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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. Kind of. If I did all the work I wouldn't have a problem because I know if I cut corners or half-assed it or not. If someone else did it then I'll have a slight worry if they forgot something or did a shoddy job in general.
  2. Hate it on all except the E36... That said I still think I like the real better.
  3. Damn, that is spiffy. Nice woodwork. So are you keeping it? Do you mean your next house won't have a deck?
  4. Thanks to several of those, my mind is now full of fuck.
  5. Clumsiness is funny http://www.omgsoysauce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/hot-girl-gif.gif
  6. How frequently would you get a rental? My thinking is that if you get a Sebring for $5k, how many times renting would it take to even out? If the amount isn't what you would likely use then I would just stick with rentals which will be much nicer than a Sebring.
  7. I'd recommend Business Management or Economics as either could possibly help your business, and you probably already have a good grasp so that will make them easier. Business is pretty easy. Economics takes some mathematical sense but it's not too difficult.
  8. Free, or best offer? Could a best offer be the bikes + some cash to take them away?
  9. Destroying the cars was meant to raise the average overall fuel efficiency of all the cars in the US. Kind of a trickle-down plan: 1-The drive-able car itself is taken out of the pool. 2-The parts are taken out, slightly limiting the usable life of other models of that car still on the road. 3-People buying used cars are likely to choose something newer or with better fuel efficiency, as the pool of old and fuel inefficient cars were diminished by the program. Overall, it did totally dick the population that doesn't buy brand new cars, and those businesses in the used car sector. Even people that buy 1-owner, 2-5 year old cars are still affected as the entire supply of used cars decreased, driving up the price of all used cars.
  10. My impression is of a several people talking about things that they partially understand and feeding off of each other.
  11. They should team up with these retards: http://www.buildtheenterprise.org/
  12. $224 for that retarded piece of shit???
  13. This honestly is garbage in its current state. I only played for a few hours as my interest held. I see the potential in it, which intrigues me.
  14. I had something similar happen. I ran out of ammo before I had dropped them all so I decided to run into the town that I had been skimming along the outskirts of, trying to scavenge. It didn't work out so well as I kept picking up more zombies. I ran into a multi-story building hoping to juke them around the staircases to buy some time. It worked. On the third or fourth floor I found a body that had 2 magazines on it. I was about to try to make an escape when a zombie came into the doorway to the room. The headshot alerted all of the others and they started pouring in. I shot until both magazines were empty before those bastards tore into me.
  15. Like H1N1? LMAO what a joke that was. Damn 2009 was a slow news year. Seriously though, a more contagious version of "flesh eating bacteria" or MRSA, an outbreak of actually dangerous and drug resistant influenza, etc., would be bad. Emerald Ash Borers do give me concern. They could cause catastraphic damage to ecosystems and economies. They're a real danger that hippies try to make out global warming -excuse me- global climate change out to be.
  16. It looks like the mommy bird has large talons. And a large pecker. Anyway don't you know the most important thing about photojournalism? You can not interfere at all with your subject, only observe.
  17. This is pretty fun. Just don't try to think about it having any purpose or you'll ruin it. The mod has a lot of promise but it needs a lot of polishing. I got marked as a bandit after "testing" out my CZ550 rifle on two guys creeping up on me when I was at the top of a lighthouse (which really didn't work out well for them). Among them they had two ALICE packs, a compass, map, flashlight, wire kit, hunting knife, a .45 revolver and other goodies. I subsequently lost all of that loot in the next game I played after a patch that bugged out the bandaging system causing me to bleed out. Oh and once you're wearing your spiffy bandit costume you're pretty much on your own unless you organize a bandit raiding party to play with. Supposedly they're going to get rid of that mechanic though.
  18. That's just the one I remember laughing at the most. I don't watch TV much, but of the time I've spent watching Fox News I've seen errors frequently. I consider myself conservative. That doesn't change my opinion that Fox News Channel is a bunch of clowns.
  19. Fox News constantly makes small and large factual errors that an elementary student would catch. There's a video out there of their map zooming into Paris...somewhere in northern Africa. That's just one example but they do retarded shit like that daily. I'm sure you can find many more.
  20. I'm racking my brain but nothing is coming to mind.
  21. http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/words_that_end_in_gry.png
  22. I'm sure they were all just misunderstandings, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. All 16 of the other cases. 16 that he could find. He found 16 other cases but not the rape case. HE'S A GOOD PERSON!
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