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Everything posted by Helmutt

  1. Yes, he's in piqua - mind you, this isn't a ZX6R - it's a ZX6E model, more sport tour than sport if that makes sense - its got softer suspension, risen bars, comfy seat, compartments on either side of the gauge cluster - for a beginner sport ride, its a good transition from a cruiser or 1st street bike. Here's a pic of the same bike he's got...
  2. Don't feel bad man, I've done this exact same thing - and there wasn't even a chick to check out......I was just peddlin' down the street daydreaming like a dumbass kid when I asspacked a parked car, luckily the trunklid broke my fall as well
  3. I figured you were, that's why I was being sarcastic I know, you probably couldn't hear it in my voice from where you were standing :D
  4. My pal with the '01 zx6 is almost ready to sell if you're interested ( but it's a carbed bike and per our PM conversation, you'd mentioned injected only ) My bad on the price as he wants $2800 for it but the bike's bone stock and unmolested at 5k miles. He's going to get me pics this week and wants me to look it over really well so it'll be ready to ride for the buyer......I'll PM you once he's definitely ready to let go of it unless you're set on an R6??
  5. I say, if he's at work it should be up to company policy to carry or not.......as far as the shirt, doesn't sound like a professional look in my opinion. So, let's say he was wearing a nice button-up, long sleeved shirt ( tie is optional ) with a gun plainly displayed on his belt -- would that have put the customer more at ease?? Hard to say really -- it's up to the customer if they feel "threatened" by the way someone looks......maybe it's just the way the guy looks, not just his gun or ink. I get that a lot, folks say I look pissed off all the time when I'm actually not -- it's just the way I'm built.......6ft. 285lbs. and shaved head, I even quit wearing any facial hair to disparage the harder look -- doesn't matter, people will feel the way they feel in the presence of someone different......not much guys like us can do, no matter how friendly or unfriendly we appear -- but at work, we CAN take steps to encourage approachability
  6. So you hit Wendy's since it was so windy, whats .85$ buy? Or did u mean 85 bux?
  7. I'm all for you guys carrying in a bar, those of us that aren't allowed to carry need the extra protection just in case And I agree with stepping up the ccw criteria to pass the class, there's a lot of stupidity out there carrying guns these days
  8. I'm curious to know what went wrong.....I've been riding that area for almost 20 years, its fairly flat and no sharp turns through there.
  9. Helmutt


    This is awesome, when someone realizes a life changing experience needs to represented for the rest of their life - thats what tattoo's SHOULD be - done for a reason, not to join a club or trying to look cool, but to be part of them for the time they live - kudo's to you for waiting on an idea that has meaning, and not just picking something that looks good!
  10. Helmutt


    I'm not one to simply cast judgement, and have some friends that would appear freakish by todays standards - but these friends of mine are some of ths nicest guys you'd meet and make their living in the tattoo industry - hell, I have a sleeve myself and get judged anytime its visible in public......yet, how can anyone assume who I am at a glance anyway - I learned growing up as a Lutheran that it is immoral to judge anyone, yet the members of most of the congregations I'd attended seemed to cast it whenever given the chance. Books by their covers! How unchristian - to sway opinion due to appearances, whether their appearance be self-inflicted or otherwise.....its truly wrong......and this is a major reason I quit participating in congregated worship, along with the understanding of paying a MAN to explain God's word to me when I can read for myself. Anywhoo, sorry for the brief rant - I just have to call a tater, a tater. I can understand WHY folks would question people like this and their moralty, but fighting thoughts like these are ways to being better people ourselves. Ghandi put it best when he said "I like your Christ, but I do not like your christians......they are so unlike your Christ"
  11. Helmutt


    My plan is to finish my '96 CR250R rebuild top to bottom with fresh EVERYTHING -- then get to play on it for a while this summer and then sell it before winter.......I'll post it up in the Bikeshop here as soon as I'm ready to part with it.
  12. From a semi-newb to a new-newb;)
  13. Wheelying ANYWHERE in the dark is just plain stupid, and he was probably showing off for his brother when he should've been setting the example.....stupid. There's was a botard riding around my neighborhood last weekend at a late hour, heard him working on wheelies.....you know the sound of a small caliber bike rev'ing in a lower gear and clutching it up, followed by a feathering of the gas to keep it up on one......while listening to this go on for a few minutes, there was finally the sound of him clutching it up, but heard the bike hit the limiter then scraping sound followed by a loud crunch -- assuming he looped it out, downing the bike, and hitting a parked car or something hard. I didn't really have a clue as to where exactly this happened so I didn't pursue the site of the accident, only listened more intently for sirens or other telltale signs of injury. Never heard anymore and didn't see anything in the paper about it so I'm assuming he's alive and/or got away from the scene ok. Gotta say, it's idiots like this that make me want a place out in the sticks and away from city life -- too many assjacks out there trying to be stuntmen in town when they need to be practicing off the streets.
  14. ^^^ Thats a sweet looking ride - I like rare bikes, makes ownership that much more proud. My last bike was a '97 YZF1000R ( U.S. daddy to R1 ) and for the 6 years I had it, only knew of 3 others this side of Ohio. Gorgeous bike with timeless look, stripped it of all badges and most guys swore it looked alot newer than it was - it was almost as big as my ZX14 and a comfy ride for its class. Bike of the year in '97 and after seeing it new then, had to have one. Rare bikes aren't all their cacked up to be when you need parts though;) Most parts needed shipped in from UK - they made this bike up through '03 I believe - it was way popular overseas.
  15. Helmutt


    Six 1 four 5 six 1 two 6 three 9$ wait for it......wait.....for.....it.....YES I CAN HEAR IT HELPING!!
  16. Helmutt

    Found 1.85$

    Awwww, you're kinda cute Ringo......but seems you may be a bit gender confused by your choice in apparel? Not judging, just sayin
  17. I'd say personal preference, yes on street no on track?
  18. He doesn't go by Jimmie here, everyone calls him Jim or James but that's his name......have to ask him next week if he's a pro class archer, but he's NO pro here at work
  19. Helmutt

    Found 1.85$

    I see 11 pages too........what gives?
  20. Don't know much about this competition, but from what you've stated, I gather once you enlist and start competition you're pretty much stuck with the weapon you start with huh?? Friend of mine at work got a nice Mathews ( X7....I believe? ) and was talking about a competition coming up so he may have been there -- he's off all this week so haven't been able to consort with him to know for sure.....think he shoots for Troy Tactical and Tackle.....his name's James Gilespee - ring any bells?
  21. What's the concensus with track use of Militant Moto's Barrier Bars? I've been eyeballin' a pair for my bike since there's 2 mounting points for each side instead of just one -- but the ZX14 is prone to engine case damage with standard sliders
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