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Pokey last won the day on January 27 2018

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About Pokey

  • Birthday 11/03/1971

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    15 V-Strom 650XT

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  1. Those T30's are damn good tires.......
  2. Very likely will be adding to the garage, been on my list for a while since I rode one 2 years ago........bad bad ass, so fast and smooth. With Givi ST601 pannier system.......not cheap but looks like made for this bike and they are very well built.
  3. Yeah my bad....I forget this is primarily a sport bike forum and most members don't even leave Ohio, which is why I rarely frequent here any more. Good luck with your unicorn bike, keep an open mind.
  4. Yes indeed....and THAT is exactly why I love these big ADV machines, so much like a Swiss Army Knife machine. I know they aren't for everyone, but the forum I am on is full of "ex" sportbike owners and "ex" cruiser/bagger owners. What year is your 1200GS, and is it the Adventure?
  5. Ha no argument from me, the V-Stroms have come a long way and are extremely refined and damn quick motorcycles. The latest 1000 even has cornering ABS, and was their first model to also have traction control modes. Yeah I am a fan, have yet to find another bike which can scratch all my itches so well. I have the 650 currently, love it to death but will have a new Super Tenere in the garage in the near future.
  6. You likely haven't ridden a recent or modern ADV machine, they are nothing like the old Strom you sold me....neither are the latest Stroms. The new Multistrada and KTM1290 will keep up with and possibly take many supersports on the pavement, and then hit the gravel and hardpack roads "or worse" after handing out the beating. I could never get comfy on the C14, but it obviously is working very well for you.
  7. Helluva bike, and how can you think this is ugly?
  8. New/newer Suzuki V-Strom 1000...........all day comfort on the road and a fantastic touring machine, loves gravel and hard pack, so versatile, deceptively quick.
  9. The big DR's run notoriously lean, you will likely be doing some jet work on that carb to really make it run well.
  10. I highly recommend heading through the Ozarks of Missouri and Arkansas, and then making your way to New Mexico. NM is bar none the best riding I have ever done, the scenery and the roads are second to none, and they are also practically no traffic anywhere "that can be good or bad LOL". You must hit the Devils highway in Arizona, it makes the Tail of the Dragon seem pretty tame in comparison. There is no question that you MUST hit Colorado, once you visit there you'all understand why. Head out to the West coast from there, then head North and hit everything up there on the way back home.
  11. And that is totally fine, as they need to vote for somebody. I am sure that any non female, non biracial, or person of ethnicity beyond "Caucasian", would get their endorsement and vote. Trump is called a racist/bigot so much these days, it is hard to keep track of all the ludicrous reasons why.
  12. Please show proof of his "endorsement", all I have ever heard him say is that they too have the "same rights" of the 1st amendment as the other racist bigoted hate groups, they too have the right to protest/march/speak.........we don't have to agree with it or like it. There is a counter argument that Barry Sotero Obama endorsed the black panther party and the Muslim Brotherhood, so lets compare apples to apples eh? Google ALL the "very controversial" figures/people/leaders ole Barry had visit him at the Whitehouse during his tenure, it should very much concern you if it doesn't. Obama is the epitome of a wolf in sheep's clothing, and what a wolf he was and still is.......but his time is coming.
  13. Yup that "oh shit I am so so sorry" wave goes a very long way with me.
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