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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. I envision you with a jewelers loupe and a medicine dropper in your garage for an hour applying precisely metered drops on each o ring. Not saying it's a bad technique, and I'm sure it's effective but I don't see it as being a superior method to using a quality spray In terms of time Spent.
  2. +1. I always give mike the opportunity to beat the lowest price I can find on an item and most of the time he doesn't bitch about it.
  3. Hope she gets kicked in the cunt on the daily in prison but will probably just get fines and probation and lose her license for a year.
  4. I've taken out a few birds, a rabbit and an opossum. +1 on rolling on. Just commit to it and aim for center mass, it's usually the squishiest. As long as the front tire clears it your good unless it rides the tire for half a loop and ends up wedged in your swing arm...
  5. I'm only throwing the invite out there because I know nobody will show up...well maybe pauly...but I won't have any fancy pants IPA for him.
  6. If any of you pukes are near my place in massillon on your return leg stop by, it's my annual birthday bash. Tons of food and beer and me drunk, seriously what could be more fun?
  7. If I were closer I'd come be a tech and not hate my job as much as I currently do but that's too long of a commute for me.
  8. Insert link to 'Hey, let's start a patch club' thread here.
  9. Rode to work this morning in full gear. Idk how I pulled it off.
  10. Aside from super piss poor planning on the roof sign, there is a distinct lack of overrated gut-shakers parked out front.
  11. Ah. Read it too quickly I guess. Glws.
  12. I'm gonna wear crocs, compression shorts and a sports bra. Just kidding, I never show up to the epic rides.
  13. Work shoes in a drawer in my desk. Gear fits over wor clothes. You're telling me you don't have a cubic foot of personal storage space at work?
  14. Troll bait. Works every time.
  15. Dump the oil, pull the carbs or if you can just the bowls and look for debris in the float valve. It only takes a spec and that thing will dump gas. You're lucky you didn't hydro-lock one of the cyls, that will typically break your starter clutch or starter gear.
  16. Would that you had a headlight housing so I could split it and install better projectors while still being able to ride during the process. That tail light isn't oem, factory lens is red.
  17. My dad laid his bike down a few weeks ago without a jacket or gloves. He no longer has skin on his palms, finger tips or forarms. I'd rather sweat than bleed anytime. Pay no attention to zx3vfr, he's a troll and thrives on virtual confrontation.
  18. Hmm... I wonder if you have a sticky float and you're dumping gas into the cyl...pretty common with downdraft carbs. Pull the spark plugs and look down in there. Also, smell your oil.
  19. Depends on what's wrong. Sounds like a fueling issue to me. You say you've rebuilt the carb several times, how much prior experience do you have in working on carbs?
  20. Aside from the sneakers and skinny jeans, this bike looKS way too small for you...you should donate it to me.
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