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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. What's the real benefit over .38 Super +P? The .357 is a little faster, but probably jams like the dickens and has to use special magazines, all while .38 Super has been used reliably in 1911s for a very long time with plenty of parts availability.
  2. Is it just surface, without any pitting? If so you could just try a rag and oil, or something like CLP gun cleaner. Rubbing that stuff all over it would help protect it in the future as well. If it's deeper, do like above and use high grit sandpaper, though that will give a brushed look if it already is polished.
  3. Reminds me of the newer KIAs
  4. I only opened this thread to post something stupid referencing Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I see I was too late.
  5. Don't worry guys, the Occupy movement will save us. People got off of their parents' couches and into tents to really show the Man that they are fed up.
  6. Fallout. Though there were many, and I probably spent more time playing the X-wing series, and Master of Orion 2, SMAC, many others.
  7. Lol Ron Paul didn't vote on it. He was too busy out campaigning.
  8. Yes. My point is that with the NM+ M1A price point you enter into the entry level builds of the LRB, Smiths, Fultons, etc., and have a much better starting platform.
  9. Don't spend that much for an M1A, the money would be better spent getting an M14 with a forged receiver (Smith Enterprises, LRB, Fulton) that is much closer to being in spec than the Springfields and have a higher potential for accuracy. Also if you plan on putting it in a Sage or other chassis/stock system, then it is pointless to pay for the bedded stocks of the NM or M21.
  10. Adblock Plus is a LOT better on Chrome now. I tried Chrome before and immediately switched back to Firefox for the exact same reason you mentioned. I tried Chrome again in the last 2 months because Firefox had became a worthless piece of shit with the rapid version change/release. Is it up to 9.0 now? 4.x was new a few months ago. From 5 on it was very slow and buggy.
  11. Adblock Plus is the only one I must have. Not shitty Adblock. Has to be Adblock Plus.
  12. Who gives a fricken Little Caeser's gift card? I have a $50 Meijer card.
  13. http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/ffl.php
  14. I've tried more than once to watch that movie. It can't keep my interest at all.
  15. Fuck Y, O and U. A,E, and I are cool.
  16. http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/2406/9vs10mmjokelk3.jpg
  17. Saw this elsewhere. See nothing on the can. I do witness a lot of dumbasses pulling strings, getting worked up over absolutely nothing.
  18. Batman teaser looks crappy. I don't care about any of the others. Is The Hobbit part 1 for 2012? Edit: Yeah December 14 2012
  19. Fuck those, get an i5 2500k. It is worth it.
  20. This thing weighs almost 1000lbs less than the lame ass Genesis. Though I do wish it had about 250hp.
  21. Last time I bought at Vance's I walked in 3 minutes to closing on a Friday... I was immediately served, and knew exactly what I wanted but still kept them there 20 minutes after closing.
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