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Everything posted by Helmutt

  1. Sorry, yeah they're asking $4k but would negotiate some - they're just looking to get out from under the payment since she doesn't really ride it anymore.
  2. Helmutt


    I'm with ya man, tragic times call for drastic measures - I wouldn't be able to witness something like that and not do something to help......that would be some severe regret for the rest of my life, for sure. Had a high school friend that was killed on his bike the very night I gave him gas money to ride with......that haunted me for years......If only I'd have gone with him or never given him money that day it may have affected the outcome somehow - either way, I understood it wasn't my fault, just wanted to change the past and couldn't....... Nick, I feel where you're coming from too man......that shit's hard to stomach.......but I'm sure when in the middle of it all, our minds will overcome and allow us to do what we can - almost instinctually.
  3. Posting this link for a good friend of mine who's fiance' is looking to sell her bike......he put up the craigslist ad for her and typo'd the model year - it's actually an '06 model bike. The miles are actual and VERY low at 1600 miles, bike is bone stock except they had the seat shaved a bit and lowered the bike so she could ride it comfortably. Bike is immaculate and still has the OEM tires on it! Battery has a fresh charge on it from winter and is ready to ride http://dayton.craigslist.org/mcy/2325861996.html
  4. Dude, if you can get $4500 trade you'd better jump on that!!
  5. I'd LOVE to try and follow those fella's around the track just to get the formula down better.......definitely looked like a blast!! I got to get back in better shape this year so I can at least put in some "ok" laps eventually;)
  6. I remember when Honda of Troy was actually in Troy - right next to the railroad tracks in an old house that was converted into their first bike shop.......ahhhh, those were the days
  7. Helmutt


    There's a little race team that frequents the local tracks and call themselves "squidfarm racing" but they all wear race quality gear;) Think "squid" was coined more for any squishy-brained antics, gear or no gear.....if you're riding crazy, you be a squid LOL!!! I've been known to ride squidishly from time to time:D:D:D
  8. Helmutt


    Nah, it is relatively cheap to have it repainted - but, I wouldnt invest any $$$ just sell as is - theres got to be some ladies out there looking for a bike. Did you post this up in the bike shop too? Get more attention there
  9. Tikes is a good place to go - Mikes Bikes in North Hampton is a great mech too but overloaded right now, his shop is packed right now. Definitely dont take your yam to Honda Powersports, heard bad things about their cervix dept.
  10. It was south of ORV, damn that figures - seemed like it could've been a lot more fun if it wasn't a mudhole that day and I hadn't blown my CR. There's a couple small local tracks near me but not as much fun as Kenworthy's MX park south of Troy used to be......which was up for sale last I heard if anyone's got an extra $1.2 mil laying around - only downfall ( other than the price ) is AMA won't renew the tracks license to add it back into the MX circuit. Flooding screwed that place right out of business thanks to the river and shitty levys. Sucks too, met all my fav pro riders there since Rick Johnson all the way up to Ricky Carmichael's rookie lites season - most all my teen years were spent there.....wish I'd hit the flippin lotto already - I'd buy it!
  11. So sad to hear, my deepest condolences to all who knew, loved, and shared time with him. Ride on brother
  12. I believe that Harley guys get a bad rep with drunk riding - I mean damn, they've only been doing it since prohibition ended right? So they're pretty good at it by now;)
  13. Damn.....I'm wrong? Well, sorry for any offense.....but as stated, I concluded this opinion from your statements in this thread:D Just took a shot at it......guess I should've bought a vowel first;)
  14. Welcome to the forum! Cool and innovative product too! I'd be willing to try one for sure!!!
  15. Welcome home! Toledo huh? My last band used to play at The Main Event, Frankies, and BPM clubs there about 10 yrs ago - fun town!
  16. Helmutt


    Welcome to the forum!
  17. Helmutt


    Thats a cute ladies ride paint scheme and all - looks real clean, shouldn't have too much trouble getting what she's asking but probably wont be any fella's buying it;) Best of luck to her!
  18. Helmutt


    Welcome to the forum!! Take your time bike shopping, no need to rush into anything
  19. From what BAD is sayin about the seller, my conclusions are she's possibly homo? Or one of those "Sister-Mary-Butch" types?
  20. There are several reasons I love to ride... 1) The feeling of freedom it gives the wife and I 2) Places you can go on 2 wheels that you can't on 4 3) Parking options are twice as good on 2 wheels 4) Pure acceleration is incomparable with ANYTHING of it's price range 5) Some of the best mpg's is important with todays gas $'s 6) Cheaper to insure and maintain than my truck 7) Lane-splitting CAN be an option when traffic's stopped or extra heavy 8) Pack riding feels like I'm part of something more important 9) Comradery amongst bikers is more brotherhood than a cage club offers 10) Blastin' past idiots that can't drive without a cel phone to their ear, much less WITH one interupting their already poor operating skills
  21. Wow, a good move on their part - I havent followed VMax since the redesign but that sounds like some sweet power for a lightweight sportbike, especially after some regearing in the trans and drivetrain!
  22. Vmax is 1200cc V4.......Warrior is 1700cc V2 But neither can corner in comparison to sportbikes
  23. Thanks for the link!! But why'd you pick pink though?? Gold looks less sissy
  24. Be damn sweet to see Yamaha stuff that Warrior 1700 twin in a sport chassis!! Can't even phathom that much torque in a sportbike that weighs about half of what the Warrior's scaling in at......definitely be one hell of a wheelie monster!!!
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