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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. i think i am doing it wrong, but i am used to holding lever with all fingers extended rather than the two finger tech. Was able to fine control the throttle with just the thumb "wrap" around it and the palm. UNTIL now. The 14 is a handful and just pulls out of this grip need to change habits
  2. congo old man, u deserve a break from that super sport riding by the time i sell that zx i am getting one as well. so we can be strom toopers
  3. this is sad news used to depend on amazon a lot and even prime was a good investment.
  4. its a dangerous state where u go blind, u cant think straight and u have cash in hand thats ready to be thrown at the first stupid thought process that hits you.
  5. Congrats Chevy zx14soldier sounds good as well.
  6. thx wolfman, how does it feel to get back on saddle after the incident. when u approach the right handers are u still apprehensive? here is the one of the only two pic i took on that day, i didnt take out the gopro as well. Had a bad feeling from the start, ... ironically when i posted the ride that i specified no new riders which i never do and still some one new came for the first time on this ride (except for tim who was way more mature than his age) i wish i could thank this person who put it up there
  7. Good to see you here Dave. Update: he is doing well, no neck surgery needed period. PT for the pelvis.
  8. Ty again. Every one. Hope every one reached home safe. I am just pulling in shedding the leather in garage as we type.
  9. Latest update he is in room, overnight obs, still no news from neurosurg about the vertebra. And thx for the support guys. It will be a while before I post any rides. The dilemma is that without posting rides u never get to meet interesting riders who might turn out to be your good friend to ride with all the time, but when u post rides there is always risk of having to ride with people u don't know. Here again I trust people. May be u should not, double edged sword.
  10. What a crappy day, looks like when its bad it just baaaaaad. I left Akron general around 6:30 to make it home before dark. Ride all the way to the rest area on 80. Get off bike to see my tail bag had fallen off. The good think was the wallet was in the bag, the best part is wallet has my Licence and papers. What a beautiful day. I went right back to Akron thinking I might not even have clipped in the bag, so might have fallen off close by, chance of recovery less than 1%, reach the hospital started crawling and combing the parking lot the near by down town streets. Hope percentage reduced to 0.1% Frustrated it's getting dark, starts to head back up north, gets on the ramp and I see a lump on top of the pillar that holds the side barricade. some one actually placed the fallen bag on top of there. None of the contents touched. This is why I still trust there are good people out there and jerry always keeps says I trust too much. Well I also did a solo ride today all through free way, total miles 600 something now, 2 more hours to go before I reach home. I guess I will sell this bike soon. As soon as I let the Vfr go the planets and star are not aligned well at all. When my wife saw the new bike she said it looks like a bad omen
  11. He is doing well, looks like small crack in one neck vertebra, non displaced and some ligament damage in pelvis. Still waiting to hear from neurosurgeon if it's just gonna be soft collar or some procedure. His friends on their way from michigan. Tonic, Ty for the offer. I will have to head back as I am working tomorrow I will stick around some more time until I know what their plan for him is. If just observation I am going to head back before too late. I should have told him to go to the back, at that time when I saw him pull in front of the line I was like should I embarrass him by sending to back or just trust him. I was going to wait till we get to the good stuff and see if he was struggling to ask him to go to the back. Well hindsight is best I guess. Sorry for ruining the day for many, just met couple of new guys from OR and was turning out to be a good day.
  12. He got airlifted to Akron general. I am heading there now. Will update soon. Should have told him not to come. Kinda new rider with hardly 2k on him in USA. He was kind of persistent and confident that he is gonna be okay in this ride. Should have just said NO .. Man this guilt gonna be hard to let go
  13. Brrrrrrrrrrrr dayum its zzzcôooold
  14. even sky diving, base jumping etc seems much safer than this
  15. agreed, Best purchase for me too. Especially since i grew up next to equator
  16. i always was looking for such a break down. till now i was assuming cruisers will be more crashes and deaths just by scanning the crash news reported here. Man, thats an eye opener
  17. All packed and ready, there will be 4 people from here. Hope to see you all there. Gonna be a chilly start very early for us.
  18. brabrabrabrabraaaah the fat pig can dance in any corner above 25 hehehe
  19. Moooooore pics plz
  20. once u keep it above 7K its a different bike. I just hope i dont break down and cry when i see and hear a VFR Dont worry about pace, it wont be mach retard. Just fun speed. Cant do that much speed and drain energy since the ride back will finish us off. haha nice to see you around here as well, we might not get enough time for a proper sit down but i will sure try to stop some place on our way back to get some stretch and good food. It will be great to ride with you. Wont be a long ride as we will only be doing about 150-200 proper twisty section. And wont be tear down torque run u had with jschaf. so tires will be happy.
  21. Sorry didn't know, just trying some positive motivation
  22. baaaah, jacoboooooo join midway at least? Nivin
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