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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. Worth it, Good call going full bang and not half heartedly and ending up with cheaper left over. The electronic support / better fully adjustable front end / and lower and wider bars might just be the key to trach stardom. From the reviews the engine has been better tamed but with more powaaaaaa
  2. If by some miracle I am free I am gonna run down with durky
  3. That's what I thought when I left home, was lucky to make it home And this is on bike with half as much torque.
  4. U won't get wet, tomorrow is a good day, ditch negative thought, imagine sweet corners and serenading engine notes, lively soul of motorcycle becoming one with you and ripping through them waves of asphalt with cold air seeping in through them vents to cool your brain which is running hot from all the adrenaline and aching muscles from grinning
  5. Good call, Derek is too strong. Good side of story is the tail is fizzling away, by tonight major chunk all gone, tomorrow is going to be a nice day to ride if we are lucky we get a splatter of baby shower to cool us down. But be careful tomorrow, seeing today's activity roads condition will be unpredictable with crap all over. And praying 536 didn't get washed away again.
  6. Simply a lot more of them to be stolen easily, as they are outdoors getting ridden, the euro brands are either in showroom or back at the repair shop. Harley's are safe in heated garage or enclosed trailers.
  7. On radar Ohio is going to be engulfed by that blob tomorrow, As of now hope for tomorrow is none existent for me. I am hoping the tail end fizzle away so at least Sunday might prove worth while for a ride.
  8. Sunday I can join at least half way.
  9. with the new street triple did they just kill the speed triple? or do they have bigger plans for that engine? Only time will tell i guess. the other day was at the dealership, saw the new striple in person sat on it and made vrooom vroom sounds. to be honest in person look wise not much eye popping difference, in fact many of the after market support same with current model. the components stand out both in spec wise as well as blink factor , brembos and ohlins etc ride position felt more comfortable than my current street triple, dont know how to explain, more natural, good ergonomic bend on hips, knees and elbows. And enough space and "stoopness" to tuck. Of course the beast inside the bike is completely different than the current one. Some day will test ride it and see.
  10. Dayum, so the radar is right on the money i was hoping it would fizzle away. Well that means tomorrow is gonna be very tough. The front tomorrow is bigger size than today. If this keeps up sunday might be dry for sure then coz rest of the tail is insignificant Will wait till tonight to see, if the weather look like there is enough window of opportunity to get out early and head south to miss the mid to upper ohio area rain i will still try for that. if not will have to sit this one out, then i am just gonna kick and punch some crap around here and sulk all day in self consuming frustration about unchangeable fate and weather. yes, definitely i plan to do that. But Suspension setting is not at all a dark art if you have some basic understanding and used to just riding based on the instinct and feel, and the setting is not put into extreme worse spectrum of adjustment. There is mainly only three things/ SAG/ compression/ Rebound. Once with help of second person to measure the sag is set as much close to recommended setting as possible all that remains is (compression / dampning) which mainly is based on your riding style. The main difference between track and road is the varying road conditions, varying speeds etc unless we have fancy skyhook/ddc etc, You sort of go for a happy medium/ which is tailor made for you/ which only we can get by understanding and attempting to do it ourselves / put it in factory recommended setting for starters/ and then by riding around different roads, stopping and clicking +/- until we find a comfortable yet confident place. The current setting is okay and i am happy with it. As of now, no diving,no pogo sticking, no bounce, no wallowing, etc but In my mind i prefer i wish it was two more clicks softer, but i am already maxed out on clicks to go with this.The option remaining is getting lower weight oil / dont want to spend money on valving/ for sag getting lower spring etc I plan to do in winter if i like this bike and plan to keep it for next year. Still Having said that I am gonna pick the brains of them guys next time we have break during ride and then go over everything to double check if i am doing it right way. Always surprised by what another set of experienced eyes brings to the table. And the worse part for street triple is the insane place where the rebound screw is located on the forks right below handle bar and no direct access with screw driver. Gonna bring my low profile tool and stuff to next group ride and check with them guys.
  11. the radar looks like its raining in columbus area now. is it actually raining there? if thats not happening the next set of darkies behind it wont rain on us tomorrow. A theory not at all based on science but just hope.
  12. He seems to be enjoying too much, we need to bad324 him
  13. burns a little bit then....he is just gonna laugh in our face, take his bike and go on another 5K mile perfect bike trip some where during his next vacation while we sit here and suffer in the rain, and post crap here, 0 miles clicking on the odo .... the only good side on that is ........ they wont invite tonic next time as well
  14. i need this ride.... i need to ride.... bloody rain right on the one weekend off after three straight great weekends
  15. Sooooo, back on topic. Weather already feels better by evening not as dense as they predicted. Gut feeling says it's gonna be cloudy 80ish and no rain a fierce battle between Derek's magnet and toniks dome
  16. Hahaha i am happy with where I am. Good enough to have fun ride.
  17. I think this is where it's confusing, too little by which you mean valves are least open and hence fork is stiff as in, you push down and it comes up slow. Right? Mine is set up to fully opened and still it's stiff as in some more to go before I can get it to where I like it. Very true, only adjusts ride height. So if you don't set the right height based on the shift in weight the front to back geometry of the bike will be in disarray
  18. wonder if those captive spacers are worth the investment. I had a hard cover book just the right size under the tire to align them things. But as jerry said, it just didnt have width to go in with that bloody caliper slide in design. I was afraid to mess with it and break any thing, and he just finagled it in a snap
  19. yep fully adjustable / i went to softest possible rebound and then added one click back. But i was always curious of this, general consensus is dont go all the way to bottom of setting. Why is this. as in preload now its loest possible, all line showing then i just added a tiny bit back. Compression i have couple more clicks left. feels pretty good spot as of now. Rebound is okay for now. honestly once i got new rubbers its making good difference (obviously) hahaha no that was my first and last experiment/ no more changing geometry the engineers set Not perfectly, need another person the next time so far shock seems okay to get sag. Front there is no more that can be done other than changing spring.
  20. Everything lowest possible spring too stiff for me I guess. Weirdly the stock spring and oil weight seems to be good enough for me on paper, but in reality stiff. In fact it appeared stiff even for jerry when he tested it
  21. It hurts when u say that. once I get a ride in the fix will keep me away from forum for some days. Then it restarts again. This is the closest to riding I guess.... talking about motorcycles and riding
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