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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. I've never let one mature, but if that is the case that would suck. However, doing a partial transfer, an amount that you know can be paid off in the time frame will still be beneficial.
  2. If they could build and custom fit all the lasers and missiles and other bullshit onto the dinosaurs, why didn't just just build vehicles that were faster, more maneuverable, heavily armoured and all around better than the dinosaurs.
  3. Using a 0% transfer promotion is a good option. Even if you can't pay it off in the promo timeframe, you should still come out ahead in the end. A 3% transfer fee essential becomes a 3% APR, or less if the promo term is longer than 12 months, and 3% APR is less than the current on the card.
  4. I think things like these (shadow people, ghosts, aliens, etc.) are mere hallucinations programmed into the brain by evolution. The purpose to keep humans on guard and thinking about security, even when there isn't a threat directly perceived (but one might be noticed when senses are heightened - someone is startled out of sleep for instance.) Not that the brain has an extra-sensory perception, but the brain takes a gamble. If there is nothing there then no harm is really done and the person goes back to sleep or doing whatever they were before; if there is a predator stalking though the person could notice it when otherwise could have slept through and later awoken to being devoured. Some people see the hallucinations more often just because their brain is "on guard" more. (a.k.a. "sensitive", a.k.a. they are paranoid). Almost everyone will not admit, externally or internally, that they perceive things that do not exist, so stories are made up to rationalize their sanity. Thus stories of shadow people are shared. That is interesting and made me think if I had. I couldn't recall any but then remembered the time when I had stayed awake for 36+ hours consisting of working two shifts of my manual labor job in that time. Near the end of the 2nd work day I started seeing little monsters darting around my peripheral vision. White forms roughly triangular in shape, yet jagged and out of focus. I knew they weren't real and knew I was simply hallucinating from fatigue. Also the "pasta" stories in those links were poorly written and retarded. The one about the rake especially.
  5. Just played the first episode. The action sequences are linear and... kinda lame. However, the dialog system is fun in that it isn't linear and the game forces you to make decisions quickly, some of them very big decisions. The voice acting is quite high quality as well.
  6. Reminds me of those old games when CD-ROMs first came out, with the full motion video and you just clicked shit to unpause the video. It also reminds me of how much those "games" suck ass.
  7. Remington's 870 plan with the 00 package
  8. Some assholes are buying 2 standups when they already have 1.
  9. If I don't want children myself then I for damn sure do not want someone else's.
  10. Roll down your window and hold the pistol in your left hand draped outside the car. Since it's not "in" the car you'll be legal and cops won't harass you at all.
  11. Dog texts is the lamest shit I've ever seen.
  12. If a diet has a name, it is merely a fad/trend/bullshit. The only way people lose weight is when their calories consumed are less than their calories expended. The caveman paleo theory is retarded, thinking that the food selection is the answer. Prehistoric man ate little food, and when he wasn't eating he worked his ass off finding food to eat and running away from dinosaurs - near constant exercise (surprise!).
  13. Furloaf

    win 8

    Yeah I don't see any reason to stop using Win7 for this. I used XP up until 09 when 7 came out. Skipped the abortion of Vista.
  14. Student loans are treated differently. Not so much on debt/income ratio, because they are still set financial obligations. They are treated differently for length of the account as compared to other types of loans.
  15. It says paying the ticket is voluntary. (In the small print, of course)
  16. http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/743037/im-not-saying-its-aliens-but-its-aliens.jpg
  17. I've never done it, but it's apparently pretty easy to hold the slide and stop a pistol from cycling. Plenty of videos on youtube of dumbasses demonstrating it.
  18. Has to be Lay's classic. A lot of the others being mentioned are just regional brands. When I eat Grippo's BBQ it's like feeding a crack addiction. However, they are regional. I prefer Ballreich's for plain potato chips. Could make a good argument for Pringles. Quintessentially American with it being processed beyond belief into something vaguely resembling the real product.
  19. Fuck the tree. Fire is the only solution.
  20. The report says the scene was processed. Others sources say the (county or state) DA determined there was not enough evidence (a.k.a there was strong reasonable doubt that a crime was commited) to press charges. The DA's opinion was strong enough to not waste time passing the case onto a judge to decide if it warranted a trial. DAs are usually ruthless headhunters, so the above could say a lot about the situation that night.
  21. Big wtf with that one. Might see it because it's absurdly different than anything else. Probably the only funny stuff in the movie was all in that trailer. Just like with every comedy in the last 10-20 years.
  22. Very nice pickup. I'd prefer a matching wood pistol grip myself though. FYI if you don't know already that drum is a no-no in Ohio.
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