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Everything posted by crb

  1. Cheech is a liberal? Since when? Next you will tell me that Justin (jrmiii) leans to the left. Liars! F'ing Liars!
  2. I should wear glasses more frequently honestly, I used to religiously but got lazy. Lazy could get me hurt. I will make a better effort at remember eye protection. Besides if I go blind it will be hard to troll OR.
  3. Do you really think a common thug criminal is going to try and disarm someone that is open carrying? I think more likely the criminal will find an easier target and if not I guess we find out who is the better shot. The common thug criminal wants an easy target.
  4. Believe it or not I have heard several children comment "mommy he has a gun" and the response I have heard the mothers tell their children is usually something like "so what", or "that's his right", or "there is nothing wrong with it" The general public are sheelpes and pay little or no attention honestly. The people that make a big deal of seeing someone carrying is the anti-gunners and liberals. My guess is the lady that sold me the ammo was a liberal and didn't like my political T-shirt. Because she was fine while I picked out the ammo, but the problem came when she was looking at my shirt while ringing up the ammo. My guess is she can't keep her political views out of the workplace. Maybe she thought I was some right wing gun toting whack o, because that's what the liberal media makes us 2nd amendment supporters out to be. I don't see how going about my normal routine while open carrying hurts other gun owners I am sorry! I am simply more comfortable carrying OWB! Call it a political statement if you wish, I don't care! If you think that open carry hurts the view of gun owners then change the law I guess. The same scenario here could have happened if I was conceal carrying also, frequently while carrying a child or dealing with the child my gun may partially become visible. I had no problems with the cashier asking me if I had a permit, although I think it is none of her business. I answered her question in a polite educational manner, and even offered to show her my permit. The problem arose when the assistant manger approached me in an aggressive manner, and had a loud aggressive conversation with me. If walmart didn't want open carry then they have the right to post a sign, but walmart follows state law! The assistant manager over stepped her authorit. End of story!
  5. What is the squid equivalent in the shooting sports? I will be honest I don't always wear glasses, although I know I should. I do wear them if I am shooting with more than just the wife and I. I always wearing hearing protection, and prefer electronic protection. I am a stickler for gun safety.
  6. I've honestly never been concerned with someone carrying a firearm open orr concealed unless they start acting stupid with it. So I'm a whack job with a gun because I'm pushing my nephew in a cart and shopping just like everybody else? now if I was fidgiting with my gun I could see your point.
  7. Exactly! I both open and conceal, it just depends how I choose to dress. Should it matter? I don't think so. So because I want to carry a firearm I can't tuck my shirt in and still carry a full size firearm? Its also not like I had it in a drop leg holster, which would still be legal. Oh I don't have a target, meijer, kmart in my small town. We do have aldi's, giant eagle, walmart, and sparkle. Giant eagle is much more expensive on many items, aldi's and sparkle have smaller selection. Wife found most everything she wanted in another store the next town over its only a 3 more miles to said town. Probably about the same mileage to the walmart in our town actually.
  8. probably not, but I was buying 38 spl and was carrying a 40.
  9. Prepared as in I didn't need anymore ammo for my carry gun with me to finish shopping. I'm not sure but I think its possible it made her nervous that I was buying handgun ammunition just not for my carry gun.
  10. Agreed the punishment is between them and her. I do know a couple people on the inside though.
  11. Yea Right! We took him a couple days later to tractor supply and the dollar store and he asked me if I had my gun on me, because he didn't want to be asked to leave again. I was concealed this time.
  12. Not really a huge factor as I am pretty calm under pressure, and I would have sense about me to keep it pointed in a safe direction. End of story. Eventually it runs out of ammo!
  13. I let her roll with it the way she wanted, I am not boycotting walmart by any means. We are simply going to do the bulk of our shopping elsewhere for now. My wife actually liked the other store way better, less people there, better produce, deli associate not B'ing about their job because they were the only one in the deli, cashier smiling and friendly, and the manager actually bagged her groceries and loaded them in the pickup! Wife also spent less in the long run because she didn't buy junk that always finds it's way into the cart.
  14. 4.5 year old wasn't crying until we had to leave his legos behind.
  15. You have that part right! I used to work at Lowe's we had a Lowe's chant. LOL I never participated, I would just stand there and laugh on the inside. Their new chant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2q2DLWNXsE Their old chant was something like: Give me a "L" Give me a "O" Give me a "W" Give me an "E" Give me an "apostrophe" Give me an "S" What's that spell Lowe's..... Blah blah blah The good old days lol!
