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Everything posted by snot

  1. snot

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Thread Jack: @Casper Do you know the dates for next years June Gap trip? /jack
  2. snot

    New Mod Vote.

    Will any of the new mods be able to ban Tonik for a day? We could have a contest... I think the only advantage of a mod would be to see all the post that are deleted by accident.
  3. snot

    New Mod Vote.

    Uncle Punk should of been on the list
  4. snot

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    I am not going because of school. I did learn today I have a vacation day to burn Jack Daniels BBQ!!
  5. Could go back to using chastity belts on girls.
  6. snot


    If it would stop raining, yes all of ride. Most of us have bikes...a few don't. See you at the epic ride.
  7. I say all boys should have a vasectomy at 15 (or when they decide to have sex) and if they want kids have it reversed... Best birth control. Threaten to cut a teenage boys nut sac and they will think twice about sex..... ......I am just joking...
  8. You talk shit about riders you don't know too. Are you going to the epic ride? If so maybe once you meet some of us you might change your tune. We are good people and enjoy a good laugh.
  9. Several members here are coaches at Mid Ohio.
  10. Your still young you will heal fast.... At least I hope you have a speedy recovery and are twice as strong when it's over.
  11. snot


    This is ORdN this is a warning to all of those who enter... Wear full gear while engaging in forum activity. Extra layers of skin required.
  12. Holy crap guys. You all need to visit @redbarron77 s threads and chill. Remember it's not winter Everyone has a good point, mods did what they thought they needed to do. Someone was offense by the word pussy and they felt it needed corrected. Another mod might agree or disagree but we can't find them...
  13. ^^ that's what usually happens.
  14. I am not stable... I am girl which makes me crazy. I can't right now with school starting soon. I can back seat mod if Hellmutt wants to try his hand at it... And if he keeps his ears on he will hear me tell him where to turn ( sometimes I am actually right, 1 out of 2 times). Thank you Doc for thinking of us.
  15. I was in the kitchen, sorry. The rest must of been out riding.
  16. You should be a mod so you can have the same powers..
  17. No way it's great entertainment... I like watching them get their asses handed to them by the others...it's a great way for some of us to vent too.
  18. Oh and I actually think anyone riding in fast group should be known by at least one of the others. Last 2 rides we have had some non-OR riders in our group. In one ride one went down (he had no business riding with us), this rider was riding over his head. The 2nd time we had riders who disrespected others by riding like an asshat. Same group, we had a rider that: knew his limit, chose to ride in the back of the pack, was level headed, and respectful (UP brought him). I am willing to let them ride with us if they can respect the ride and group. This is why I sweep, I don't want people up my ass and I carry the 1st aid kit.
  19. It's rare a thread is locked or stays locked. OhiO pissed off @MidgetTodd a while back too. He talks a lot of shit without knowing the riders.
  20. snot

    What's new

    New layout isn't bad after you get use to it. Welcome back.
  21. Holy fuck who in the fuck on OR would ever report the word "pussy"? Have they not read a single thread on OR?
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