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Everything posted by snot

  1. More drama in here than a high school girls locker room... "Hi my name is snot and I am to slow for mach retard" I always enjoy seeing peeps and getting out to ride.
  2. More like I go back in a few weeks... Physics this semester, More math...ugh. Then Chem 1 and 2 then Bio 1.
  3. snot


    You have to wear out the kids. Make them play outside, take them swimming, etc... Or add a shot of absolute to the kool aid
  4. snot

    Hookers and Blow

    Happy Birthday @rollnhot I hope you get all the blow you can handle....and clean hookers.
  5. Give her some blow...
  6. It is in the ranting section... Whore is in the title
  7. @CbrGirl Happy Birthday!!!!
  8. Holy fuck! This was not worth leaving the kitchen for.... I have seen better threads from the girls...like the whore thread.
  9. snot

    RIP Rider

    RIP Prayers sent.
  10. Hopefully you heal fast.
  11. More info... I have Chinese levers....
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