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Everything posted by crb

  1. I believe the person who pulled the gun on me is/was s ccw holder. What helped my case was I'm from a different state, didn't know him, and we were both driving down the road so I couldn't see it print. Plus I could somewhat describe the gun. Not make/model, but approx size, type, color. I can tell you the case I'm involved in the charge is unlawful use of a weapon, a class D felony I believe. This case is not in Ohio though.
  2. How long is casper gone? I hate to see the patients take over the asylum. Besides if kawi is in charge too long the will be changed to glockriders and mention of any firearm other than glock will be a violation and bannable offense. Hipoint RULES!
  3. Where were you two months ago when I was telling my SIL off? Worst part my MIL was there when I told tge SIL off. The "C" word was nicer than what I wanted to say.
  4. Ummmmmmmm I'm telling! You're gonna get it!
  5. Read most of it, but gave up part of the way through.
  6. Nope didn't know what an emo was? How is that more offensive than the "c" word?
  7. NO! I meant sometimes the word is appropriate, but not in this case. For instance I called my sister in law the "C" and she deserved it and then some. Given the chance I would call her one again! Especially since she doesn't talk to me now, she also hasn't stepped foot back in my house since then. Slibgingchic didn't deserve it.
  8. That's elmo. I read emo I was thinking emu or however you spell the name of that bird. I would Google it, but I think I'm safer not knowing especially if it came out of exarch's mouth.
  9. Now that depends, but in this case yes.
  10. Emo chick? What is an emo? Better yet do I want to know?
  11. Good luck ending the porn industry.
  12. crb

    Runaway debt

    It's okay we can just print more money.
  13. Maybe we should start a collection or you could have donated blood(last month I believe).
  14. I just realized the politics subforum got moved. Where the Hell have I been? I have noticed several politicalish threads in the offtopic section, this explains that now.
  15. http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/302031/obamas-third-party-history-stanley-kurtz?pg=1 http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Party_(United_States)
  16. I forgot its in the supporters subforum.
  17. I think your point came across better this time. This is exactly why I like to train in different positions and I practice malfunction drills. Thank you for your service.
  18. In one state I can tell you the victim must press the charges. The case I'm involved in is basically a he said he said. The prosecutor takes the evidence and statements and decides whether or not there is a case. The prosector in my case did charge him. How did I know he had a firearm if I didn't see it. He admits to drawing the weapon, but does not admit to pointing it at me. I still don't know the final outcome quite yet.
  19. Exactly. What if the car didn't see you and took the whole lane? Would it be illegal since you were there? Yep. Would you being in the right save your life? Nope. Dead is dead.
  20. Blonde highlights maybe, makeup NO just my opinion. Everyone should parent as they see fit.
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