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Everything posted by snot

  1. Keep telling your story. I think it is great you are letting others I ow what a difference it makes. I can't find a link for the story, if you know it please post.
  2. @redkow97 This is a good topic. My dad had a bike before me, he has always had a bike. He made time for both kids and bike. He rode to work and went on rides with friends. My first ride was around the block at 3-4 (i say in front of him). As we got older he would take us on rides one at a time for 10-15 min. each. When we could be alone at home for longer periods he took us for longer rides. He went on rides with friends while we stayed with grandma. My step dad got his bike when I was a kid....he also sold me my first bike. I thought my dad's were the coolest dad's ever.
  3. A group from my work is going the 13th, one of them is a member here.
  4. Forgot to tell you, I ordered a cleanse for both of us. So, you will lose a few soon and then it's back to fish but on the grill.
  5. So the question is when are you going?
  6. Start rant: WTF CBus!! I am taking a class in Pickerington this week...great class, love the training. But... I70 is a train wreck. Over the last few years it was full of construction, why the fuck did you install all those potholes?! I am driving a football (see pic, Fiat 500), I am afraid it will get stuck in the potholes have potholes. No way all that construction and they didn't fix the potholes, so my conclusion is they must of installed them. They are placed in such away that every lane and every part of each lane has a pothole hidden some where... Don't drink and drive or you will spill your beer. /rant
  7. It means I just work and make sammiches instead of work, school, sammiches made from left overs.
  8. I am officially on summer break from school.
  9. snot

    Mother's Day

    Happy mothers day ladies! It's our out of kitchen pass day, so enjoy it!!!
  10. Change the name to save the tits epic ride.. @Hellmutt will provide email address.
  11. Ours arrived today and are like the rest... They came with tits. What do you need from us?
  12. I haven't had a c.c. since 1995. I only buy what I can pay for in less than a year with the exception of our home and my car.
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