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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. Sell them all and buy the venture and post exciting long trips and iron buts and other similar rides which I hope I can start doing by next year. Forget this track non sense and to answer the question, 600cc I think 2008+ R6 next year. Have u tried riding the fz with no wind screen at all just to see how it feels, solid upright with clean air uptop?
  2. So which mod will act in this scenario ?
  3. Great bike, this one and fz6 are very under rated overall but absolute perfect super fun street motorcycles. You gonna rip some twisties up on these after all those heavy handed Connie days. Change name to fizzer1?
  4. Wow haven't heard from you for a long time. Will be good to see you again. There might be couple of riders from up north I am sure.
  5. Jamie, don't worry about me. As of now My chance of making it is next to none. if it was even 50% I would have tried to insert myself some where in your ride. As of now don't even bother trying to squeeze me in. If by some miracle I can make it I will try to run through 536 800 etc and see you guys if I see you guys.
  6. Now after all the time I wasted on waiting for them to reply, then went with redesign and redo the whole thing. Now today they reply "sorry design was all okay" that campaign restarted ..... daaaaaayuuuum In case you like the old design better ...I guess either ways no one cares lol https://teespring.com/roar-536
  7. Thanks @durk yes hope to see you there and hope for better weather as well. @JustinNck1 suggested a route change which I might add on later. Just wanting to see who all are interested in the ride. Most likely there will be around only 10-15 bikes and 3 small groups which makes organizing and last minute changes easy.
  8. Nelson almost looks okay to do on an fjr kinda straight and less challenging tights. If no other choice maybe Nelson it is. I really wanted to do on striple since I think this might be my go to bike all the time. Hope to get on a track and aim was to get some confidence back. I tried riding again, but I am doubting myself and not feeling comfortable at all
  9. Is there any weekend track days coming up which you guys plan to get together?
  10. T shirts are now available / after many emails they didnt respond what i have to change. So i just uploaded again with change in font to absolute free windows kinda basic font. So far so good. Hopefully we still have time to get few Tees before the ride. But the design is pretty generic as in if you been on ohio roads at any point of time you are good to go https://teespring.com/new-roar-2017
  11. jamie, if at all i get a slight bit of chance i will try to jump in and join. Hopefully you guys have some break scheduled around 800 zone on the way down to the river.
  12. Wish I had off day, would be a light traffic day for sure. Wonder when will @Tonik get geny heater trailer etc etc
  13. He is home now, getting prepped for chemo. Hit some rough patches in between but better days recently. I keep hoping he would post an update some day himself in his usual sarcastic humor style
  14. Awesome, gonna be lone trooper? Or getting some company. Will be a nice weekend hangout for Michigan folks. And can stay in Caldwell which is kinda close to the event and good riding.
  15. Yes that was the name I was looking for, pretty decent place. For the smallish group size it will be a nice place to hang and right at the end of ride.
  16. How's motus dealer network?
  17. I sure will keep that in mind if i am riding down alone, most likely i might be with family if everything lines up right and basecamp in hocking hills area. awesome, might have enough for another all heavy touring rigs group.
  18. I thought EBR had better launch pad and platform and still couldnt survive / hope these guys pull it off.
  19. great pictures, thx for sharing derek. Best to see John up and about. hope to see him soon on two wheels
  20. Awesome, if I am coming the day before like last epic ride will try to join you guys for the said steak dinner @bowdog hope he can make it, the only few remaining OR active folks I haven't met or rode with. Also @Dre hope u also make it, I O U a ride after the first and last one we were together got crashed out.
  21. I remembered you saying that, that's why was saying many epic freq flyers probably absent. But you love T shirts lol hehehehe
  22. I guess that makes it bit unique. Like, spring epic ride more "rider" and "building new riding friends and groups for the upcoming season" focused. And may be we can keep fall ride as more "the ride" and "enjoying the roads of Ohio before the end of season" kinda theme. Plus we get to have two different sets of T shirts : D
  23. Thx Tonik, may be the design was too good for the tee spring guys, they put a hold on it as of now. No third party notice or copyright claim or anything, they are assuming something wrong because of number + map combo I think. Anyways except for the part of Ohio map of course, everything else is created and drawn out by me. I am hoping they clear it by today. Plus us I kept the logo date/event independent as in you really don't have to be part of that days ride to appreciate a homage to the great roads of Ohio. Almost all here have been there and done that
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