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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. thx gump, looks a bit complicated. I guess i should just stay away from things i am not sure of
  2. The clock here just shows i am going into my 36th straight hour and still here at work till i finish notes and stuff. And you can imagine how much i "appreciate" your update of 70 degree beautiful ride in gap but really living through you, like rest of the folks in the thread. Photos will be icing on the cake. Do it
  3. gump if possible take some pics of that, i never ventured into the electrical as i am always confused how to do it
  4. This was the final version I had with edges cleaned up and white letters but I guess you missed my pm before the print was set in motion
  5. Does this look okay? i hand drew the entire thing fearing off using online/pc tools which might be another license issue.
  6. i never imagined there would be so much hassle for a non profit, non branding image we print on a t shirt for our own personal use. only part we have used was the helmet part from their image. There is no relation at all with the concept. If i knew i would not have been lazy and changed or make it different. Sorry for the trouble derek.
  7. some thing like mortality rate or death rate can be used to compare outcomes/ one among zillions these stats guys use. for eg: No fiber diet people >> 50 death / 1000 no fiber guys High fibre people >> only 31 death /1000 high fiber guys they assume that its the high fiber that might have played a role to save some peeps This is just my assumption on what they meant, and mostly I am wrong when I assume
  8. 4-5 guys and gals from the D had expressed interest to join the ride at some point. Hopefully they will be able to join up as well. will know only for certain by May Your comfort lvl is to travel with a rusty unpredictable silver sword and a wise old Red Hawk.
  9. I hope i can make this, will have to get 6 different things aligned before i can confirm. Starting from visa, new job, vacation, etc etc Can give an answer by may. Hope slots are open then & Hope you are okay with a silent guy on silent VFR joining you.
  10. I might need your help as well, since most vfrd threads are bit too advanced for me i need to check the electricals as well as I completely ignored it so far (with good luck so far )
  11. I am hopeful to make it as of now All alone all the way from Michigan
  12. ur name is awesome just like the bike dont change
  13. aweeesome another addition to the Ohio VFR brotherhood
  14. Pauly There is a 5% chance that i might just show up at the door step that day. so many variable to align for this to happen. starting from visa to job to vacation As of now 95% not making it = Not coming
  15. I would trust this guys route. He knows the area like the back of his hand
  16. If you feel you are bigger than average person (mainly bigger neck), have bad snoring issue and high BP, plus some daytime sleepy/fatigue problems (this includes functioning with multi coffee\energy drink support ) talk to your doctor and really really really should be thinking about getting the sleep study done. Its on the rise, and not much awareness around. And if diagnosed with sleep apnea based on the severity you might have to use a CPAP machine. Which i consider should be one of the first line management way before the surgical option (jury is still out as not many convincing trials) but any thing takes u away from a knife is good if you ask me. Unless u have big tonsills/adenoids or really bad dns think medical first. Always loosing weight trumps every thing for treatment. And if left unchecked down the years long term problem includes a a very bad lung and a weak heart which as of now is irreversible (pulmonary htn + right heart failure)
  17. I just like to create stuff, i will leave rest upto you guys here is another one
  18. Thats a good point, i will try to tweak it a bit and may be change the May to spring 2015 as Jack mentioned.
  19. Not much experience with those
  20. Agree on the ride to have a logo. But for t shirts Rather than just a logo I was trying to come up with a theme or a story and my opinion is keep the designs very very variable each ride so you have different types of t shirts with variable flavors to form a collection. And some prefer certain types of design other prefer some other type, so with variations many people get to have a favorite among there collection.
  21. Very nice blitz, i like it simple and clean. I also just keep making it for fun. So your not stepping on my toes at all. The more to dance the merrier it is. Decision to choose is upto the rest of them. Would you mind if i combine ur second one with another picture? if so can u share the psd for that ?
  22. this was started as a one time special ride / year . And just look it up as a "simple name" and like o-no-moto said i also like the idea of follow the tradition rather than us trying to dissect each component every time. But as always its a group decision. And i can change the logo name to spring 2015 instead of may 2015.
  23. 100% agreement / due to reasons already mentioned earlier and many others over the years keep this ride as an independent thing approachable to many other forums and lucid organization so no one can point fingers at any one. With that here is another one with traditional rider and ohio flag
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