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Everything posted by MIKE53ALI

  1. .... all are welcome as soon as I iron out the details. this ride will have an 11am or noon start time....
  2. startin' in ashland. whats better coming south from millersberg? oh83 or oh60?
  3. I'm most likely coming from akron. so boliver will be a meet point regardless right? what if some people met in millersburg and some people met in boliver and then both groups meet in coshocton? just an idea..... I must admit I'm getting a little lost in the details
  4. I'm probably starting from ashtabula county... so I know my butt's gonna be hurting but it'll be worth it. heck... worst come to worst, maybe I can find a cheap sleezy motel lol.... actually, I'll be ending my trip in akron that night so it wont be so bad. should we start a thread for the northeasters to meet together for this ride? I've lost track... are we starting in columbus or newark? maybe I should just go back and read whats already posted.... my bad....
  5. bump. any updates? I may be starting from ashtabula that day. sounds like we are gonna have a lotta people from all over.... could we (or should we?) try to put up some e.t.a.s of waypoints for the day? that way people can catch up where they can.
  6. that is disgusting ! and I use to have a seca like that! I miss that bike!
  7. yeah.... we'll have to see..... my bike as at my buddy's car lot and I'm not sure if I'll be able to get it by tommorow morning. add me at facebook/ghalibali and I'll send my number if you just wanna cruise around. me and a buddy will probably just be cruisin as long as it doesnt look like its gonna rain too bad
  8. Isaac's Papa is the man! ducrx does good work for a fair price. replaced fuel pump replaced front tire but what I'm impressed with his machine and fabrication skills! my aprilia needed a final solution for exhaust hangers (as you may have seen from us on the side of the road on a ride (thanks ninjadoc))and he did a good job! I think I may have found a new go to guy for anything more than an oil change!
  9. I'll take you up on that. I'll probably be cruzin around anyways. wanna just meet at the bp in the valley at some time at like 11 or something? unless cookout plans comeup of course :-)
  10. needless to say, I'll be interviewed..... RIDE 2012 BABY!!!!!!
  11. a couple of things..... .... one.... doc, whats the biggest size shirt you have? I'll look for mine but maybe take another one..... 2. I don't mind helpin' you with organization on the spot... or leading an intermediate or scenic group (as long as I can get a printed itinerary with directions) and a 2nd local rider to refer to who may know the route better. 3. I wouldn't mind sweeping either, especially if we do get a lot of newer riders or even leading the newer riders. 4. bottom line, I'll help out where and when I can. and 5. you know me doc, I want my camera time!!! and oh! let's try really hard for that one big formation shot on the highway again. I have not seen all of your newer vids, but just practice to see the right placement and angle for the gopro. if someone whats to get an extra view, I can mount a gopro on my bike, but I dont have one, just an idea if someone has an extra one.
  12. ... who's gettin' hyped for this? THIS GUY!!!!!..... I dunno if I can find my shirt from last year though......
  13. somebody loan this chic a bike!
  14. I might be in akron. if not, bikerboy is for sure
  15. this was a success last year! lets just be sure we get the filming right! I'm in. and fyi. some people in your list sold their bikes, doc. hollywood is one of them
  16. I'm from copley. did u go to copley high? I graduated 05. u?
  17. .....sounds like what were the last days of rolling acres mall in akron.....
  18. ok cool. thanks guys. I've been to that wallmart but didn't notice much of anything else around there. I'm back up here in jefferson, so if you guys wanna hang out let me know. got all the nfl games here. byob as well!
  19. looks like you're ready to go crosscountry with those cases, doc. lol
  20. lol. I figured you would post first. the shop is right across the street from the jefferson police department like "stoogies cigars" on facebook
  21. well sort of... still movin' in I guess. I just opened up a cigar shop in jefferson. I know there are a few people on here runnin' around here. I don't know where anything is up here nor do I know anybody. so feel free to hit me up to hang out or go for a ride when I get my bike back and get it up here. I'll be at the fair everynight this week passin' out flyers for the shop! if you see me, take a flyer and say hi!
  22. this is true, I've know quite a few sikhs now. it is a different religion to say the least.
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