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Everything posted by Revelstoker

  1. From everything I have read, your symptoms are the same as what I have experienced with my past motorcycles = bad gas. You may have run it a week ago, just enough to suck some bad gas in. Anyway, my guess is that you are going to have to take it in or find someone to clean our your fuel system. Bike would start but die on rev. Take it in, get it serviced and you will be good to go.
  2. New tire mounted - check bike serviced and looked over - check new exhaust clamp installed - check Now, I just need to get my gloves repaired and take a hard look at the suit. Question, is there anyone in the CinDayBus area that sews leather or repairs suits?
  3. What he said. I carry $100/300k as well. most of the issue is your age and type of bike. Guys get their first insurance break at 25 and the next one at 30 or maybe it is married.
  4. Don't let them guilt ya. Cruisers are fine and perfect for taking the ladies for a ride. My wife will only ride the bagger and it is perfect for putting her purse in one bad and a 6 pack for her winey self in the other bag. She loves being the B.O.B.
  5. Oh my! T1 is the only one I can remember having rocks. Glad you hear you are ok.
  6. professional driver on closed course with actors. Still a great ad.
  7. To the OP, how did Barber go?
  8. Well, I am not going to make it this year. Taking the track bike to Louisville for service and meeting friends for the day. I was looking forward to putting some more faces with the names.
  9. Intersted in a set of yellow and black Helimot guantlet gloves. Not quite fully broken in yet? Size large? They were a touch too small for me so I gave up trying to break them in. Kangaroo palms and all. They look similar to these:
  10. Boldy optimistic as it is still officially winter and Easter snows are still probable. Though, I like your confidence.
  11. Agree as it is not about HP with a HD. HP = torque * rpm/5252 Sporty has tons of torque, just not a lot of RPM. So, OP is covered for pulling stumps but not for setting high-speed land records. Welcome to the HD world.
  12. I rode through the park and it is absolutely worth the trip. I think I rode 28, 30 and 3 from Utica to Placid. I went back on I87 and stopped in Saratoga. Enjoy.
  13. In all honesty, they should consider taking away the pads and helmets. The amount of pads they wear today are akin to armor and I am convinced enables much more aggressive hits. Game would tone down a bit if it was more of a mix of rugby and lacrosse. Shared pain. Most of us have played football without pads with friends and it is still a lot of fun. Heck, Lingerie football is great and shows that uniforms are not necessary for good play. CE type armor with lighter weight helmets more like Lacrosse of Hockey.
  14. Nope, but I did the MCRA even last spring or the year before at Putnam that was oversold and no fun.
  15. Be careful, seems as if there are a lot of baggers on the forum. "T" types mostly though.
  16. Agree with most here. We had two of those first BDay parties and most of the party is a celebration for the parents of making it through the first year and seeing friends that you have not had a chance to be with. No need to over think it or go to a great expense. Cake for the kid and beer for the rest. Close friends and family, no one cares about the space.
  17. OK, I will take the bait. wife and only 85% chance that it is yours? I think if my wife said that, there would be a 100% chance that I would be single the next day.
  18. I am booked for Barber (june 22/23rd, I think) with X-Act. I am driving down solo and have room if you want to go. I will most likely take off Friday and plan to leave Dayton around 9am. I did offer up room to the OP, but first come first serve.
  19. If bonuses are going to happen, then this event will happen for me. STT has a new policy about only letting you register online for the class you rode with last. So, I only ever rode Novice with them, so I need to see about how to do I. I am being lazy, anyone have a clue? CCW has a jump, Cadwell Park style? (i think that is the UK track that racers get air on) Getting air sounds like a blast. Well, until it is not. I was planning a Dragon ride on the May 11th weekend. So many good options, so little time.
  20. From my handful of days there, every corner can be sketchy but T4 seems to get more early morning mishaps.
  21. I wear sunglasses all the time under my helmet as I don't want to dink with carrying different face shields (clear, tinted) Wether long rides or on the track, I have no issues with pressure but "sporting" glasses tend to have rather thin and flexible ear pieces. My brother wears his glasses for vision for both track and road rides, he has never complained and he has a big ole fat head.
  22. Go to a store that carries a few brands and try them on. Vanson, Astar, Dianese, Joe Rocket, AGV,.... all fit different. At 6'2"and 200, I am a 46 and wear an AGV suit. It is a bit big in the chest but allows for a back protector/chest protector. As others have said, if you can stand up comfortably or don't struggle to get in/out, it is too big. 2 piece is most likely a better bet as you have more options for seasonal riding vs a 1 piece.
  23. As others have said, you are borrowing from yourself so the interest rate is of no matter. Paying back quicker is better than letting it draw out. There are hardship withdrawals depending on what you need the money for. The biggest catch with a loan is that you have to fully pay back the loan if you quit or are terminated with an outstanding balance. It is not a bad way to go but borrowing from these plans should be a last resort and not treated as a savings account. Check with your administrator for the TnCs
  24. Amen on that. I learned this mistake the hard way.
  25. I am but it is not SBK. Is is WSS, still a bloody good race!!!
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