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Everything posted by Jester_

  1. I know that was a confusing answer, but yes you were partly right that you want to be barely brushing off speed as you near the slowest point. I'm also not anywhere near the person who should be advising this kind of thing haha
  2. Seeing images like this make you realize how much more a front tire can do until you really start to get into higher lean angles. Corner entry with hard trail braking and finding direction is my #1 learning priority this year.
  3. I would say you don't want to just brake slowly to the slowest part of the corner, one is obviously going to be on the brakes very hard while upright and then trail off the brakes as you turn in, so the closer you get to that slowest point the less brake you want to use down to 1% ideally. This however is very easy to talk about and hard to do as most track day guys will brake while upright so in the instance above we would say that he needs to use more brake deeper into the corner which would move the initial brake marker up. I did, and I still have a difficult time with trail braking as I was told on the streets to never use brakes while turning. So it's a bad habit I started to try and break last year. I have also learned that as you use the brake on turn in you actually load the front and can have more grip as it loads that front tire and creates a larger contact patch. One of the things Ken hill says is that most of the low sides he sees is actually from an underloaded front end rather than using too much trail braking.
  4. It might not really be braking later as much as it is braking lighter for longer.
  5. A bunch of goodies showed up yesterday. Time to get the ball rolling on getting everything ready.
  6. Tim nailed it with the Ken Hill podcasts. That information is invaluable and will change how you think about riding. Don't just jump on the brakes with 70% brake pressure. Load up the first 5% to get some load in the front end and modulate the brake to get yourself slowed at the point of the corner where you want your bike to have direction change and you can get on the throttle. You already modulate the brake to slow yourself at a stop sign in your car, you don't just slam on the brake and hold it there until you stop, you hit the brake and then modulate your brake pressure until you come to a stop. A good exit is the product of a good entry.
  7. I went to the first day at ncm. Fun track, I would go back again in a heartbeat.
  8. Alot of people do school the first day of the year. You will also get to do a mock race.
  9. It won't show up for you if you already registered.
  10. Wish this was closer to me. I'd love to get some more riding in.
  11. I'm sure it will loosen up once you wear it for a bit.
  12. That doesn't look like a second picture....
  13. Rear shock is getting resprung, but I think the rest of the suspension is about done. Hopefully I will get it back together this weekend.
  14. Q3 is a pretty capable tire on the track. I'm not sure how they react with warmers however.
  15. Imo Dunlop is maybe a better track day tire as it seems to hold pace longer than the Pirelli. No way can it match the pace of a new Pirelli but as they wear I think the Dunlop is quicker. The Pirelli is more predictable however which is why I run them. Predictable maybe isn't the right word.... but they react more slowly than the Dunlop.
  16. Hahaha Let me know if you still need someone to grab your bike or if Bill is going to haul it down there for you.
  17. I need to get a new front and rear tire, change fluids, put suspension on, grease trailer bearings, grease truck, install pitbull trs, and hopefully get a new pair of gloves. The front tire on the r6 is from 2015, no clue how many races/days are on it. I used it for 5 days myself. I should just change it for piece of mind.
  18. Haha if you want you can use it an pay me when you can.
  19. 64 more days! I have a list of stuff that needs done before we leave, wrenching on stuff to get ready for the season seems to help pass the time.
  20. Very nice. Is your last incident what made you go for that over the hit air again?
  21. I am taking 3 bikes as of now but have room for more. Just sucks I'm out of the way for all the Cleveland guys. I can maybe haul John's bike if you can take him down there? I can run up and get it a week early or something and store it.
  22. I ended up sending everything to witchkraft. Prices were way better than everyone else's and obviously Joe's stuff worked for Eddie.
  23. I took the suspension off my bike on Saturday and am sending it out for refresh and a lightly stiffer front. Just not 100% sure who I'm sending it to.
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