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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. You could order some replacements from yoshimura. http://www.yoshimura-rd.com/prodcat/replacement-springs.asp
  2. (Looking around for $5k worth of shit to sell)
  3. I have never seen someone argue so steadfastly against his own well being. I've also never heard of someone using a jack and Jack stands in such an irrational and fuck-tardly way. Duane, you are indeed a mouth-breather and should not play with dangerous things like cars and gravity. Just because it's 'always worked for you' does not mean it's the correct way to do it. It simply means that you've been very lucky thus far not to lose life or limb. Eventually, on a long enough time line the statistical likely hood of this happening will catch up with you, then you will be fucked. Proper fucked.
  4. Salt is very very bad for bikes. Not only is it corrosive but also very abrasive and chews up all the rubber seals on exposed moving parts.
  5. Lol @ magdor and his meager reading comprehension. Don't stress over the trolls dude, I think this is a good thing to have around. Here at ORDN there will always be someone who thinks they know better. Just keep on grooving and ignore them.
  6. What happened to the 30 days/30 Posts rule?
  7. I'll hop on the bike after a beer or two Over a reasonable amount of time. I used to ride shit face drunk in my 20's but those days are long over and I was a fucking idiot back then And lucky I didn't hurt myself or someone else.
  8. First thing that comes to mind is vapor lock or the gas basically boiling out of the fuel rail from engine heat. Try this: go get her on boil, then shut the motor off for a while, then turn it on and off half a dozen times so the fuel pump runs it's prime cycle a bunch of times And see if it starts right up. If it does, you may just need to put a heat shield on your fuel lines. A bad sensor would likely throw a code but it's easy to diagnose the sensors, just need to look up the resistance values and check the sensors with a meter when the bike is hot. As far as your flat spot is concerned I don't think valves are responsible but if they are due, they should be done. It's not a super hard job, but the cams will need to come out if any need adjustment. Not a hard job but definitely labor intensive when you consider that you need to pull off all the plastics to get to the motor.
  9. Some people ride all year. I do not. Typically I put my bike up after thanksgiving and get it out in march.
  10. I heard from dizzledan that the guy just target fixated in a easy turn and rode right down into the ditch. Sad that a rookie mistake like that cost this guy his bike and it sounds like a great deal of pain. Hope he recovers 100%. Nivin, you can't hold yourself responsible for this guy's actions, he chose to ride.
  11. Sure. Should still be some grub left. wife bought $250 worth of liquor yesterday and I'm filling 4 coolers with beer tomorrow so we should be good on booze til maybe 10pm. The margaritas always run out first....
  12. I was down there with a few guys from here last month. Roads were good and I didn't see any construction. Saturday is supposed to be 75 and partly sunny. Should be a good day, tater.
  13. 83 south into Coshocton is good, from there you can take all kinds of fun twisty roads. North of there I'd say 241 to 94 but 94 gets boring after you cross 30. 62 is fun for a little while but also gets boring the further you go. Look at a map and plot a course from Coshocton to Newark and you will not be disappointed.
  14. Did you post a thread with pics? I seem to remember that from last year.
  15. Most often heard quote from driver who just turned left/pulled put in front of a bike or car: 'I didn't see him'. That seems to be the main problem. I've looked at my brights in the daytime and I wasn't blinded. Fuck, there's a huge ball of nuclear fuck fire in the sky but I have somehow not burned out my retinas despite my glancing at it almost daily. I also do the safety dance or wtf ever you call it.. mimsy or some shit but the best way TO BE SEEN is to stand out from your surroundings and if your surroundings consist of BLACK ASPHALT then bright lights is about as much contrast as you can hope for.
  16. High beams don't 'blind oncoming traffic' in the daytime, that's a hollow argument.
  17. El bandito lost the use of its center stand when I upgraded to a 30mm longer busa shock. It became weight reduction.
  18. How often do you have to apply? How many miles are you away from home at a time to have to keep chain lube with you?
  19. You know (detergent) motor oil is designed to attract and hold dirt right? Have you tried any of the non-oil sprays? Klotz kl-r is what I've been using for a few years now and it's awesome. Chain is quiet, clean and there is zero fling.
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