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Everything posted by snot

  1. We missed that. We are in the Smokeys.... Some where
  2. We are at the wild wood grill.
  3. We are at the wild wood getting a bite
  4. We are on our way now, should be there around 1 or 1:30. We won't be ready to ride until 3ish (got to unload bikes and gear up).
  5. You're just mad the thigh high boots didn't fit. I know... I am going back to the kitchen now to make your sammich...
  6. My laptop is slower with 10, I hate all the little apps and bullshit it adds.
  7. You're not new in our group... or at least not with Hellmutt and I.
  8. Hey big brother... Glad you finally said hi. You can pick up your sammich next week. Yes it is true he is my brother.
  9. Remembering to get the group photo before the fast group leaves was nice.
  10. I can bring the beef jerky, sammiches and your balls... Better yet I better stay in the kitchen with the doors locked
  11. What's the plan for Thursday night?
  12. The award is a great way to get your story out there. I know it will save someone else's life. Sorry we will not be able to attend, our hearts and prayers are with you.
  13. The more the better...
  14. HI Just north of Dayton here.
  15. snot

    Happy Birthday IP!

    Happy Birthday!!! I made you a sammich.
  16. The dream ride of 2012 was my first OR ride. I think there was one before that @NinjaDoc would know for sure. The threads were in his signature at one point. thank you for putting them all in one place.
  17. I have been through 3 different ALICE training classes. Barricades can be made out of desk, or whatever is in the room to wedge against the door. Just not a person. I found all 3 had good points but they are conflicting with some info. One said have a place to gather... No thanks. One said leave lights on one said off. Both made good points depending on the situation. All my classes are for a factory/office setting. My new job has me as the first person you see walking in. I am not at my desk very often. I wish I could carry at work.
  18. His sack will be in the back pack next to the sammiches, not bringing the purse. Just want to make sure that is clear.
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