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Everything posted by Exarch

  1. Exarch

    New Toy

    Nope, kickstand hasn't arrived yet, maybe it will come in tomorrow or Monday I'm actually thinking of having a shop mess with the suspension to suit my weight
  2. I started a little early, I'm on week 3 of not shaving(itchy as fuck now)
  3. I run into assholes everyday on the way to work, I avoid atleast 2 accidents PER DAY, hell I almost smacked a wall avoiding a truck that COMPLETELY took over my lane, I just blew my horn and laid on my breaks. The guy didnt give a.fuck, sure it pissed me off, I should of just let the asshole hit me but meh, wasn't worth chasing his ass down., fuck em, sorry to say but in my opinion you instigated him even further. I get hotheaded myself sometimes, especially if I've already had a bad day, but "returning the favor" should have never taken place and this whole hit and run situation probably would have never came about.
  4. If I remember I'll grab this one tomorrow if no one else does, there is a playground right across the street like 10seconds away lol, too bad my bikes at my dads house otherwise I'd grab it now hah. The Halloween display woulda been easy, mother n law had a big yard display w/ a haunted house, she lives right behind my house... Literary can see her house from my backdoor ... I always forget about the pic game
  5. Exarch

    new toy

    Well, considering a kids toy company(Mattel) produced M16s...
  6. Exarch

    new toy

    If that thing shoots anything like it's military counterpart it is VERY accurate, almost no recoil and shoots long distance targets like they were 50ft, even if you were just using the iron site(which I prefer to the laser) . I miss playing with those things now lol. If you take it to an indoor range like the one up by your house(vandallia) you probably won't have as much fun with it as you can't unleash its full potential due to limited distance.
  7. Exarch

    New Toy

    I'd be sooo pissed, I have a feeling the longer it stays in his garage the more he will ride it and likely do something stupid like that. Hec, he droped his bike right next to my other bike(non kickstand side luckily) cuz he thought he thought he could reach my wifes car that was on the other side of my bike about 30ft away to lean on it... I think its time for some new glasses
  8. I went to black Friday once, it was at Wally world.... Yeah... Never again...
  9. That's why your always crying I don't let you ride my lil pink scoot? Don't be jealous. Can't wait till them hello Kitty handgrips comes in and the hello kitty stiching on the seat gets done so I can ride her again
  10. Is this a releasing the demons run?
  11. Are there any regulations in the new states or is it all underground still? I'm sure it's still underground, but I'm talking about future plans for the sell of recreational weed like dispensaries or whatnot. The states that allow medical and have dispensaries already are under close watch, but the feeds don't give them too much trouble considering they arnt shut down completely. Also for state law(obviously feds trump) is there an established carry limit? Can you get in trouble for selling? Can you smoke in public? Can you drive high? Can you go out in public high? I'm sure some of these questions may seem obvious of course people drive and go out in public high, but will it now be treated like public intox/ovi? Also is paraphernalia legal? I'm talking bongs/bowls/pipes or is that still an offense? So many questions out there, hopefully all the kinks will get worked out and all the other states will follow suit. I know I won't smoke weed, atleast not on a regular basis if it does become legal in Ohio, but I'm all for it.
  12. Exarch

    New Toy

    Pic from the front my dad took while he was out riding it today.
  13. Ya, they do have the highest safety rating in cars similar to their size, BUT they still arnt as safe as some of the mid size cars that arnt the top in their class. I just don't trust them in an accident, what about a bug maybe? Those are cute girl cars
  14. Oh and them smartcars cost just as much if not more than some of the same larger types mentioned above.
  15. Might as well buy her a death trap, I can't imagine how bad they handle in the snow... http://www.google.com/search?q=smart+car+wreck&hl=en&safe=off&client=ms-android-hms-tmobile-us&tbo=d&gl=us&source=android-com.sec.android.app.twlauncher&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=GM2WUIDaI8aHywGxwYGwBg&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=533&bih=237#p=0 These google pics are reason enough for me to never buy a smart car, I'd rather crash on my bike, atleast I'd have gear on
  16. PPV? I'd watch it just no 5 win rule please.
  17. Just put in my order, it will be here in 90 years
  18. hell no, I'm a raiders fan maybe if it was raiders vs browns
  19. Nanny kills kids cuz she didn't want to do housework... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2226872/Krim-murders-Manhattan-killer-nanny-Yoselyn-Ortega-angry-family-asked-housework.html?ICO=most_read_module Crazy fucking bitches, what the fuck is going through these peoples heads? Woman kills kids to piss off her husband and woman kills kids to piss off her employer. Makes you really wonder who is watching your kids.
  20. Any season holders interested in selling their tickets for a reasonable price? I need 2 tickets atleast, maybe up to 5 if I can get em all together.
  21. Location and size please I may have someone that would be interested in this, I'll let them know. Edit: she wants it, I showed her the pic and she loves it, especially for $50. Hit me up at 937-732-1155 and we can make arrangements, she didn't even need any more details after seeing the pic lol.
  22. I cannot agree with these pictures as proof, sorry... Bad cellphone pics I know, but mine isn't "dark and dingy" if I was at home I could take a real pic with my camera as these are just pics of my kids with my old T.V. Setup in the background. I get a nice crisp background with clear color and have my settings set up properly for good picture quality(darker black, sharper edges, wide view, etc)
  23. Ahh, I don't have too much experience with CL, I guess I just got lucky with my trade being quick and smooth Hopefully between here and assuming she has it listed on ninjette.org it sales before spring hits so she can have herself a new ride did y'all not put then sliders on the bike or is that an older pic? If not hopefully they will fit the 300 if you still got em and that's what she ends up getting.
  24. Has she listed this on CL yet? I got quite a few offers within a week of listing mine surprisingly. 2 were cash offers and about 5-6 trade offers(I listed sell/trade up to +$1k)
  25. I don't see the big issue, unless they start dating. She got some Dick and that's that, if she is normally bitchy maybe she will go into work with a smile
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