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Everything posted by snot

  1. So if the first Guess is the only on that counts, what if we edit the post?
  2. See Tonik I am not the only one.... I say you washed daily, at a car wash I will guess 9.
  3. Lol... You can't tie a knot with my snot because it's just a spot. Guess I deserve to be sent back to the kitchen.
  4. How nice of you to point out my spell check hates your name... See you are just the nicest mod...Tonik
  5. I still have the 30 hour to do. I got both my 10s done. What site are you using?
  6. Thanks @Idiot I was bord a while ago and read all the threads that were referenced again. Just to add to the insults.... Tonik is a great mod. (since he is a hater compliments = insult).
  7. snot

    Happy 4th of July

    Thank you to those who have/are serving in our military. Thank you to all our first responders. Happy 4th of July
  8. snot

    Good News thread:

    Congratulations! They are beautiful...must of got their looks from Mom.
  9. I though you slept in a jello filled hot tub?
  10. That sucks, it's not cheap fixing teeth. Can your insurance go back and charge the other driver for the replacement? I had a wisdom tooth cut out and removed from the side of my jaw (it was stuck under the jaw bone). I felt everything, the novocain didn't take... Sucked.
  11. snot

    Vintage Days

    Bump Who is in?
  12. I guess the grom would look like a 600 with a midget on it.
  13. I am in recovery, it has been 14 months since I bought a bike. I started buying a bike a year, then it was 2. I was forced back to the kitchen until I could control my addiction. Now I like through my husband, he bought a new bike late last year. I twitched a little and almost relapsed.
  14. Ahhh....we miss you and all your shenanigans.
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