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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. had some issues similar to this in duc, is this a brembo rear system on the ape? preface: I am a complete noob when it comes to mechanical skillset, but hopefully this helps since I had similar problem to this and know how frustrating it can be I am pretty sure you did this, but just in case to be systematic / assuming all the more common scenarios like wrapped rotors, non aligned wheel / faulty calipers/components etc are ruled out 1 start cold > both front rear cold > check play for the rear brake before it engages / spin rear wheel see how smooth / mark lvl of fluid in rear reservoir / check temp in cylinder and reservoir 2. go for a ride over 15 to 30 mins, slow around the block not using any rear brake at all and front as minimal needed 3. Come back check temps > for sure the back will be higher I guess which is why we have this discussion 4. Spin rear wheel again / check rear brake pedal free play again right after stopping 5. both front and rear is supposed to heat up since the rotor and pad touches every so slightly plus various other reason stated above > but the brake reservoir system should negate the pressure build up from heated up fluid. 6. But If there is more bite and more resistance to spin in rear compared to before > more pressure in the rear system > then this means fluid is not backing up to the reservoir as its supposed to > and in turn it ends up similar to you dragging your feet on pedal with mild force 7. If free play is reduced significant compared to before that means you probably can get away with giving it still more free play and try again 8. If reservoir lvl stays the same this means there is problem with fluid back up as in the minor pores in cylinder getting clogged etc / 9. At times in some bikes due to location of the rear cylinder closer to exhaust/ engine component etc it can get heated up pretty fast and cause more pressure build up. In this case the cylinder will be much higher temp than the rear rotor 10. some times its just a cylinder which needs revamped or changed. ( this is why I asked about brembo as the duc monster 1200 had some recalled rear cylinders ) excuse me if the whole wall of txt is a bunch of malarkey > that's the way I understood after reading some threads about it. there are tons of better guys to take advice from in this forum and mine should be the last to consider. Again my mechanical know how is at best close to a toddler working on tricycle. But if this kinda helped give you a new thought process so be it and come to epic ride and shake my hands.
  2. Hey you were supposed to keep it easy on yourself and family. Don't make her do it, ... but on a side note if by the 10th annual epic ride she still brings food u better marry her. we still meeting in the parking lot of the logan mall right? Any location u planning to set up food?
  3. sorry durk, I should prolly stop posting these weekday rides, and just keep doing solo like I was always doing. Was hoping it might be helpful to at least one person and in the end its making many will feel miserable But hey this weekend is nice as well, and I am unable to ride hopefully u guys can will use modern technology to guide through this hehehe and will find the elusive window Wish I was a banker more and more these days. Went to sleep at 1 puts alarm for 5 wakes up at 3 ...... daaayum need to better manage pre ride excitement sleeps
  4. Sorry Pauly, I start looking up charts by 4:30 5:00 and then able to finish off early since census is low now. Which means can get few hours free and I am already 1/2 way in seo in east Liverpool by that time. It will be a crime not to ride the way I see it you are more lucky that u have healthy bicycle paths to go to work and don't sweat curry. I have to be content with commute in a dangerous mode of transport through some twisty roads. Some times its not so bad
  5. Two glorious beautiful days coming up. Gonna try finish work fast and try and hit some 250ish miles on Thursday if possible Friday as well. Prolly no one else around free, and hence no interest but just in case updating. If some one around north EASTern part interested let me know. @ricer1 I will try to txt you tomorrow evening about Friday if I can still make it. Hopefully ur free. Temps will ill be in lower 70s ifnyou got sick days may be this is the right time for it
  6. hehehe oky English is not my first language, that would have been enough I agree but didn't want to look like a simpleton fool which the grammar spelling Nazis make you feel like. I can bet pauly is currently rummaging through this post to quote some thing and put a ' to it @RCBS you got that right, and many victims to that particular one.
  7. welcome back ToniK, this is real tonik we been missing. All business no banter full of hate. on a side note, I fully belong to casper group now, but if there is even a 1% chance I can get to make this trip I will take it and make it work. Jerry has 1000 words of appreciation and respect with how you run the trip. He said its like a swiss clock work with no headaches.
