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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. I'm in Marion and share the sentiment. There wasn't a need for a warning. They should only be issued when rotation is spotted; when immediate shelter is needed.
  2. Yeah cancer has always been there. It just appears more prominent now because people don't die from other diseases as much and live longer, long enough for cancer to show up. Another major factor is that detection of cancer is better. Some types were completely non-detectable in the past and throughout history many deaths were never attributed to cancer.
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sedan_Crater
  4. After watching the video, I think they shot him for littering. Oh and shooting tires or the engine to stop a car only works in movies.
  5. Completely unbiased test brought to you by Subaru of Dallas.
  6. Is it even a problem? What adverse effects does it have on society or on your life personally? What if some of the wealth of the top 1% was distributed evenly amongst the entire US population. People now have $20,000 more - but no individual has more spending power since everyone else also has $20k to burn. Also, those billionaires aren't blowing millions of dollars each week, so they aren't making your $5000/month income worthless. A lot of that upper wealth isn't even liquid assets. A good portion is in the ownership of companies and corporations and their capital holdings - those institutions that allow the middle and lower classes to even have employment and an income.
  7. Remember when you were a little kid and wanted a toy? Mommy and Daddy said it was too expensive. But that didn't make sense because you were a kid and thought your parents had unlimited money. Those that cry to "tax the rich" have the same childish mindset. They also view the government as mommy and daddy for their adult life - wanting everything provided for free.
  9. Imagine all the money in America is collected and redistributed evenly to every person, so the graph is a flat line. Now a question: how do you think that wealth distribution graph would look like 10 years later? 20 years?
  10. I'm still burned out from playing Battlefield 3 too much.
  11. I'm thinking rise of social media and ubiquitous cell phone ownership has more to do with this than money issues. This generation was the first to grow up with having constant contact with their friends - the need for in person socializing isn't as great, which was a tremendous driving factor for wanting a car. For in-person socializing, social media and texting makes it a lot easier to find a ride when one is needed. Young people today can get away not having a car and still socialize as much, or more, than car owners of the past. Also with out having a personal desire for a car, they don't need a job. It's not the other way around (wanting a car but not able to have a job).
  12. Re-reading my post I see it was a little dickish. Sorry. Yeah same reason why I've DD'ed a Mazda 3 for 6 years. Slower than hell but it gets 34mpg.
  13. "2 CRUZES" lmao Have a buddy that got one of those. Same Ecotec 6spd. I drove it and wasn't too impressed. GM cheapness all over. 40mpg DD is alright I suppose. Hope it does you well. Little confused about "his & hers" cars. Just an odd thing I would never do.
  14. Every coming winter is going to be the shittiest winter ever.
  15. Lots of places seem to love it: MotorTrend: Ford Focus ST vs Mazdaspeed3! - Head 2 Head Episode 28 2013 Ford Focus ST - Jay Leno's Garage
  16. Yeah 1.8 would do that. That has me intrigued. I might check one out as I need a new DD soon. Doubt I can get over the FWD however. They definitely look and seem a lot better than the old Focuses. Great pickup. Enjoy.
  17. Does it really feel tighter and more responsive than the 3?
  18. Wouldn't taller tires in the back shift weight to the front? Logically then, you would want the shortest tires in the front and tallest in the back. Fucking genius right?
  19. Healthcare can't be a right because it depends on the sweat of other people. To give that right to one you're infringing on the rights of another. Rights are things that are intrinsic to existing as a human. The Bill of Rights, for example, codifies what the government can not take away. It does not list what it, or other people, have to provide.
  20. Furloaf

    Walking Dead

    Nailed it in first 24 seconds. That was hilarious. Edit: A lot of those honest trailers are hilarious.
  21. It's pretty sad the way it seems to be taking shape. But........ I read some wild conspiracy theory about the woman being an Obama mistress, the child being his, and her "keep quiet money" was earmarked as something else that mistakenly suddenly stopped when the government shutdown hit. I have no belief in any of that, but it's fun entertainment to imagine I suppose.
  22. Yeah, I was waiting for the Rage Rover driver to swerve and send those bikes into the median divider when they were following him. Motorcycle vs. car, let alone a big SUV, is beyond a stupid challenge. They only were aggressive because they expected the SUV driver to not hit them (I.E. not break the law, abide by the social contract of non-violence, when they themselves are already breaking it. They expect to get away with the agressive law-breaking behavior only on the assumption their targets are such good mannered law-abiding citizens that the target won't use the same tactics in self-defense.) I'm happy this guy called their bluff. Also, I feel no sympathy for dipshits that stand in front a vehicle as a means to halt it, and then get their dumbass self ran over.
  23. My 6950HD has sound through HDMI. Depends on the video card. The original question depends on what TV you want to use. It might also be limited by the game, being Win95/98 era it may not function on Win7/8 or Vista/XP. Newer video cards likely won't have drivers for pre-7/8 and/or pre-Vista/XP. Lots of variables, etc.
  24. Explosion is the coverup story for someone's embarrassing desk pop.
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