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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. Awesome, it will be nice to meet you this really became an epic ride
  2. Yessss be nice to meet you guys, see us there
  3. I came in today, rained on me all the time I left home till I reached millers burg. After that perfect weather. Rode like crazy racked up so many miles so am saying, it will be worth it if you give it a chance. See you guys at meet spot. I might head back after catching up with you guys. It's gonna be rainy all afternoon in upper west ohio and Michigan so can't risk staying late and riding in dark during rain
  4. Yep, props to you Derek. It's tuff to call the decision and that too the very end. What ever u decide I think most would agree. And if still some people are free to ride tomorrow lemme know, we can meet same spot and ride same route. I will be in the area. I am leaving for seo now as soon as the freaking rain subsides here.
  5. Finally had some time to make a quick video. I guess i am gonna make every one more mad with this one. I wish i never made this thread. And i wish i had the mindset to just say ... this is the bike and post a picture and be done with it. But my hope is at least one person find this entertaining than just a waste of time.
  6. I was praying for that Bow flex : That looks pretty neat and small. Very costly?
  7. Weather says 50% chance of rain just afternoon one hour. That's it
  8. Very nice, wish I took up cycling instead . I forgot even the spelling of exzerzise
  9. I apologize, all this was to make a intro/teaser whatever video. I know I will never get a chance to make one for any marketing company etc etc. so just wanted to bring that same feel of hype and enigma for the video. It's not about the bike or me, just the "feeling" for the video
  10. As of now weather reprt just says very faint chance of drizzle around afternoon while its 80 degree. Its like getting your hair sprayed with water at a saloon before a crappy haircut.
  11. if by tomorrow afternoon, the weather looks like its just gonna be some occasional sprinkles i am going to ride. i will leave by friday morning to ride down. Gonna ride both days and head back up by Saturday as long as temp is in the upper 70 no issues with just sprinkles, they dry up faaast. Hopefully derek will come up with the decision on thrursday evening or friday morning based on latest weather report.
  12. Booooooooo, wont be the same without u there. Was nice to see you all the time for many years now.
  13. sorry i was supposed to make the video today evening, the fairing still off, work got in the way, coolant flush was confusing. i know too many excuses Hopefully by tomorrow i can come up with something of not the actual one i had in mind.
  14. Red spyder RT-s thx for doing this, now i feel less miserable and terrible for the thread
  15. U were the right candidate to have a guess which bike thread
  16. Can I be ur best friend forever
  17. weather will be perfect, if you believe so it will be
  18. yes open to all, and any type of bikes. There are two groups coming down from NEO. Tonik is following this route> kickstands up 8AM at the BP at 77 and 82. We will roll 77 to 21 to 77 to 70 to the Epic meet point. This is the other group > http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/107247-neo-epic-ride-meetup-head-down-to-epic-ride-may-2015/
  19. Dang, an OR regular guy getting married was good enough reason for this ride to be scheduled some other day if we knew early may be the whole group can stop by the church and rev engine three times and leave
  20. If there is no one around i can lead one jerry might be willing to sweep as well. unless of course he jumps into mach retard with UP like one of those years. daang, i was vaguely hoping you and will possible coming from Tn and borrowing one of your ride will be there. I believe this guys lucky vodoo. He even negated jerry's rain magnet. Epic ride always been threatened by bad weather but turned around very nicely, this is a testament to ohio long term prediction variability.
  21. Hahah I guess I deserve that, at least u were mild with the "queen" term I was hoping to sit quite for two days and booooom jerry missile blasted the thread and he seems to love the game and stirs the bee hive again . And whose gonna get stung at the end ... Meeee ... All I wanted was a fun little forum game. Now it looks like I will have to sell my kidney in black market to buy some overly priced machine in the next two days to save my face. Now my only hope is to make a good video of a simple bike to make a decent finale. Even though boring and frustrating, it's still fun to anticipate and wait. In today's ADD instant gratification world there is a charm to wait for something even if it's simple crap.
  22. Hahah Alzheimer is having a fun Sunday it seems. Throwing random clues every where it just misleading all. If no one made the right guess so far - I don't know if I should be happy about the game or extremely worried about the bad decision I made. Any ways let's forget this game for now. And around Wednesday hopefullly I can make the video and post it.
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