  8. hahaha You guys should let me have free pass here. English is just the fourth language I use. Our brain is such a small compartment, no need to tax it and waste space with minor intricacies. Purpose of language is communicating our thoughts and inspiring new thoughts in our mind. Lets use that free space for some thing better, like remembering the corner in 536 which is tricky
  9. Woooooooo I am officially In got my schedule and had to make deals with other folks ending up doing two weekends just to get this one off. And don't have to answer calls too (i think )which means I can be in no range zone without worry Now hope its gonna be a no rain fair weather day or else this gamble gonna back fire like a Harley on curry. This time personal goals 1) plan to finish the ride 2) make videos after a loooooooong time 3) not be pressed for time 4) might do it as two day trip and go do some southern most roads that @drc32-0 has been raving about. If making video I will be running a short cut route intertwined along the main route so I can make it in between groups, park the bike, take pics videos etc. @DerekClouser If We are really really short of lead riders with knowledge of the route I can help lead a group, but prefer to do the videos without having to worry about anything else.
  10. Was it with us? where Jerry was seeping you ? people were crashing left and right don't blame you if that was the ride. Jerry told me this kid gonna be a great rider one day since you rode with a very mature lvl head.
  11. I hope their current wives never see this post
  12. i sure hope this is a very wise joke Do you remember a little brown guy in a black atgatt on a white vstrom leading a group ride few weeks ago through seo right in front of you, that was me @Uncle Punk @Isaac's Papa thank you for the vote + compliment guys, I don't think I am a mod type coz I just let what ever happen because I know humans are the worst and the best and the paradigm shifts itself, as fellow crappy humans we never interfere But I would gladly and love to help with designing skin and stuff if Ben ever needs it down the road, as long as the back bone is similar to phpbb which I used to do a lot before Derek > will be/ needs to be busy building his channel. we need a celebrity amongst us and not that crazy cyclecrazyaaa Sprint: yet to meet him, one day for sure / so don't know TimTheTrack: will be busy with tracks from now on Tall Tim: Will be trying to do a good and honest mod job and people will hate him for that, don't do it brother u need to be free and go enjoy your solo mega million rides. This will mess you up. Ask Pauly jbot: pretty much doesn't ride any more, lot of time on forum, Moral compass is the best in terms of OR standards, and will be the funniest guy interfering with other bots and marketing folks. Guess I should vote for you even if all the above are better candidates for the job. Having said that, I still haven't voted as don't want to affect outcome, as all of them folks are friends cant choose among them. Ben should probably cycle the mods among them all every 3 months or so. Don't give them mod badge. Thus people don't get gawd complex and don't feel burdened at the same time and still look like regular members to others. PS: UP - despite being engulfed by real life, I still post rides at least twice a month (plus one guess the bike thread ) . I don't do the epic ride any more since Derek loves head ache of the weight it comes with and does a very good job both behind the screen and in face to face meets (where I sucked). I will continue to help him if he need organizing the forum part, but on the special day he has to step in front of the crowd and do the speech thingy and do the splitting up crap etc
  13. i have to admit, i like it looks like the bike from the OR logo up top
  14. U need to come with me this time , well I hope this time. Gonna get my schedule this week
  15. Very nice, now this is a guys who always posts high value added posts Ps: Got any friends who are into vstroms
  16. It was nice knowing you Tim, enjoy them tracks & balance them check books. Tracks +3 // riding buddy -3
  17. I think it's perfect time to start a guess my bike thread
  18. Sorry guys won't make it in time got lost in unknown county roads becoming fire roads and stuff. Finally some shade Ride safe guys
  19. I have to be back home early, so leaving early morning from neo and get there by 11. probably not able join the ride. But at least I will try to come by your meet spot and shake hands with yall. Never met Joel others a long time ago ps: this is the first post by him that I understood without the decoder ring
  20. when I used to make videos, all I captured was wind noise since there was no aftermarket exhaust and stuff. Esp for VFR it was silky silent sewing machine. Had to end up using music to cover it up. Once I had exhaust on the viffer, boy that was a different tune altogether
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