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Everything posted by snot

  1. snot

    2019 Gap Trip.

    I got wet once while riding with Helmutt on the 1st day.....🤔 Let me try this again.... It rained on us for a few minutes the first day.....
  2. snot

    2019 Gap Trip.

    @Helmutt Can give more detail of when we will be there.
  3. snot

    2019 Gap Trip.

    @NinjaDoc We are going down the 10th, I had to put in for vacation before the date was set. It looks like we will miss everyone.
  4. Chris Smith (on ninjette) is an instructor at mid-o. He helped me after I crashed and is a great instructor.
  5. Like last season, I will stand in the corners for $$ if I don't race. I plan on practicing to see how i feel about racing with a bunch of crazy men.
  6. snot


    More info on generator please.... How many hours are on it?
  7. I grind off the numbers. J/k We keep everything locked up with keys
  8. So, we are going to cutout most of our red meat, add more veggies and chicken for the month of Jan.... Idea is to get off the plateau. We are both stronger but still have fat to lose.
  9. snot


    I got answers on Sunday's and Holidays... I never had an issue.
  10. Automotive is taking a hit. GM is closing a few plants and Ford is laying off thousands of saleried positions. Automotive suppliers will feel the pain soon, I know some already do. Personally, I do my job and watch my budget - just in case. I am always looking in other industries.
  11. snot


    Thank you for all your help and the great service.
  12. snot

    RD Sale

    What is the best price you can do on the Bell x-small helmet? I know the price is already super low, but I have to ask. Do you have any hip protection or small back protectors?
  13. I will need more training before I climb the skyway. But, that sounds like a good challenge.
  14. I lost majority of my weight from biking. Now, with my knee issues, my PT includes biking 10 min. on a stationary bike as my warm-up. I burn about 90 Cal. in that 10 min....I love to hate the bike.
  15. @Tonik Could be hibernating?
  16. Beginning of my new look....
  17. Surprised myself on Monday on what I could do (strength). All no impact to extremely low on Rt knee still, but getting better.
  18. Making progress at the gym just doing physical therapy. My PT is also a member so we are aggressive with my workouts. I think I will be 100% in a few more weeks.
  19. We stayed in the cabins at Iron horse our first year, I have nothing negitive to say about the place. Mid June appears to be drier than late, but I don't think it really matters. If it is going to rain it will. We don't care where, just tell us when and we will plan accordingly.
  20. Sprained my knee this past week... Sucks....still trying to do what I can until I heal.
  21. Since I sprained my knee, I really need him and the $$
  22. I thought we were dick squeezers?
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