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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. atrocious, This is exactly why i don't want to participate in tour de france ..... .... ....
  2. Buy it, one of the best sounding motorcycles and comfortable and fun and good looking and reliable and ... List goes on i wish some of u folks were living around here to go out and ride now and then on short notice. Going to try and ride tomorrow afternoon as well.
  3. Any one interested in a short run for about 100-150 miles today, I am thinking of leaving around 3pm and coming back by 6-7. Plenty of good fun roads around columbiana and south itself to have fun. Eg 164 646 etc. if at all any interest let me know, sorry I know this is very very very late notice
  4. why why why you guys tempting me soooo much,......idea is already churning up inside this crappy mind..... dammit .. now I am hoping I am working that weekend so I can have an excuse not to do this. wont know until later. jester I would gladly accept a lift from you.. but you gotta let me pay for gas. how strict is N2 about gear and bike. I only have 2 piece leather but have boots and gaulet gloves and approved helmet, If too much preparation for bike I would skip it. don't want to flush change coolant and pull fuses etc.
  5. Dayuuuum you had to live close to me as well didn't you .... Must stop must stop ... Stop stop... before the idea starts to churn... Resist .... Stick to streets ....
  6. Nah hehe, I feel some what guilty not helping him, every year he ups the game. That's why want him to just chill less stress and hope to enjoy the event more.
  7. We can keep it simple, Don't put too much effort into it Derek, certainly don't get family to haul food down. Let's just post a ride up, u just pick a date early fall to avoid too low temp, (don't even post a "date" poll because we never get a unanimous decision) who ever shows up we can split up and go for a ride if just few we do a usual group ride, it's win win either ways
  8. I hope (dream) we can do a Grand colOR-FALL Ride with a slightly milder agenda than pure mile munching and speed, (may be some other better name lol ) first half ride through some nice scenic colorful roads covered bridges etc, may be take a very small break in between for people to sit down and eat, nothing fancy just grabbing a burger and sitting in a park is best, then finish the second half of ride with a bang in the choicest twisty while people out for scenic and relaxed ride can split off to home or finish route at their leisurely pace.
  9. Nice bike, good choice. Whats your our next one going to be hehe
  10. I wanted to do a track day in pirc with motoseries, since it's a good clean track, they allow for novice group I think - my 2 piece leather suit and not strict on changing the coolant and okay with just taping up all lights and not digging for fuse etc. plus all the regular track guys here must be gods of motoseries by now I assume which means lot of help and advice around, the only think keeping me away is trailering the last time I did it was thx to @jbot and I will never forget that helpful day
  11. Glad it turned out okay, always nice to hear good news like these. +1 on a Subaru as well
  12. My personal goal is to pray and get a full off that day so I can complete the ride for once, it's been a while ...or even better zig zag in between and make a full video and picture session like the last big one we had. .. Well I shouldn't be greedy I guess as of now at least I am able to come meet every one.
  13. craap, working this weekend.
  14. Good roads, 83 78 260 26 are the staple diet for most if not all of the NEO group rides, I am guessing pauly will be posting a hipster response along those lines
  15. Derek it was nice knowing you and riding with you in the streets Knowing how u love speed I predict ur gonna be them track junkie now and never to be seen in the streets like some folks we always used to ride with @RHill @Jester_
  16. Dave, even thou I never met him in person ( for sure in one of these csba one time this year we will) he is a very good guy just based on the history in forum and opinion from others. And same way Dave is cool, just bit crazy to do the long hauls from Michigan. I wonder who in their right mind does these things.. Oh wait I know..
  17. Wish I could join you Derek, but working the weekend. But I am sure many will join to ride as this will be a beautiful weekend and share the day and memories with you. Sorry again for your loss and next year I will join you for sure.
  18. The only active Harley guy gets banned
  19. Again more and more excellent bikes in the forum, great color too, I kinda never seen gixxer in this color. Looks like new with good mods already
  20. Ride safe guys, be good and don't push each other nor the limits
  21. excellent choice, my MCADHD almost got me into one. Very very nice bike .
  22. I have a bicycle dream, OR cyclowns doing a trail tour through different well know trails which are long enough once a month for example, let's start with bike and hike trail around cuyahoga in July, 33ish miles is a respectable distance I guess. For novice like me and other seasoned riders
  23. its all about @Al Z. Heimer "medium" pace + @OsuMj who got the smallest + adventure "touring" = no breaking rules he is from 2007, i am guessing they are friends from before or else pauly doesnt indulge in such pleasantries
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