  16. "clip"? I thought we were talking belt fed?
  17. Sometimes for laughs, those guys are a joke in my opinion.
  18. keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction, let it run its course if its not safe to stop the ammo supply. I have ZERO experience with belt fed machine guns, and never claimed to! Is the CHL class supposed to train us on belt fed machine guns? If my sidearm started firing on "full auto" I would keep it pointed down range, drop the mag, and bam it will stop! I never claimed to know it all!
  19. Your opinion. I don't care for attention I pretend it's not there just like everyone else should in my opinion as long as it legal. I forgot to mention the district manager was impressed that I knew the law, regarding open carry and CHL's. I also do agree that they could have bought me some legos, but they didn't We won't be doing our grocery shopping at Walmart for a while yet even with the apology. My wife talked with a smaller grocery store's manager while shopping elsewhere after that incident and he has to look to see if they have a policy. He is interested in our business, that is for sure. The smaller store is a little more expensive, but they actually cart your groceries to the car and load them for you. We spend quite a bit on groceries on a weekly basis, and deserve to be treated better than that. I wouldn't have had near the issue with the assistant manager at Walmart, but she was rude, and addressed me in an aggressive tone and manner.
  20. I 100% agree with you!!! Umm I don't carry a belt fed machine gun firstly. I don't know anybody that does, and a belt fed machine gun should rapid fire. No?
  21. I posted this on another forum, but figured I would share here also. I went to my local Walmart that I shop at all the time. I also open carry there regularly probably hundreds of times at that particular store. We had our nephew with us so we went down the toy isle and he pickup out some legos. My grandmother in-law wants to shoot my rossi ranch hand so I thought while we were there I would pick up another box of 38 spl. Nobody was at the hunting/firearm counter so my wife went to have someone paged via the automotive counter. The automotive associate had the keys so she opened the case and got the 38 ammo, i noticed an ammo can of 556 and asked to see it. While she was checking me out she asked me if I had a permit for the firearm on my side. I politely told her yes, but I don't need a permit because I was open carrying and that was my constitutional right with no permit necessary. I thought that was the end of it. Approx 5 minutes later a female assistant manager and another male associate approached me. They asked to have a word with me so I walked over to them. The female assistant manager whose name I did get asked me if I had a permit for my firearm. I once again politely explained that I do have a permit, but I was open carrying per my constitutional right and no permit was necessary. I explained that if there was a problem I would leave my cart except for the ammo I paid for and leave. She told me that would be best. As I was walking down the main isle towards the door she apologized if she appeared aggressive while talking to me. She told me it was Walmart's policy during the 1st conversation. I told her I would contact corporate and discuss the matter with them. Unfortunetly I had already paid for the ammunition. $200 worth. I usually do not buy ammo at Walmart but didn't want to make a separate trip 15 miles one way to hit the gun shop. My nephew was screaming and very upset while we left because he is 4 1/2 years old and didn't understand why we had to leave his legos behind. I have never been so embarrassed in my life! She treated me like I was a criminal and my poor nephew was so upset. My wife is very upset at Walmart also. She could not believe they treated us like that. I contacted the corporate office just after leaving the store. The person who answered the phone at the corporate complaint line explained that it sounds like the assistant manager over stepped her authority. A ticket (email?) has been sent to the district manager to contact me. They said it could be 3-5 days to be contacted. I asked if there was anyway I could return the ammo, but he said no. I knew that would be the answer since most anywhere ammo is not returnable. I will update when I hear from the district manager. Wife is also upset because she can't shop at Walmart for now at least, and we live in small town. She may have to travel further to shop and be able to get everything on her list. Update: Received the phone call from the district manager. She informed me that the manager didn't have the authority to ask me if I had a permit. The manager was trying to calm the nerves of the automotive associate that sold me the ammo. Apparently me carrying and buying ammo made her nervous although I didn't buy the caliber I was carrying. Personally I think my 3 stooges shirt with Obama, Pelosi, and Reed didn't help. My guess is I hurt her(automotive associate) liberal feelings.I had 37 rounds for my carry gun, I think I was prepared enough. The district manager was very very apologetic and explained that she has a CHL. The district manager assured that they will be retrained, and I will not have this issue again. They obviously can't tell me what if any punishment will come of this.
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