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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Hey man, if you stick around you'll notice how many people breeze through here looking for something and never come back. For the most part this is a pretty tight knit community of riders and I just get tired of the transients. Maybe I misjudged you, it just seemed like you had alterior motives to your speedo search. I hope you stick around, come on a few rides this season. Not a lot of great roads in neo but down south it gets bananas.
  2. So you don't participate in birthdays or xmas either?
  3. I have 4 rose bushes in my landscaping....but they dont grow so well in the winter...
  4. I bought a dozen roses for my wife for $20, which is what they cost year round give or take They usually live 2 weeks.
  5. Hard chrome is some seriously durable stuff. When I was apprenticing at a mold shop we would plate cavities and cores with it.
  6. Mine got me a fifth of redbreast 12 yr old irish whiskey.
  7. 2 posts. Last active the 12th. Something tells me he somehow found the listing for that speedo via Google and only joined to see if he could buy it.
  8. TiN is good stuff but I don't see the point of coating a barrel in it other than for the gold color. I much prefer the color of hard chrome tho, but that's just me.
  9. What's up dude? Welcome to the shit show that is ohio riders mid winter.
  10. I just sorta started collecting them. I've always carried a knife since I was a kid. My edc for years was a kershaw chive, good little knife. Then my wife got me a beautiful damascus blade folder with stag handles for my birthday one year. After that I just started buying them, mostly off woot or ebay. Now I have like 10 edc knives in my bedside drawer and a few antique knives my grampa owned along with one of his straight razors in my safe.
  11. So you're hoping someone that intends to overpay for a bike wanders in?
  12. My cousin has a benchmade, he loves it. Some of that price goes to the name but their blades are made from superior steel. My cousin has to hit his on some crock sticks maybe every few weeks with heavy use. Spyderco is also really really goof Japanese steel and they hold an edge forever too. Look into a composite blade kershaw, they're around $60-70. The spine of the blade is made from a very tough stainless steel and the edge is made from cpm d2 tool steel, which is harder than the hinges on the gates to hell. They braze these two materials together to produce a blade that holds a very fine edge for a very long time but is not too brittle.
  13. Why do you want a low mileage speedo?
  14. It would be a miracle if this dude is still around...and he wants a full exhaust plus a grand? The only reason someone would give that for this speedo is to put it on their bike that has 30k+ miles and fuck the buyer out of a lot of money.
  15. Not terribly impressed by crkt in general. This is the 3rd knife I've gotten from them and while their designs are really cool and the fit and finish is great, I'm not impressed with the blades. a knife with a brand new factory grind should be shaving sharp out of the box. None of the 3 I've bought were. After some work with a Lanskey and some crock sticks I was able to hone a good edge out of it but I shouldn't have to do that for at least a few weeks of general use. For a $20 knife I guess this is a good value but I'd rather spend $40 for a higher quality. I don't think crkt will be getting any more of my business tho.
  16. I'm not knocking them, they will save your ass for sure but they often sacrifice themselves. Textile doesn't slide well and it melts pretty quickly as it does. Leather on the other hand slides incredibly well and doesn't melt. Yeah leather is a little heavier and depending on the design can be warmer but having crashed a few textile jackets and subsequently stapled them to the rafters of the garage, I'll stick with leather.
  17. Byob, all I got is yeungling and you know what that stuff does to you.
  18. That jacket looks ok and the price is nice but I caution you from going with textile simply because they are pretty much shot if you wreck once. I can show you a fieldsheer jacket I have that I was wearing when I went down at about 20 mph when a woman blew a stop sign in front of me. Left sleeve is pretty much blown out. I learned the hard way not to buy cheap gear. Buy once, cry once.
  19. You can try on a few of my jackets. Sliders makes kevlar khakis and the legs on their jeans are definitely baggy enough to fit those tree trunk calves of yours. Any sport bike jacket is gonna be short in the torso.
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