5.75%.
  11. crb


    Ditto. Buy a cheap trailer.
  12. crb

    Home buying budget

    Oh its a buyers market still DON'T pay too much!
  13. crb

    Home buying budget

    True, but I like owning my home.
  14. crb

    Home buying budget

    Depends on how the offer is written. Realtor fee usually comes out of sellers . Are you going to do inspection? If so budget $200-400. The more inspections (radon, water, sewer, etc) the more it cost you. Utility hookup. Do you have 20% down if not expect PMI. Don't forget property taxes, most people have them included in the mortage. Even if you have the bank pay them you need to budget them in as they increase the payment monthly. Beer for the moving party.
  15. All my firearms were lost in a tragic boating accident. We keep knives, scissors, matches, hammers, and medications locked up with 2 locks so both my wife and I must be present with our separate key to access these items. We also keep a log of the items. All persons wishing to use s knife must be wearing a full body chain suit and we chain the knife to the work surface on a short chain.
  16. Thats the most I would offer without the title assuming not having the title won't be an issue. I personally would want the title.
  17. Make a lowball offer Hell he obviously doesn't want it.
  18. Wifie likes the nano, but I don't like how you release the slide.
  19. I thought you Mexicans were expert carpoolers. Riding two up should be a piece of tortilla for you compared to fitting 12 dudes in a Chevy cavalier.
  20. Kinda like playing the minority card, gay card, etc. I appreciate your service but if you're pull the card like that I won't respect you, its just as bad as playing the minority card. Jamming the military card down people's throats will lead to less respect from the general population.
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