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Everything posted by RHill

  1. OK people, so here is the deal; there are a few slots available in March and the surrounding months. I requested dates adjacent to weekends, that way at least one day commuting does not require vacation AND anyone who is interested in staying another day has that opportunity. From their response it looks like Friday March 3rd, 7th or Monday March 24th or 31st are the days in March we have to choose from. Friday Feb. 28th is also available. Their office is closed till Thursday the 17th, I'd like to have a date picked out by then if we are going to do this. Personally, I'd prefer a Monday...probably the 24th or 31st. TwiztedRabbit(Jason) has been a big help with providing ideas on how to handle the financial side of things while keeping this simple and FUN. If you haven't already taken a look at the costs; Jennings breaks down it's track rental as such: 1 - 6 Riders $2350 7 - 15 Riders $2895 16 - 30 Riders $3395 31 - 50 Riders $3995 There are a few additional options; Additional Corner workers ($90.00 each per day) Tire Service $60. 1 ½ hours twice a day/all day for $125/ $15 a flip Start and Stop (Mock Races) practices $150.00 Gate Person ($10.00 an hour/night before) minimum of 3 hours IMHO I think tire service and a gate person are necessities. So that is an additional $155 tacked on the above rental costs. Obviously, this makes exactly splitting the rental fee very difficult, because you don't know an exact price or number of riders to divide by until the last person signs up. On the opposite side of the spectrum is the rental deposit; $500 to hold the date and 50% 60 days prior. This is where Twizted presented the idea of a flat rate per rider paid in advance, and any extra money is put toward amenities such as providing lunch, mock races, or giveaways. I'd say the number of riders is completely up in the air, which makes determining a flat rate price awkward. There seems to be a lot of interest, but no "barrier to entry" at this point. I'd say we start at $220 entrance fee assuming a "mid-teens" turnout and move forward from there. If we pass 20 people and start to develop a significant "Fun Fund" I'm sure we can find a way to put the money to good use....covering entrance fees, Jennings or OR t-shirts. Upwards of 25 riders, maybe gift certificates to the website sponsors or something a little more significant. I'm open to ALL ideas; however, I DO NOT want to do partial refunds, especially if anyone pays in cash....I'm not spending my vacation day at the track running people down to give them $25 back. Just to put this out there, I have absolutely no interest in making a dime off this; I'll be putting my entrance fee in just like everyone else. I originally planned on just hitting up a normal trackday or 3 at Jennings, but it seems like there is enough interest to make this happen and it will be an absolute blast. I'll keep account of all the transactions and if anyone wants to "check the books" I'll be more than happy to share all the financials. This is still a feeler/brainstorming post....I'll put together an official launch post in the next couple days, so please provide input.
  2. SHORAI batteries are not single cell and should also be balanced when being deep cycled. It is even recommended to balance charge once a year under normal usage in their FAQ. Saying that the batteries are nothing but power tool batteries is a bunch of BS. It is the same technology being used in the SHORAI battery. Whether it is a conventional "battery cell" (repackaged power tool battery), a flat cell that is common in the hobby industry, or whatever SHORAI's internals look like; there is no difference in the chemistry. So saying one is inferior because it is a "powertool battery" is really saying nothing IMHO. If it has an incorrect capacity because of the cell sizes, then maybe there is an argument. None of thse batteries are designed to be used with a motorcycles charging system, unless they have a built in balancer. Can they be used in a bike? Yeah sure, if they are maintained by occasionally balancing. If not, they will die faster than necessary. Is that an issue? Not really seeing that seasonal motorcycle riders are accustom to battery maintenance. The SHORAI charger is a joke compared to just about any "radio controlled hobby chargers" on the market. $45 will buy you a charger that is capable of charging Pb, NiCD, NiMH, LiPO, LiFePO4 up to 6 cells at 5 amps(think NiCD and NIMH are more cells)....so I can use my "hobby" charger to charge my car battery, LiPO's for RC, normal AA rechargable batteries, and a LiFePO4 battery for a motorcycle....and whatever other rechargable battery I come across. It doesn't matter if you have a good charging system or not, if the battery is being cycled at all, it will slowly go out of balance. The advantage of LiFePO4's is that they tend to "wear" equally, where LiPO's tend to fall out of balance quickly.
  3. Hmmm private day following a normal TD sounds like a really good option.
  4. I was coming from the perspecitive of this thread....OR Jennings trackday. Normal trackday would be fine; in the case of a private rental with open track, we would have to do something to address the varying skill/comfort levels.
  5. I'd be up for a weekend or private day.....hell, if it is open track, I'll squeeze in 2x the seat time of a normal trackday. One concern for a private day is the different experience levels/pace of the riders. Other concern would be price and how many riders we are looking at.
  6. wish I could join, weather is looking perfect, need more vacation/personal time
  7. I'm looking at that as a positive....people who put money down on the (non-refundable)track time are less likely to back out of ride shares(that is the headache I was referring to in the OP)
  8. or you could reverse those two and go for a ride this weekend.... might be in for this(or blitz's ride); depends on what develops tomorrow In....errrday
  9. Good to know! I've heard Jennings is hard on tires....plan on mounting up a new set of take offs before leaving and taking another set with me along with my pos rains just to be safe. I think a crowd is to be expected Sat and Sun, but is it as bad on Mondays as well?
  10. I'm in for this; even if I have to tow my bike down on the open trailer in a snowstorm. My preference for a date would be anytime in March avoiding the weekend with the time change. I base that on the reccomendations of other riders who made similar trips and the historical temperature trends. I think the saturday/sunday/monday for $325 is the best value and makes the most sense based on the travel time involved in making the trip. March 8,9,10 looks to be the only 3 day weekend ran by JGP. Unfortunately that is also the weekend the time changes, so we would lose an hour of fun....stupid daylight savings. Other options are Feb. 22,23,24 and April 12,13,14. A calendar is available HERE. I am not sure about the other events running there "CCS" and "Southern Track Day". I'll give them a call tomorrow for details. When I call tomorrow I'll verify how they run their trackdays including groups. Their website says they offer track orientation for novice riders, so I'm assuming they have a novice group.
  11. OR roadtrip feeler.....JENNINGS GP!
  12. I've been tossing around the idea of a late winter/early spring road trip to Jennings GP with a few people. My original thought was to keep this a "private" trip; just to avoid the headache of attempting to organize a 2000 mile trip with more than a couple people from all over the state. But after seeing the responses in the Winter track day trips thread, I figured fuck it, the more the merrier. So lets use this thread as a feeler to gauge who is interested, what conflicts there are, and set a hard date...then we can move on to determining the logistics of grouping up based on vehicle capacity,geography and route. Details about the track: Jennings is just south of the GA/FL boarder. It will be a haul, but well worth it IMHO. Date:TBD Price: $325 for Saturday, Sunday and Monday +$10 gate fee(per day). A full price breakdown can be found at : Jennings GP Official Page Duration: TBD by each commuting party. Weather: Any, but for a little insight follow this link More info about the track: https://maps.google.com/maps?q=JenningsGP,+NW+County+Road+152,+Jennings,+FL&hl=en&ll=30.577152,-83.157341&spn=0.011251,0.021136&sll=41.497532,-81.70586&sspn=0.313198,0.676346&oq=jennings&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A
  13. I just want a set of jennings knee pucks like all the cool kids have....
  14. Based of weather trends, I think the best time would be somewhere in March. Highs in the mid 70's and not getting too cold overnight. Not sure of how the track is in the cold. Saturday-Monday on the track. Leave Friday, come back tuesday. Hotel or camping depending on costs.
  15. RHill

