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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. NinjaDoc


    From the album: Feejer days

  2. It was a pleasure meeting talking and riding with you Kent. Sorry about me wanting to cut short the ride. And thanks for coming eastward with me. What I was afraid of was happening on my way down to meet you in new concord. I was riding very defensive, slowing down excessively in all corners with shadows in it or which seemed like pavement was questionable, this was affecting my whole rhythm, just not "feeling it" today and overall by the time I hit new concord I had decided I better be not riding like this. Lot to do with the psych state and possibly losing touch of the fjr which seems entirely different from the striple. But it was awesome of you to follow me eastward I hope you were happy with the route and possible some new to you roads. I am guessing you probably did almost all of southern seo roads and some of the east end roads are worth a try. It might take me few more rides to get back into the groove it seems. Some sections I was feeling good but then some random stuff would pop up in roads triggering the alarm center to dial it down and just head home easy and stop riding forever But all in all great day to ride and happy to just jump right back in despite being very fun shy. Again @Howabusa your a good rider, am not talking about the speed part alone, overall good rider who just enjoys being on the road and trying newer and different routes and the overall...you relish the journey haha
  3. NinjaDoc


    From the album: OR folks

  4. I am just happy to see lot more OR folks at every ride, lot more ride options pop up, and overall good positive real ride build ups.
  5. imagine this happening right in a corner, i tried as much as possible to loosen up and hold on but just couldnt finish the corner and ended up in grass But to be honest my presence of mind was just instinctual to slow down to make it around that corner and i dont think i gave it enough throttle exactly J, as i mentioned in the first post, what happened was completely avoidable/ mainly and wholly my fault and on a regular normal day riding would never have happened if i was paying even the slightest attention. But i really am thinking of adding the stabilizer if it will will give me even 10% additional protection and edge to minimize or survive these scenarios .
  6. not perfect, but it was okay and not terribly unbalanced.
  7. Good point, In a way thats why i started to love upright bikes, it is because of inherent body position of not putting too much weight on hands/handle bar for regular street riding. And for the minimal top speed we try to achieve on straights in street riding, we dont really need an aggressive tuck position. I almost feel like i ride much better the upright ones than full on RR bikes. Anyways i was just trying to put the discussion up here just as a reminder or help others. If one persons at least gets help from it, its worth it. Durk had graciously said he would keep this hush hush, but i told him i posted up. Even if it means some shame and ego hurt, there is always a reminder or learning exp. Plus there are only two kinds of riders, those who crashed and those who will crash. Personally for me, i was strongly expecting this one day with my bad habit of zoning out during the boring commute part to and from an actual ride. I was just happy it happened when we were going slower and steady and there by reduced eternal damage.
  8. Not corsas, the rossos, reasonable ST tires for that price
  9. RD had good offer on Diablo rosso in the sponsor segment
  10. Dayum, wish I was in the market. Question is what caught your eyes to sell this beauty
  11. Makes sense. The lucky part or unlucky part is I was just cruising along and not even aggressive. I was probably sitting upright just countersteering just minimal lean and going slowish.
  12. Even the mammoth gold wings get tank slapper, may not be virulent as light weight bikes but still they get it, it's just physics of wheel riding and weight has only minimal impact on the same. Totally agree, in fact I am happy it was restricted to this considering the risks I been taking literally every other ride. But I don't want to quit now since I might never get back on the bike if I do now, I don't want to change my riding style since apprehensive scared riding is more dangerous than your instinctual basic riding habit. And I don't think I will learn to sleep well before a ride but definitely won't be getting out when dead floor tired and sleepy in future. At least that much I should resign myself to do. It's quite a catch 22, love riding to the point can't sleep well from excitement, can't ride well since you didn't sleep well. Suspension I can understand minimize risk of tank slappers, but how does body position ? You can get hit with tank slappers even in straight line. T, On a side note, I changed the rear rebound as you suggested and it was behaving much better on rough roads.
  13. Yep fz09 left me underwhelmed as well, peach motor with lot of sub par components that's doesn't do the motor any justice. Mothership knows it, they are just milking the motor for couple of years then will release a proper bike that will do justice to the motor and Yamaha heritage. Haven't tried the new one yet.
