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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. NinjaDoc


    prolly am gonna be flamed from both sides, and I am doing this against my better judgment of being active only in rides/ events and staying away from drama and socio economic discussions. fore word: don't know the whole story / don't know if he was banned or he quit / don't know how extreme he went or if he deserves it. I am no judge. But to keep the discussion alive will just post some blabbering wandering thoughts 0hi0 despite being little too brash was fun to have around, was making the forums lively, was giving a little bit of chuckle now and then and never ceased to entertain with his posts. He picked up fights with very little baiting but still was within the margin of trolldom and civility of this particular online forum. On top of that he used to join rides and post rides which is another productive thing which previous trolls failed to exhibit (I think) My humble opinion is just to ignore him and his outburst and approach this scenario with libertarian dogma this community has adopted on every other issues. Post and let post. And intervene only when he crosses the limit, which is pretty wide extreme for us here with our rhino skin genes. The beauty of OR is the no holds barred pure beauty of evil obnoxious dark borderline unacceptable yet funny stuff coming from most people without being filtered or hindered. No baby sitting, and no ranking, no authority figure made this a riding community rather than a club. Problem with the new bobs (possible aka ohio) was he thought there was some kinda "click". He failed to understand the sarcasm and long back stories behind most of the comments made here. For sure that would make them feel like an outsider because of not getting the jokes. Just let him fuss a bit and just laugh at the fiasco and brush it off. The soon he understands there is no "click" here and literally every one shows tough love for others here the better he fits in. Trust me Winter is coming we gonna miss them folks . PS: Just ignore this wall of txt and ignore me and forget I even posted this , gonna go hide in my empty dark corner and will just relegate myself to post in rides and events only as I have done for all these years.
  2. @jschaf sorry didn't mean it as an negative, like Tonik said more than 90% of the forum regulars know u guys do the fastest and yet one of the safest group rides. The name was just a funny yet respectful name, and in its own way describe and warn other "new guys " to keep away unless they have couple of seasons under their belt. I rode with a ton of different kind of group so far and by far u guys have been the fastest and yet least squidly. And some thing peculiar to OR is almost all are atgatt and most group rides follow the "pace" principle. Once in a while you get the occasional guy on high powered bike blistering down the straights in max speed and breaking hard and snailing through the corners. In short, u guys ride really fast, but safe not denying that. Having said that your group ride needs to be treated with more caution and respect and only seasoned riders or guys with extremely level head should venture to join for their own sake. This doesn't mean other newbies shouldn't, as all of you have been super friendly and help out the newest of new guys any day. I still remember @Uncle Punk sacrificing his whole ride to baby sit behind me at snail pace on my second ever group ride years ago. Will never forget that help and advice punk. Now after hearing this all the time, Two words can summarize that easily. Mach retard
  3. I guess, He might be referring to the baby butt soft nosed Jim who is not on a racing bike U were already doing Mach retard, cant imagine what you gonna end up doing now u have perfect suspension
  4. True this was a master peice with just minimal use of vocabulary
  5. It was only a matter of time, That yellow + ohlins combo was getting too hot
  6. Very nice, was 33 in good condition from Elkins ( 250&33) all the way to Harrisonburg va? I might be doing this as a two day trip this month. Tried to do a one day last year and too excited and didn't sleep one sec and dropped the plan 15 mins from start after I couldn't keep my eyes open even with two back to back caffeine bombs
  7. I don't usually agree with you a lot, but this one I have to agree 110% Not a day goes by that I feel sorry for making that thread lol but I guess it was fun in a way even if it was shit bomb. Some kinda motorcycle talk is better than nothing.
  8. u should be stripped off your mod status and then this thread should be pinned along with the other thread so as people don't repeat this process again. PS: you kinda made the some what right and logical decision I guess. But it was fun times to talk about motorcycles to come up with choice, testing and hoping to see you in one. We need more motorcycle talks here. Good call Toni"c"
  9. should have kept this along with the gold wing, and I am pretty sure in your hands, it would have looked like it came off the showroom even today
  10. Reade if its a VFR the person below is the one man you need to PM for sure before u do anything
  11. are u referring to http://www.wiremybike.com/ ?
  12. Brain, even if we all make fun of you regarding selling bike and not riding etc I think deep within they respect the fact that you gave up a hobby u enjoyed and dedicated yourself for the family. I know I do, more so because I couldn't do it despite trying two times. Ps:but u deserved to be mocked for not riding as much as you post for the months prior to marriage and babies.
  13. Congo, Good to see bike stay within the community good deal for all involved.
  14. @Isaac's Papa ninja doc already needs new tires on both bikes, lol I ride alone mostly now since I post a ride I don't sleep and need to start making videos again .
  15. @Isaac's Papa Awesome, you will remember this ride for ever than a boring normal 50 u finished. Would have loved to hear the story in person lol, as Brian says u tell the best OR stories @blue03636 u craigzy sonuvabicycle props
  16. @Isaac's Papa ride report and pics plz, u keep inspiring the board with those :thumpsup:
  17. I suffered in Michigan for 2 yrs, I used to ride 750 miles a day just to hit 200 miles of seo during those times. Those years Ohio seemed like deals gap. compared to many other states we are golden yes there are many other beautiful states for motorcycling, but we have a fair enough selection.
  18. @JustinNck1 very nice, after back to back gap visits u seem to know the rhythm of gap and dancing to her music very well.
  19. I have a feeling he might pull the trigger before that on a supersport bike but then again he is a very mature and well sorted out, almost verge of OCD on details kind off individual and will study the thread of the fairing bolt before a purchase unlike a person I know really well once u go liter sports bike u goona make the decision pretty quick I am just waiting for you to put clip on and ohlins on the cow couch by next year since your so used to your new sports bike
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