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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Probably gonna be charged with using firearms while intoxicated. If you are under the influence of alcohol or any drug you cannot legally carry or use any firearm. If you are caught using or carrying a weapon while under the influence you can be charged with this 1st degree misdemeanorwhich is punishable by up to 6 months in jail and fines reaching $1,000
  2. What good is an unloaded gun? If you remove the lethality of the weapon you negate the purpose of carrying it.
  3. Was the 03 vtec? Anyone wanna buy a built to the hilt bandit 1200 so I can buy this?
  4. It's all about the quality when it comes to a rape kit....you really don't want to pinch pennies there.
  5. They also gassed a state senator and arrested 2 Washington Post journalists for recording them. Police are out of control.
  6. I disagree. Unless the wheel is slipping on the dyno drum, it's still moving at the same rpm at redline on a dyno that it is at redline on the street. Wind is only a limiting factor in how long it takes to get to redline. The bandit 1200 will redline all day on a dyno in top gear but will not on the road because of wind resistance, weight, lack of top end power etc...If his gsxr red lined in top gear on the street it was doing every bit of whatever speed it redlines at on thr dyno.
  7. Gixxus Christ!


    The US ended direct involvement with iraqi oil infrastructure back in 08. As far as I can tell the iraqi oil business is state owned. I could be wrong, it's happened once before.
  8. Yeah my tl 1000s was eerily smooth at 135...All I could hear was win but the bike was stable as a brick, just thumping along....As if it were challenging me....I backed down.
  9. I thought it wasn't gay as long as you didn't push back.
  10. I sure hope so...a nice long hug ended abruptly by an awkward boner.
  11. Chain it to a pole, put a sign on it.
  12. Fris is surprisingly good vodka for being $9 a fifth....so is segrems extra smooth. Good for mixing or jello shots. Jagermeister is always good for getting straight folded.
  13. I like butters just fine, and he's a good sparring partner that can take a solid punch once in a while and not take his gloves and go home..... Jinu, my facial hair changes with the seasons so maybe we actually do have the same facial hair at one time or another. That's bullshit, I never use my teeth. I take em out first
  14. Now to get these carbs squared away and jetted properly. Judging by the amount of soot that was on the glass after a few minutes of running and the black smoke at high throttle I'd say my mains are a tad rich....
  15. 135 is about as fast as I've gone and as fast as I ever wanna go.
  16. No hard feelings here, I just calls em like I sees em....it does make more sense now knowing butters is a dirty drug addict...so I guess I can't blame him, it's just the disease talking.
  17. Ok. So I took some snaps while finalizing my build. Bought an autozone reducer to go from the 2" pipe the can is made out of to the 1.5" perforated tubing I used as a core. Dropped it down the can small end first and then tapped the core down into it to make a press fit. Pulled it out and started test fitting how to wrap the glass. From there it was pretty simple. Put the can back together with the screw that held the original baffle in. I plan on drilling a few holes and securing it with pop rivets. so I pretty much went from this [url =http://s1110.photobucket.com/user/faghammer5/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20140812_171221.jpg.html] To this
  18. At least he stopped molesting historical firearms and ruining them for at least one day.
  19. This. Anyone wanting to trade good crap for bad crap has alterior motives. Fuck this dude.
  20. What, no car audio or lifted 85 ranger 4x4 with no title?
  21. An sv650 is on my list...
  22. Wow steve. Way to roll out the welcome wagon. A: your a cock. B: it's his fucking fiver. C: you're a cock.
  23. Me and Nick (gsxkatana1100) knocked it out tonight for the most part....need to grab some reducers to make up the id-od gap at the small end and pop in a few rivets but it's together and it sounds pretty damn sweet. Nowhere near as loud as it was and it doesn't have that tinny metallic rattle you get from a big hollow can. Pretty happy with it for the $40 I spent on materials vs $100 for a new can...and its something I fabbed up myself.
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