    Obama is right.

    I blame the person who decided bartering wasn't good enough.
  16. FTFY. I could't quote that long ass post over again lol It is really good to hear that you got shit sorted out on your bike and congrats on the wins!!! I regret missing the races even if I couldn't participate...still haven't got the bike running consistently.
  17. Can't speak for the seller, but someone needs to buy this: http://weraclassifieds.com/ads/amb-transponder-21/#axzz2gzOi5JiX
  18. If i cant get it sorted I won't be riding.... :/
  19. it is just a 15kohm resistor and a switch, disconnected now and the issue is still there. pulled the tip over sensor and stripped sheathing to the ecu to see if it was damaged when I pulled the ecu to splice in the tre....no damage. tapped the tip over sensor around and it fired put the sensor back in place and code again. wooohooo, I'm done fucking with it tonight, getting angry and I cant find my electrical tape.
  20. I'm so pissed. Decided I'd do the track day.....came home after work installed a switchable TRE and a dealer switch. Both those mods are real simple. Went to start the bike up and it only primed for a second or two when it is normally about 5. Put the bike in dealer mode and it threw code c23....tip over sensor. The sensor was off the mount and on it's side....OK. Put it back on the tab....still throwing the code. Pulled the sensor off jiggled it around....still coding. Removed the TRE and soldered the wires back together.....still coding. FUCK. Getting something to eat then I'm going to pull the sensor from my street bike to test it.
  21. Yeah, thought it was fixed, but I guess not. Can't even reset password because it doesn't recognize my username. I'll probably ride over to the track saturday or sunday to help pit bitch, but I don't think I'll be doing the td or racing.
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