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Everything posted by Blitz

  1. Blitz

    Saturday 5-26

    Yep OSP is out especially heavy in the area between route 79 and route 13 around Buckeye Lake near the rest area. Saw them pulling peeps over there all day long.
  2. Blitz

    Saturday 5-26

    I'm out guys.....aaaaaagh!!! So mad! I've been noticing since the ride to Columbus for Dyno day that occasionally the bike would bog down.....like it wasn't getting fuel. I also noticed that I was only getting around 100 miles to a tank instead of 140. I knew the fuel lines were a little old and dry rotted so I replaced them yesterday.....thought that's where I was losing the fuel. Rode today for 75 miles or so and the bike was/ is running great but when I put it up for the night I noticed when it was at idle I was leaking fuel. To make a long story short I tore into it and found that when running the fuel pump is leaking around the seam. It's pumping fuel to the engine so it is still running fine.....but it's also pumping fuel on the ground. I figure I could get another thousand miles out of it or another 2 miles.....and the thing is with all the fuel I'm wasting.....I might as well just spend the $167 and buy a new fuel pump. So there goes my Memorial day weekend as far as riding goes. Should be back up and running by next weekend, I hope. Easy fix.....just annoying and not exactly cheap. You guys ride safe out there!.....hopefully the drunks are home and the roads are clear.
  3. I found it in the ORC. Thanks guys No person shall operate or be a passenger on a snowmobile or motorcycle without using safety glasses or other protective eye device. No person who is under the age of eighteen years, or who holds a motorcycle operator’s endorsement or license bearing a “novice” designation that is currently in effect as provided in section 4507.13 of the Revised Code, shall operate a motorcycle on a highway, or be a passenger on a motorcycle, unless wearing a protective helmet on the person’s head, and no other person shall be a passenger on a motorcycle operated by such a person unless similarly wearing a protective helmet. The helmet, safety glasses, or other protective eye device shall conform with rules adopted by the director of public safety. The provisions of this paragraph or a violation thereof shall not be used in the trial of any civil action.
  4. I am trying to better understand the helmet law in Ohio. I always wear mine but I am confused as to when it's legal not to. If I am a licensed rider (passed the test and have endorsement) is it legal to ride without helmet? or is it licensed and been riding longer than one year?
  5. Blitz

    Saturday 5-26

    I'm still tentative Hutch....but a probably. I'll text you in the am if it's a no go. If I'm going I'll be there.
  6. Got my school work done and I'm planning to ride. If anyone in the area or the east side of Columbus wants to get together and hit some back roads...post up.
  7. Blitz

    Saturday 5-26

    Yep....looks like that's the consensus. Should be a great ride.
  8. Blitz

    Saturday 5-26

    I was typing while you posted Hutch. You're the leader so whatever time you decide is cool. I'll post up whether I'm in or not some time tomorrow evening.
  9. Blitz

    Saturday 5-26

    Yeah....I vote for a little later start as well. 10 10:30ish even...but I'll go with what the group decides. I'm looking at like being like 90% on this. Only depends on whether I get work on my finals for school done and it's looking good at the moment.
  10. Blitz

    Saturday 5-26

    Pretty sure it's just any guys that want to ride....meet up and come ride. I could be wrong if Hutch has some big shindig planned. As far as skill level.....we always ride at our own pace. Some ride fast, some ride moderate and some slow....everyone rides there own pace. No need to try to keep up. We all wait for the group at the next turn, intersection or road change so we all stick together. It's a good time and anyone that wants to come and ride is welcome. It is appreciated if everyone wears proper gear and all riders should have their endorsement (can't believe we have to say that now ) Hope to see you guys out there.
  11. I was reading this thread earlier and then had to run some errands. The thread was fresh in my mind wen I was on Hamilton and Main going to the CVS and saw a middle aged guy wearing sandals, shorts, no helmet with his daughter on the bike who could not have been older than 6 years old. She was also wearing shorts, flip flops, no helmet. And I didn't really believe the stereotype til today. He was riding the prototypical blue and white with orange accents GSXR 6. Go figure.
  12. Blitz

    Saturday 5-26

    Looks like fun.....definitely some roads I have never been on. I should be in. Depends how my weekend looks like it's going to play out. I'd say I'm a solid "probably".
  13. Lol...I gotcha. Was a joke but would have made more sense in person. I meant the picture reminded you to get shots as in "you'd need to get some antibiotics after riding that". Hahaha. Not funny if you have to explain it lol
  14. Gotta do shots to forget that one...... Or get shots from the Doctor that you forgot to get?
  15. Harb's Daytona is a sweet bike. Plenty fast and I love the stance. I never had any interest in Triumph but after riding with one it'll be one I consider on the future.
  16. Blitz

    Saturday 5/19

    Yeah it was. Glad you knew the area. Now that I've been there I'll head that way again.
  17. Blitz

    Saturday 5/19

    No problem man.....was a little hairy but seemed completely under control. I heard you before I saw you which made it easier since I knew where you were. Lol....I've actually thought about cleaning up those corners on 668. I ride them all the time cause I only live 20 mins from them. Sounds like a good reason to go for a ride that way this week. I'll take a hand broom and get rid of the pea gravel. You're right too.....would be a great section without all that junk there. Could possibly get rid of my chicken strips on that 180 degree turn but I always take it upright because of the marbles. That's actually what I stopped to tell Hutch & Brent at the intersection at route 40....wanted to warn them about that section. I knew you knew already. Definitely think I'll clean that up this week.
  18. Blitz

    Saturday 5/19

    Good ride guys. 669 is sweet.....gonna have to head that way again, maybe once they have edge lines. Harb...was that an "Oh shit moment" when I passed that truck then you passed the truck and then passed me before the corner on 79? Was smooth as could be but seemed like it wasn't planned lol. Good ride man....79 home was pretty awesome.
  19. Welcome man. Come on up to Newark and ride with us sometime. We're actually going out tomorrow of you're up for it.
  20. Blitz

    Saturday 5/19

    I'm in. Gonna try and call Joey614 but I haven't heard from him in a while.
  21. We are going in three weeks. Check out this site; beachrealtync.com We are renting a house for a week for 8 of us.
  22. Blitz

    Got pulled over

    1 Action Code 4510.12(A2) Degree of Offense M1 Description NO MOTORCYCLE ENDORSEMENT Action Code Points 0 Disposition Code Disposition Date Req. Driver Ed. NO Driving School 2 Action Code 4511.53(B) Degree of Offense MM Description RIDING BICYCLE / MOTORCYCLE RESTRICTIONS Action Code Points 0 Disposition Code Disposition Date Req. Driver Ed. NO Driving School Was posted a few pages back. No license/ no visor = wishes death upon cop for impounding his bike
  23. Blitz

    Saturday 5/19

    Hell yeah man....love the route.
  24. That route sounds great....I love 668. It's nice right now. I'm wondering if maybe people aren't looking at the thread cause it's asking if there are any rides instead of stating that there is a ride....?? Thought maybe you'd want to start a new thread saying there is a ride and all the info etc. Just wondered if that's why people hadn't been responding. I could be wrong and everyone is just gonna be in WV or wherever else this weekend lol.
  25. Man....everyone is going riding in other states this weekend it seems lol.
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