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Everything posted by jester3681

  1. I've got four tattoos, two of which fell into the 4+ hour category. For both there was small talk between myself and the artist. The second one, there was a TV in the room, which helped - gave me something to watch and also something to talk about. The pain isn't the same as a break or other blunt damage. It's more consistent so it can get pretty bad at times. Where you're getting yours should be too bad, the best I can describe the feeling is getting flicked by a rubber band on a sunburn or otherwise sensitive skin. I have never had to stop halfway and come back later, I would definitely recommend just toughing through it and get it all done at once. Good luck, and it sounds like an awesome idea!
  2. Pretty sure? I could be wrong, but I thought we were.
  3. jester3681

    Dash Cam?

    I've been thinking about getting a dash cam for quite some time now. Anyone have one or know someone who has? I drive in Columbus and have opportunities almost daily to total my car that are prevented only by that Ohio is a shared responsibility state and I know that it would be my word against the other driver. I think a dash cam would solve that (as long as I'm not at fault, of course). I just wonder how effective they would be when it came to a citation or insurance investigation. I kind of take it for granted working on the railroad where all the locomotives (mostly) have a camera and sometimes have to catch myself when I'm driving because I forget my car doesn't. Thoughts?
  4. Prayers with rider and his/her family.
  5. Yeah... it is. But Columbus is over two, so it's like... half, right?
  6. I built my last computer about a year ago - got it all new, case, parts, monitor, etc. Got a good copy of Windows 7. All in was less than $450, bought everything at Microcenter, in the store. We have one in Columbus, I know there are others, plus they ship.
  7. I have a friend registered in Cincinnati - I think I'm staying there and we'll drive up Saturday morning at like 5:30.
  8. What he said. The last thing you want to do is put time/money/energy into something only to have it seized by the authorities.
  9. brn6604 - I have two that match - two like the one in my pic on the left. I have a third one like the one in your bottom pic included too - total of three, but two are the same. Let me know if that changes anything!
  10. Ok, one is the lower kind. The other two are sort of like the upper kind. Not entirely flat, but have a subtle "v" shape. Like the ones on the left.
  11. My bicycle gets infinite mpg. Infinite!
  12. The used to make an audio filter for this type of thing. Not sure if they do any more? It was a Radio Shack type item and it would filter out the high voltage signal from the alternator - you've described the classic symptom (noise gets higher or louder with engine rpm). Might be a band-aide, but I've used them in the past.
  13. I'll have to check - I think at least one of them does.
  14. In cleaning the garage, realize I have 7 jack stands. Since I do not own an 18-wheeler, I only need 4. OR price on the other three (that's 3) jack stands - $10. In the Capital City.
  15. You know I'm in. Already training (ate two donuts this morning on the way to work).
  16. ... does driving like an asshole increase your mileage? I can't count how many times some prick in a Prius has cut me off, flown past me doing 70 in a 45, scowled with his beady little eyes and he flew past, etc... in the past several weeks. Considering that other than "mileage" those cars are over-priced econoboxes, I can come to no other conclusion. The driver must be linked to the hybrid somehow and the bigger ass he is, the lower that mileage goes. I fill my 97 Sable up once a month whether it needs it or not. Amazing what sensible driving and planned routes does for "mileage." *sigh*
  17. I had one of these - 2003, brand new. Great starter bike, for sure. GLWTS!
  18. RIP rider. I hate to beat a dead horse, but here's another one I read about where I wonder what a helmet would have meant. Take note all.
  19. I'll go one further - I think the driving and written driving test should be part of every renewal. Too many people take it when they're 16 and don't ever care again. Testing my vision doesn't mean anything when I come to that traffic light that doesn't have power...
  20. I can't imagine they would - most manufacturers see any kind of fluid replacement as preventative maintenance. I'd think this would be at your expense. Shouldn't be too pricy though, probably more for fluid than labor.
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