  14. Hope things work out fast for you @TimTheAzn , but why the heck you don't wanna be in Athens - so close to the good stuff
  15. Exactly, in my mind I always thought it can be dealt with when I was reading about it. And when it really did, maaaan that was freaking bull crap. I don't want this fear to affect my riding in future, that's why strongly considering dampening as an insurance or pseudo insurance.
  16. Wish my go pro was running at that time, minor head shakes and sort of jittery feeling I have experienced in past, as durk said almost stupid fun. This was just so violent I couldn't even think straight, almost like I was about to be ejected right off the bike. I am afraid if this happens again I still might not be able to do anything about it
  17. I was reading more and more about it and watching all the thousands of video on YouTube and am sure this is what happened to me after the first slide. I never had experienced it before and couldn't believe how violent it was that I just couldn't control it. As I remember it my front gave away at an aggressive lean, but then I some how regained myself escaping a corner wash out only to follow up with this virulent mess. But I still thought it was impossible to happen and all of this just in my mind, until I double checked with @durk whtr he could see it. And as he described it "you were getting thrown around like a ragged doll on that bike" i remember @Al Z. Heimer telling me one time he had one and presence of mind to escape it by lifting front wheel again of ground. That thought flashed through my mind but it was all so fast. Question is, does having a steering dampener etc act as an insurance against these in future? What else could be done during these episodes?
  18. Thought i will make a quick poll on dates / polls open for just one week // we will need to try to fix the date fast so we can all make plans Will post up the big topic with some changes, hopefully people will like those minor changes as this will be more and more rider focused. Was thinking more along this line Spring ride > basic theme > bring out more new riders and exp the group ride / connect more and more folks together / "new rider" friendly format / easy shorter route /overall celebrate new season / Fall ride > basic theme > more 'experienced rider' friendly format/ will have all types of speed groups from slow to fast as in past rides / more compact groups/ longer and more technical route/ overall Celebrate and appreciate some great Ohio Twisties
  19. i was literally gonna post it on sunday after the saturday ride high for majority of OR folks unfortunately it dint work out lol But can i still help organize it ? I had some ideas to work with to make some small changes to make it easy and clean. Lets just fix sep 16 as its late enough for us to make plans and not too late that risk of unexpected fall weather crapping on us. Plus polls usually never work out one way or other.
  20. Dayum, my plan was to get to the meet sit meet you folks and head back. Well missed meeting some more folks. Lol wanted to get pics for the collection as well. Good to see OR come out together.
  21. Yea jerry was not at all paying attention at all since it was our trusty 164 and was just on auto pilot mode and cruising. Better sleep and rest I could have saved it I think. Any ways could have been worse, at least rode it home.
  22. Guess I won't be making it there went down on 164, hit a patch of gravel tried to save it, wobbled all the way around it hit but ran out of road and hit the wet grass and wooosh slid right away. Durk was right behind me, I think he would almost have bet I saved it. Hind sight is 20/20 may be I could have saved it. Any ways, Feeling all okay, good thing was atgatt and we were just cruising and not the usual Tomfoolery lol it was only a matter of time before the numbers caught upto me. All these sleep less riding and taking chance is nothing but stupid idea. And I was careless since I know the road well, never seen gravel in that corner and I took it for granted it would be clean and didn't pay attention and was fully committed into the corner and didn't even realize it until very late. As time goes by I feel more and more like an idiot for not avoiding it in the first place and not concentrating enough to save it. I did the difficult section of finishing the corner but I might have tried to slow down making the wooble worse now I think about it. It was like a tank slapper and boy even though short lived very violent that just took me by surprise. Lastly big thanks for durk to help me get back on road and get going. I was wearing a crappy wind beater cold weather gloves and not the full gauntlet. Left hand took a beating and couldn't use it fully, durk took my bike out and bend the shift pedal back. And here I am home ride safe guys. Just wanted to give you guys an update just in case this helps some one be extra careful.
  23. what a day what a lovely day to ride I must say, wish I had few hours to sleep Still, showing up is a matter of pride Feel like, even if your eyes, muscle and bones weep
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