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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. If all other smartphones disappear, I still won't buy a fucking Apple product.
  2. Furloaf

    Scion FT-86

    I thought creating Scion and blanderizing Toyota was the whole point. Toyota's cash crop vehicles (Corolla and Camry) gave the brand a boring image and kept the young people away that care about such things. Instead of catering the core brand to a minority of their customers they marginalized them with a new brand. Scion = younger demographics Toyota = Middle aged - Older boring practical no frills Lexus = Luxury
  3. I think it was closer to 2600lbs. Typo lol. It was a GTUs which were some of the lightest, I don't remember if the Base was less or not. Manual windows, no sunroof. He said he sold the differential so yeah I guess it is a very open diff.
  4. Wasn't it about 2450lbs with a stock 13bt, full interior? It can't be too much away from that, stripped + the cage now I imagine.
  5. If this was for any other movie it would have been a horrible teaser. It showed nothing. Just "Hey there's another Batman (the good kind) movie coming next year!"
  6. Yeah that should be fine since you're just doing a comparison between two similar objects. I studied ME for a while, that's all my knowledge consists of.
  7. Sorry was a in bit of bad mood earlier. Using the simplified I = mr^2 could be a decent guess I suppose. However, I = mr^2 works best for uniform bodies, i.e. simple regular shapes and uniform density. I also don't remember a relatively easier way to calculate it that is a little more precise, either.
  8. I wouldn't bother. Just check the level every oil change or every couple of fill-ups will be fine.
  9. I would not have any sympathy if any of those rioting monkeys had someone swing a baseball bat into their face resulting in a loss of most of their teeth.
  10. Okay I misspoke; not being pushed by the media, but the White House Administration.
  11. I thought compensators are generally banned in competitions? Of course it depends on the specific competition.
  12. Remember 2 years ago what story was being pushed by the main stream media? (when this was project was going on... hmm probably just coincidence....)
  13. I don't have a clue. I do know that I don't want to work for someone else.
  14. Oh man the planking video so concisely expressed my thoughts on the matter.
  15. iCancer will be more fashionable.
  16. Ha the guy throwing the bait couldn't give a fuck less at all.
  17. A money market like mentioned, or a laddered CD system. Take 1/12 or 1/6 of your safety money and put it into a 12-month or 6-month CD. Repeat each month so that in the end you will have all of that safety net money in 12, 12-month or 6, 6-month CDs. This gives you a CD maturing each month which keeps it semi-liquid, and also you can simply allow the CD to renew if you do not need that extra money at that time.
  18. I need to hurry up and open my paycheck advance/loan sharking business.
  19. I would have figured a higher percentage, myself. Wait... in 30 days? Holy shit.
  20. This assumption, that anyone alone open carrying has to be up to no good, is one of the most important reasons for having the meet/demonstration in the first place. Anyway, I am somewhat interested. 50% not sure if I would go.
  21. Furloaf

    open carry

    1803, or 1791 before Statehood. Apparently there is no law that allows; there is no law that prohibits.
  22. Won't affect the current production amounts, as they won't decrease any because that was a new line. Apple never ceased being a shit company. They just got lucky their crap became trendy. There is a reason Apple had to be bailed out from shutting down before, and they haven't changed.
  23. Why did they hold the paramedics back for an hour? (If they were actually on scene as the story implies.)
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