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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. Pani was Rslocum, nighthawk was kruse and kawi was VDT
  2. i just took few random ones i think i had 4 layers on as my heated was not working lol
  3. Nice to see many familiar faces and meet some new guys. Turn out was low due to the unforeseen complications, but great bunch. Wish i could have stayed back and had some bite. Tonic next time bring some apples
  4. Nice to see them familiar faces again, was so tempted to ride to new concord with you guys then decided to fight the urge and be a level headed new father Was looking for you James and bro man, but u guys were not there yet.
  5. Good call Derek, I can only imagine the pressure on you to make the tough call. Thx for going through with all this. Will see you tomorrow Hellmutt and snot, gonna miss you guys. If any chance at all try to make it. Hate Island made a good point, high chance of parking problem in church, might as well post the dollar general address in advance.
  6. Yea, I am in canfeild, just renting now looking for house. Sending potential home ur pm list of things
  7. The whole theme behind the ride was to get the riders together, novice as well as experienced. > Not just Pros who can run through rain The whole idea is to have a good time riding motorcycle in enjoyable roads and weather > Endorphins over adrenaline The whole point is to built camaraderie rather than show of bravado As of now the chance of rain is 70% in morning when we have to set out for the ride. Not worth the risk to peer pressure and call out riders who are not comfortable with these settings. I would totally agree with Derek cancelling for tomorrow, and as of now sunday looks better. Or even post pone to different weekend altogether. If not postponed and its not raining in morning when i am supposed to leave i will be there Personally i cant do cold and rain since i cant run my heated for my tropical body and raynaud hand. If there is chance of rain in between a perfectly good day to ride, or couple of days during a long trip its perfectly okay. But just to get the motorcycle out to ride through rain mostly is a matter of extreme choice.
  8. Bring her a coffee (&donut if left over from saturday lol), Tell her about ur reserved parking space. Things will be solved. 99% of problems are due to misunderstanding/pre conceived opinions etc 1% from genuine asshats. Most likely she belongs to 99
  9. Real late notice, but just wanted to see if any one free to ride today. Will have to leave within next 2-3 hours to have a decent run and come back before the rain.
  10. weather will be outstanding, 70 degree / 50 in morning and dome of hate to clear away the rain.
  11. me too yesterday, Really hot and humid and full of cops. Wont be a bad idea to skip derek. i got a ticket too , my fault completely , took the u turn in state highway for the first and last time . Just my luck i guess he came out of nowhere
  12. Wish I could have posted yesterday Came home about 250 miles, 3 riders, so darn hot and humid. Can't enjoy the ride too much (but 646 always delivers )
  13. Just checking if any one free for a short ride? Evening gonna rain so get back home early. May be 150 mile or so. Let me know. We can meet some where in between.
  14. Hahaha thx Pauly, that was a fun ride never though people would come out and I met so many riders who I never met before and probably will never get the chance to meet again. I always warned I am just a forum junky organizer, in real life I like to hide and every year some one stepped up in real life u then UP. I was so happy to see Derek keeping this thing alive with his enthusiasm and he is really good in real life scenario as well I promise next year I will help out more Derek (if I still have the passion for riding ) Thx snot, memories is what all that counts when we move on. Nothing else. See, you guys have always kept this thing alive as the storm from the west. Main two wings are the neo side and swo side. Wish many more from the central joined. Still haven't met so many long time regulars like Hoblick, bow dog, swing set, bubba, drc, Tim, and many more.
  15. My name is somewhere there Derek adds my name by default, he knows if I have any chance I will come from Alaska for this
  16. My gawd, what a beauty. This beast has launch control right? You should start a monthly guess the bike thread
  17. Derek my 2 cents will be to rethink about troubling urself and ur better half with the food idea. The trouble of setting this up, trouble of glasses, drinks, plates, mess in a private lot etc those who want to stay back for a bite can always hang out in a dinner with seating outside or even in a lot of some grease food. I just feel bad that you are going through all the trouble. Having a small family picnic style bite with riding buddies sure does beat it all but all these miles away and for probably a big enough turn out on a time crunch might be a little bit of stretch.
  18. Congrats to both of you guys and respective mothers
  19. Got pre approved, got an agent and she is great. Finding lot of stuff that we would have missed inside the home. Small world, it turns out I sold my old zx6r to her son 4 yrs ago Anyways house hunting progressing. I don't sound like an idiot now when I talk to them thanks to you guys.
  20. Boooo you no fun J man, but nice choice on bike.
  21. Now that little story just tipped the balance overwhelmingly thanks jerry Need to get a new hat soon
  22. didnt happen if it happened there would have been so many pics and video i never slept the night. showed up like a zombie at 5:30 and jerry was courteous enough to send me back. We decided to ride just to seo, first stop i am leaning against bike and sleeping, thats was the clue enough is enough new plan is, jerry will call me one day at 4:30 AM one day and say lets go to Va, i thinks thats the only way i can get some sleep in
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