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Everything posted by gixxer_joe08

  1. Am i the only one that doesnt have a life and still plays the arcade games on here? I usually turn on my ipod and can spend hours playing. Anyone else do the same?
  2. i agree with the other post but isnt a police report public info
  3. i know my 2008 gsxr 750 had a recall on the rectifier but im not sure about the 2007. Maybe you still have a bad rectifier but the recall i believe was for them going bad and not charging
  4. I think i would keep my bike secure if i lived in akron
  5. pastrana's trick will be insane when he can land it to dirt. That best whip contest was sick too
  6. Ive got a better one... Going to an appt this morning. Parked got out and next door is a fire station. Out comes a firefighter i assume getting off work, still in his uniform, on his H-D Streetglide and guess whats missing. Nope not the boots, why cuz he HAS to wear them for work.. pants, nope keep guessing. Gloves... yeah if he is going into a burning building. Helmet.. DING DING DING no helmet. You would think a firefighter of all people would have a helmet on. Now im a firm believer in its your choice and if its just you on the bike then you are only putting yourself at risk and thats your choice. Just like if you choose not to wear a seat belt or smoke. You know the risk and thats up to you to choose to do so. There is risk in alot of things that people do in there everyday live and i understand why not atgatt to help eliminate as much risk. I usually do when i ride, but one thing that i have noticed on this forum when someone is preaching atgatt nobody is preaching QUALITY gear. A pair of levis is tested at the factory for 30mph ass slides. I know its better than shorts and i do it too but lets also teach people that there are $100 riding pants and $400 helmets for a reason. Just my opinion and my rant for the day
  7. Why do you have to go to a big box store, why not just buy in where you found it?
  8. I personally like the manuals the motorcycle shops use, but they are expensive. $80-100. Clymers are cheaper in price but ive never heard anything good about them. Sometimes you can find online manuals of the same ones the shops use, just have to do a search for them. Try to find a Honda shadow forum and ask around there for a free one
  9. shouldnt be it like working on a garage door, just rotate the spring upwards with a rod to release the tension off the cables and put it back on track
  10. It looks easy when your foot boards are there for added support in the turns. lol, i know they didnt touch, still impressive for an 800lbs + bike. Thats why the city of pickerington spends all of there tax dollars on there schools and not there motorcycle police lol
  11. good story, wish everyone had respect for others, no matter what you or i ride
  12. motomummy.com for the bazzaz, cheapest i have found and free shipping
  13. assuming you dont take 2000 or mile trips every weekend, couldnt you just swap out the rear shocks back to stock just for the long trips? Im am really thinking about selling my gsxr and getting a street glide. I want one bad, and seeing yours makes me want one even more.
  14. No rings in the floors. ive rented them 3 times, cheap for a 24hr rental, but heavy also. They do have the rails in the side of the walls though
  15. watched it 3 times, best part is when he thought it was so cool then he realized his bush was on fire
  16. Clark: "Where's Eddie? He usually eats these goddamn things." Cathrine: "Oh, not recently Clark. He read that skunks were high in cholesterol." Clark: "Thank you Cathrine." Theres my input, not helpful but made me laugh, unless you have someone you know who eats skunks lol
  17. I had NTB change a tire for me for $8.00. It was a 8" dont know if they still do it or not
  18. Save the money on the engine and spend 200 bucks on a chain and sprocket kit. You will need more then just the motor, ecu is the other big expense.
  19. Maybe he thinks its the upper because of upper sandusky is SOUTH of sandusky. Doesnt make sense
  20. im busy this weekend but i will do a ride with you sometime soon, i live in galloway
  21. I dont have any children, but the discussion is not about teaching your kids to be safe but to do the smart thing. I am glad to hear your are being a father and teaching your child well. The forum was about seeing the idiots that are not smart on bikes and my comment was basically saying that what they wear and dont wear doesnt bother me because it doesnt affect me. Same as if im driving and the guy next to me in the other car doesnt have his seat belt on, oh well, dont see how that is my problem Now when i have kids, yes i will teach them the smart thing to do. Same as not smoking, doing good in school. There are alot of people that do things that we think are not right, but all those things dont bother me. maybe i am just thinking different from you because i dont have kids yet
  22. i think a junk yard will give you $250 for scrapping it, buy it for $200 and make $50 lol
  23. i like the bath he gave his bike, and the reference he gave to getting laid,and the disposal of the oil, classic
  24. Not what i expected but that was funny. good find
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