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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. ^ that's what I thought she was changing the sign to, something along that line.
  2. Check that the radiator fan operates.
  3. Tearing the key would probably cause an issue with the starter operating. Anyway... could be a frayed wire grounding out somewhere.
  4. Okay. There are differing opinions of what some consider minor or major. Do you have the fitment jigs or are you just going to eyeball it?
  5. I'm pretty sure it takes more than minor fitting. Won't you have to stone the sear, disconnector to the correct angles? You would like to have an adjustable travel trigger as well right?
  6. Kidney harvesting scam. People that do that shit love alienating themselves from their family, friends, coworkers, acquaintances, random people anywhere, etc.
  7. ^ I think in 1995/96 there was not a hold on spending, but actually a further loss of money due to loss of revenue for the national parks, passport and licensing fees, etc.
  8. Limit increase requests may initiate a hard credit pull, which will ding your credit score for a year. Though likely not as much as the current utilization is dropping that score, so it is still a good idea to request.
  9. Furloaf

    iPhone halp

    I'd try cold booting it, but yank the battery out in the middle of the booting process. Do this a few times at various stages of the boot. That's how I use to fix Macintrash POSs in highschool.
  10. College kids will fuck your shit up. Huge risk of damages being beyond security deposits and defaults on rent and paying for damages beyond.
  11. No I meant with the Block O painted and the leaf/buckeye silhouetted as unfinished, this one. The Block O having the border in black and the leaf/buckeye being outlined with a thin black line (to cover the bleed through) would look really good.
  12. I liked it as an untreated silhouette better. Though the stain bleed through was a bit unsightly.
  13. Just the act of lowering the limit will not affect the score. If utilization % goes up because of a higher debt/credit ratio, then the score will drop, but that is an indirect symptom of the limit being lowered. Going from $20k limit to $5k, while having 0% utilization - will not affect a change in the credit score. For the first point: I got denied by PenFed for having "sufficient available credit to income level."
  14. Summary of Credit cards and credit score: + Limit = good - Limit = bad (if you carry a balance) Closing = bad (lose history) >0%-9% Utilization is best (flat 0% utilization actually hurts) >10% bad and gets much worse as it goes up
  15. Lowering won't actually affect your score, but underwriters viewing it may base a decision, wondering about the reason it was lowered. On the other hand, having a high limit may also make them think that you already have sufficiently available credit and can deny an application based on that. As far as score wise goes, a higher limit is best as your utilization at any time is relatively lower. Utilization scales non-linearly with the decrease in score (40% utilization may drop your score 50 points, but 80% utilization is more like 150-200 points). You should keep the limit as high as possible. If you ever get denied for "having sufficiently available credit", then just write an appeal letter explaining they increased it automatically, you don't plan on using it, etc.
  16. Were they ever actually challenged and struck down though? Anyway I read HB 54 and it wouldn't do such a thing, just matches the Federal stipulations of firearm ownership.
  17. Would HB 54 kill the stupid individual locality (City, County) laws, bans, etc?
  18. Saw another review where the thing fell apart, lol. Also, lack of a container to hold your own piss = fail.
  19. Furloaf

    Keltec - A+++

    I wonder if we had enough people call, each person requesting a separate part... if it would be possible to construct a whole gun solely out of free replacement parts.
  20. Stopped by Oreilly's (in Cincinnati) yesterday and their damn BOGO sale on the Bosch Icons just ended. ANCO were then on sale, but Oreilly's didn't have them in the size I needed. Oh well.
  21. They all suck in my experience. Latitudes were awesome for a few months, then they became as crappy or more so than the bargain cheap wipers. I've never tried the Icons though, think I will give them a shot.
  22. Furloaf

    math problem

    Any update on the answer?
  23. Keep in a mind a 9 quake is 10 times the energy of an 8, also. Short of deliberate intention of destruction, the reactors were very unlikely to ever see anything approaching the severity of what they went through, and they did so without suffering a total meltdown. (On top of that they are a lackluster design with regards to safety, not the worst but not the best either.) IIRC Chernobyl was something like 16,000 milliSv. Even 3 Mile Island was a more dangerous situation than this. People frantically buying Iodine pills are total idiots. Even if there was danger, they just would be saving themselves from Thyroid cancer while they die from a multitude of other cancers or actual radiation sickness.
  24. ^ They also went through hell. It would be very very difficult to have put the reactors through more abuse than they took, short of a deliberate destruction.
  25. I thought napalm was designed to be attracted to kids. Like a magnet.
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