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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. Now this just got more interesting Have a great time @Wolfman1 see you all in fuel mart at new concord at 10:30 201 W Main St New Concord, OH 43762 United States
  2. Hi ace, i remember you. But I was unfortunately not able to ride that day. I guess U prolly were in one of the medium groups. Will be similar to that mostly. Pace will be nice easy and quick, not super fast (aka Mach retard) , and I only speed up in good clean corners and not in blind or crest or heavy traffic and also just 10 above speed limit in straight sections etc. if you have at least couple of seasons of twisty riding experience you will do fine. If this is your first season of ride in twisty roads probably think twice.
  3. haha I was indicating brian's offer for table and 2K I seen you scavenge the boards for an opponent in pool haha , every day u are getting more like tom cruise " u feel the need...need for speed" " u ike to play pool with the color of money me too
  4. thanks for the head up, will avoid going that direction. hopefully can pass along new concord easy by around 10:30 am booo .. may be the VFR can get some sunlight, unless u want to play pool with a 2K bounty bet.
  5. Have u tried just putting grip puppies over the grip? Pretty cheap to try , easy to put on, and if you don't like it take it off and always go for another more permanent mods. http://www.grip-puppy.co.uk I had it on many bikes and certainly made a big difference.
  6. Been using x grip for a long time, even had the bigger one once to mount small tablet, never had any issue. Stem mount like jerry said kinda feels less solid, not like it will come off or anything, just might nag you with it rotating a bit over time etc. moved mine to fixed ram mount and it's perfect.
  7. Thanks for the heads up @durk the north side was getting pavedlast I saw it. Will avoid going that far south. ... And dang teachers and summer breaks and riding all the time
  8. was just worried if there will be enough space for bikes in case derek and company was also meeting up. Might get congested. Plus if in the parking lot less chance of people going back into store again and again for loo break or snacks etc time saving always haha PS I am completely okay with the gas station itself. As of now not many bikes coming anyways so we will be okay
  9. If okay with others Let's gas up from the close by gas station ahead of time and meet in the same epic ride meet spot to keep things easy.
  10. will be nice to meet you again D, we used to ride a lot the year just before i went to michigan, including one ride right through snow flakes. lol that was crazy i prolly wont be heading that far south , u can split off once we are couple of hours into the ride before we start heading north ward. T. right now i am thinking heading down 83 78 then touching bit of 260 145 26 148 9 519 22 etc, 90% of these roads are fresh pavement. About 3 -4 hours of ride from 11 pm. Aim is to get to 800 and 22 by around 3 pm. and be home before 5. West guys can then take 22 home , north guys can take 800 up, and us east guys will head east ward If time permits u guys should come with us till we finish 646, thats a road u guys really need to ride again with new pavement now. if we making good time will try to include some more stuff around.
  11. i gave you a very generic mildly motivating statement, you should pretend like ur pumped up and proud instead of firing back such honest questions next year hopefully i can do it, (at this rate it will be 2020 before i can do it)
  12. you know nothing beats pedaling, and pedaling in skyway is the best it can get, me very jelly but u deserve it and enjoy fully pauly.
  13. oky, lets keep it new concord. Lets meet by 10:30 and kick stand by 11:00 See it as a fun pace and ride Will explore a little bit but mainly stick to some good routes.
  14. Just pull one or two spark plugs off and u will feel challenged or just speed cruise once in a while I guess
  15. Dang That's very short duration, u can get some miles in for sure. I guess any ride is better than no ride. May be once we Cross 77 u can trek back up north I can be at bolivar or new concord by 10:30. If you can meet in bolivar we can do some roads east of 77 which prolly u guys haven't been on for some time now I assume. Good stuff with new pavement etc Sure, that will be great. I will see what interest brews up with rest of group. If no changes we can always do the golden rule of 83 - 78
  16. Was thinking of doing a quick ride this saturday. Keep it short like may be 250-300 miles, leave around 7:30ish to be back home early afternoon to beat the heat and weekend traffic. As of now planning on leaving Canfield ohio sheetz ( 11&224) by 7:30 [ 4585 Boardman-Canfield Rd, Canfield, OH 44406] If any others interested we can plot route to meet you guys on the way, May be Bolivar or new concord etc Pace will be medium to fast. Faster guys hopefully will be entertained and absolutely NOT suitable for beginners
  17. Just wanted to share some pics and videos from the recent trip. Had tons of fun. Great roads, slabbed only less than 10% of total miles i would guess. Greatest blessing was absolute gorgeous weather. Lat time we went to gap it rained all the 5 days. Touched almost all the iconic roads mentioned in the threads here. Special thanks for @2talltim for some quick suggestion on the final day. We left with no plans no planned booking and just with the names of some famous roads. Our aim was to keep riding from day till night fall, stick to the twistiest road you can find in the map and find shelter close by when its time to rest. Only regret is I had to be back by friday early afternoon to take the family on another trip. This means even if i slabbed friday morning i could not make it here on time. Thus had to miss the meet with the rest of the gang, was lucky at least to meet hellmut and snot. Overall good trip, only trip that could be more exciting i guess will be those hardcore decaprio revenant dead horse camping challenging danimal ride which i am not man enough to undertake. Anyways here are some pics and crappy video. More pics here >http://s218.photobucket.com/user/achillezvalentino/slideshow/Gap trip 2016 some more pics in this link http://s218.photobucket.com/user/achillezvalentino/slideshow/Gap trip 2016 Short edit video of whole trip : Watch in HD please Just some significant ride part with crappy music to hide wind noise
  18. nice, what kind of tires you running? no music is always best. All i get is wind noise and end up adding crappy music to make the video even more crappy
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