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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. I am thinking to do what you do most times, next time planning a big trip to start the previous day evening and ride all night and to go rest at the destination and fall asleep
  2. I am just waiting for ur guess what bike thread next spring
  3. I never could get a sleep pattern going as literally every 3rd night we loose sleep on call and it takes away the rhythm. Been doing the same irregular rhythm for over 10'yrs and now I can never sleep good. and it's so funny how many are experiencing the same thing and trying the same stuff. I also tried zzquil stuff and didn't work. This time it was so bad that I didn't sleep even 1/2 hour the night. Daaaaaayyyuuum. The use of phone and other gadgets at night is only worsening the problem.
  4. I hope so, but it's gonna be ridiculous to ride with no sleep like this
  5. So was wondering as I am tossing around, who else can't sleep before a planned big ride lol I know I should get some rest before a 700 mile day ride but it's just freaking exciting lol Okay try to get some more sleep
  6. if by any slight minimal little chance, any one still following the thread, Planning to ride tomorrow. Leaving canfeild sheetz at 6:00 AM. Updated first post with more details.
  7. A red bandana with Ducati logo emblazed on it can be substituted for the helmet Take care pauly, I am already thinking another VA lunch in different direction if this works out well. U better be there without your wisdom tooth at that time.
  8. The one Paul posted looks like a very good deal. But try not to fall back again Brian, I fell and failed miserably. If half your mind is saying not to ride, don't ride, not as much fun compared when u really loved to ride.
  9. Maaan, thx again for these factors, I would never have considered those angle when looking for home. Lot of saving if well planned it seems,
  10. Then I hope they postpone the procedure to Monday
  11. Thx again guys, tomorrow meeting with lendor. Talking with Huntington since they have some new scheme tailored to the profession. After the pre approval is done gonna talk to a realtor specializing in "buying" we found through internet search
  12. Noooooo, no epic ride without u guys from west side U really need a sport touring machine, since u like T3 go for sprint
  13. ride safe, tomorrow looks like a perfect day to ride. If i was not riding friday i would have been riding tomorrow with you.
  14. Dan u are making me rethink my decision all the time as of now i am waiting for opinion from Jerry, I am back on the Virginia band wagon just because the route 33 looks more and more entertaining when i ride it via google map Paul good luck with the teeth and i sure hope its just a simple stuff and u will be okay to ride friday as i am thinking friday to ride. Saturday i have to be back home little earlier and also not to forget its gonna be 95 degree on saturday. Not ideal for mega miler day.
  15. Jeff, i will let you know. After these guys dropped the koolwink equation i was wondering whtr i should wait till these guys finish there ride to know more about the area. But either ways i am riding this friday or saturday if not to Va some where in seo. I will wait for more input from Jerry. And i will PM you if we ride friday And talking about gas stops, 90 mile seems pretty scary. We were in WV couple of weeks ago. I just looked up some google gas stops and kept riding, That was a major mistake as most of them turned out to be old closed off ones and i pulled in to a gas stop with just 0.2 or so gallon in my reserve. That day i knew the big boy gets about 190 to gas tank
  16. again thx a lot, really appreciate a lot esp those who took time to write down extended answers and send me great PMs. Feel much more confident now and sort of have an idea. This week will start with pre approval and getting an agent 1. I have always kept banking with Huntington and prolly will start by taking to them guys about rates, Or is there a different way i need to go when shopping for home financing.? 2. Do i randomly look or walk in to a realtor office like howard hanna or mayo etc and pick an agent? Dont know any one personally / cant find any local reviews on realtors. unless u guys know some realtor and home inspection guys in boardman canfeild area.
  17. Winter in ohio is designed for taking care of other stuff like surgeries summer is for riding. But what kind of surgery u getting? Turn and burn it is then, does this phrase mean riding to a point and then turning back and slab, ? I am thinking of riding back and forth as much as sunlight allows
  18. Used to ride enfield back in India, my favorite ride there prolly u don't want to hear those story was just happy to see some one mention the name
  19. Thinking about heading down Oh>PA>WV>Va and then turning back. Possibly this coming Saturday or friday if no takers . Havent ridden much in the past couple of months and this weekend i am getting a chance, cant do multiple day trip hence trying to just turn back. Havent posted any rides since the last time one guy crashed (he is doing very good now btw) Guessing there wont be much takers but thought i will post and see. Friday 28 august Will be whole day ride. About 650 + miles Hope to be back home by 9:30 Starting from canfield Sheetz (4585 boardman canfeild rd, canfeild OH 44406) Meet at 5:30 AM and leave by 6:00 AM short Stops every 150 miles for short snacks/ water / fuel Late lunch stop in Va and then head back Speed will be medium - more touring than sport so as to not drain energy for long ride. Route will include some slab in between to save time Main aim is to go hit Route 33 and cross to VA
  20. hahah I am trying to stay close to 11 as well as boardman due to being close to good day care etc, plus i will be driving between east liverpool, salem/ lisbon and boardman every day Am i making a mistake by dealing with the realtor who listed the house for sale directly without my own agent?
  21. Thank you for all the great responses, Really this has been very helpful as i realized many stuff after its been highlighted. these things i just eyeballed and neglected during internet scavenging. Jbu, am looking at somewhere around canfield area
  22. As some of you know i have been trying to come back to Ohio for continued work. Ohio health department finally approved my work visa. Pending US govt approval now. Waiting for few more paper work, Its weird it takes a long time since i work on special visa/job combo where i cover under served areas (where no American grads want to go) and under paid. Its win win for them. This means i will be riding with you guys for many more years hopefully Now onto some serious matter. I have always mentioned that i dont have any close family in US. Most of my advice, view point and help came from you guys. I been closely following many topics here to see what first hand opinion of common folks are regarding many things like politics, health care, guns etc etc. Very varied view points but nevertheless thoughtful and very helpful. In the future i might have more and more doubts regarding those. Anyways back to topic, Was thinking about buying a house as buying seems better than renting in the area i will be at. Had some doubts regarding the procedure as i have no clue. Wife just been looking around zillow and stuff as of now. 1. Is an agent really needed? 2. How does an agent help if we already have an idea which house to go for? 3. Does he take care of all the paper work regarding closing etc? 4. Is the procedure for closing a long and arduous one? i read about getting home inspected etc? can these be arranged by ourself/ or does agent take care of this? 5. Suppose a house is listed at 240K zillow estimate is 200K what is a reasonable/ decent offer to make? dont want to offend by low balling too much (like used bike ) also dont want to offer more obviously. 6. What other things should i be looking for when scouting for houses? Location wise and type and size wise we have (she has ) definite dream. But its the other details that we have no clue. eg type of heating/cooling / electrical / how old is real bad / what long term expenses we should keep in mind / etc What else comes to your mind? 7. Any advice for a super noob like me? anything that comes to mind tell me even if you think its silly/ basic as i am starting from almost null experience level. Thank you for reading through this giant wall of txt, Of course i am scavenging the net but always first hand advice esp from ohio residents helps.
  23. That blue SV with bags was probably parked next to that stand
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