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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. I believe it is more likely that the Philadelphia cop was butthurt that someone other than him had a gun out in the open. He took it as a personal affront to his ego.
  2. Not a question in my mind that the cop should be fired. He had no reason to pull his gun.
  3. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_NmI9iNrpjvo/R7ZNOwpf0jI/AAAAAAAAALM/vHQUNZF-xgQ/s400/Ron%2BPaul%2Blonely.jpg
  4. Let's just say I'd be getting new carpets and possibly drywall shortly after.
  5. I think the other one is more likely just a random arabian headshot victim that kinda looks like Osama.
  6. Do you guys really think the dual cores coming out won't have similar battery life as the Thunderbolt? That processing and wireless data speed aren't free of charge, you know.
  7. Furloaf


    I was given it free. Played maybe an hour and haven't touched it since. So, I guess it is not even worth playing for free, to me.
  8. http://www.tsagoons.com/2011/05/03/the-real-osama-kill-shot-photo/ Not sure about authenticity. Seems to match the descriptions though.
  9. Call your insurance, they'll get you a rental if her company doesn't do it. They'll bill her company and get all over their ass to make things right.
  10. Defiling would have been worse than just letting him be. Martyrdom x1000000 if we did that. I like the redecoration.
  11. About how many make a pound? That price seems ridiculous. Are they that good or that rare?
  12. I am. It is not like I'll be needing them anymore.
  13. I like the lack of quad-rail and vertical foregrip. Refreshing to see.
  14. Bump for pictures. Make an offer, FTF also but I'm not always by Columbus.
  15. 2 piece stainless steel guide rod and cap. I'll throw in the allen key also. $30 shipped. http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l275/furloaf/IMAG0034.jpg?t=1304011383 http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l275/furloaf/IMAG0036.jpg?t=1304011434
  16. Pretty sure mine are 2x 1GB and 2 or 4x 512MB Kingston sticks... if I still have them.
  17. I probably do have some, somewhere. What $ are we talking about for me to dig it up?
  18. LOL, nothing can satisfy the "birthers". Just like all other conspiracy theorist retards, any contrary evidence just becomes (often a more complex and intricate - more absurd) part of the conspiracy itself.
  19. Watch out for dingos. They like to eat babies.
  20. Check the pump pulley. I had a 94 Blazer that would leak PS fluid out of the pulley shaft.
  21. ^ It is likely worse than that, as the income wouldn't be considered as a wage but supplemental income... i.e. ~45% tax or what not.
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