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Everything posted by Blitz

  1. Riding through Glenford yesterday and three hilljacks on a non road legal Polaris came across the main road (204) without stopping at the stop sign, slowing down or even looking. The driver didn't look at all before crossing and only saw me when I was about to do a stoppie by grabbing front brake. I missed them by about 5 feet. I turned around and they stopped. I chewed their ass out like they were 10 year old kids and they were 30. Told them they almost killed me. Fortunately the driver was apologetic. The funny thing is I was riding hard before slowing down as I came into Glenford....so I felt hypocritical saying they almost killed me. Technically, my riding could have killed me. I think I am ultra aware when I ride....fast when I see no other people and open road ahead, cautious when I crest a hill or go around a blind corner. I'm sure 95% of the people I share the road with have a fraction of the focus I have when I'm on my bike. But after an incident like this you really start to understand that the truly dangerous thing on the road is other people.
  2. The Jr Johnson version comes in a mason jar and has a stick of cinnamon floating in it. Pretty tasty stuff
  3. Blitz

    Saturday 6/23

    Well.....unless someone posts I'll probably just head out myself tomorrow afternoon sometime. If anyone knows of any rides let me know. Also, planning to ride Sunday afternoon. If anyone else wants to hit some twisties let me know. Probably be a couple of us Sunday afternoon.
  4. I've only had moonshine as Apple Pie.....the way they make it in the backwoods.....from family members in the backwoods. Tastes the same as what I had. It's triple distilled corn whisky. Don't think there's much of a difference....unless your stuff has the added radiator fluid and makes ya blind lol. http://www.juniorsmidnightmoon.com/ I understand real shine is far stronger.....but I imagine it's a legality thing and not a recipe thing.
  5. Blitz

    Saturday 6/23

    Im at Iron Pony getting a new tire now. Will be ready to ride in the morning. Figure we can meet at McDonads in Buckeye Lake at noon.....unless KFC in Newark works better for everyone. I'll post a route tonight and see what you guys think.
  6. I'm a big fan of Junior Johnson's Apple Pie. Basically legal moonshine. And if you consider Jr's NASCAR heritage and NASCARs moonshine heritage.....it all makes sense. Stuff is delicious though....
  7. Blitz

    Saturday 6/23

    Just thought I'd put out a feeler and see if anyone wanted to ride. If anyone's interested we can figure out a route. Newark/ Coshocton/ Hocking area.....any or all three
  8. I was at Lake Cumberland in KY a few years back and was along the shore looking for geodes....those things are everywhere down there. The shoreline came up out of the water as almost a rocky cliff with enough ledges and handholds to walk along it. I placed my hand in a handhold and looked down for geodes. I probably paused there for a minute or two. Upon looking back towards my hand I was face to face with a copperhead.....the thing was literally less than a foot from my nose. I got out of there quickly and without getting bit. Because I was curious I climbed above him on the cliffside and flipped off the rock that was covering him so I could identify it and just as I thought.....I stared a copperhead in the face. I went back to the houseboat with some shit scared out of me. Hope your brother is ok and has a speedy recovery.
  9. I'm probably in to ride. No wifey this weekend either and I was in the OBX last weekend. Need to get out asap
  10. I always feel awkward when someone thanks me....but that's always because I feel like I could have done more and that there were more that others did than what I did. I finished my 6 year commitment having spent a year away from home, but I wasn't shot at and others were. I accept their appreciation and there were sacrifices I made..... so I appreciate the fact that they said thanks.....but there will always be someone that did more for the mission, country, or cause. I say just accept the gratitude for your own personal sacrifices and be proud of what you did do.
  11. Home....and headed to OBX. Eventful ride guys... Hopefully next time won't be quite so eventful. Hope the Boulevard rider is ok and everyone else made it home without incident.
  12. Hey Harb...were out at buckeye lake. One of these guys are Running a little behind with battery problems. Should be there shortly.
  13. Makes sense. See you guys in the am.
  14. If she looks like your profile pic she looks good to me. Mine doesn't have a stock paint job (and I wish she were green) but I have tried to make her look as good as possible. Kawi didn't make that easy with all the purple and pink they used in the nineties.
  15. I love my MSi I picked up on Newegg.com. Under $1,000, plays BF3 at almost high settings, all the bells and whistles. A little over a year old and not even close to outdated. If you don't want it to get outdated in a few months...do the homework and spend a little more for the right cpu, gpu, and ram.
  16. Alright guys....meeting at the McDs in Buckeye Lake at 10:20. Leave there no later than 10:30 to head for KFC in Newark. We'll leave there around 11am and hit the route. Hoping to be back into Newark area by 2:30ish.
  17. I bought a Conti Motion last year. Seems like I only have 4,000 miles or so on it and it's looking like I'll need a new one soon. I thought that specific tire wasn't too soft and would give me at least 6-8 thousand miles...
  18. I wear a helmet everywhere. But I honestly want the ability to make an adult decision and if I decide to not wear it to go to the store and back, that's my choice.
  19. So who all is in for sure? Anybody still on the fence?
  20. Man I'm glad to see you are putting her back together. I remember passing you immediately following the wipe out and thinking it looked pretty bad.....but after pushing the bike down the road and taking a closer look I felt pretty sure there was a lot to work with as far as getting her back on the road. Glad to see that is the case. Good luck with the build and hope to ride with you again this Summer. I'm glad I haven't had to rebuild mine (yet) but I envy the knowledge you'll gain by doing so.
  21. I live in Buckeye Lake which is right off of 70. Take 70 east out of Columbus for about 20 miles. Go past the route 37 exits and the next exit will be route 79. Take route 79 South toward Buckeye Lake and we'll just meet at the McDonalds there on the right at 10:20 Am and ride into Newark and meet the rest of the group.
  22. Anybody riding with us plan on being at the KFC in Newark (just off of 16 Eastbound at Cedar Street) at 11am. If there are any Columbus guys let me know and we can meet in Buckeye Lake at 10:20ish and head in.
  23. 7 year build man.......that's epic. Keep up the good work....always love seeing more DOA Ninjas back on the road. Any chance she'll be done this season?
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