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Everything posted by RHill

  1. What you won't allow? I asked a simple question, if he has felt out the adjustment range of his current suspension. Poor info? I gave a concise example because I didn't feel like typing out a bunch of words no one would bother to read because it gets into my own bike and is not the point of this thread. You are making assumptions that you have no information to back up. Springs are a band-aid.....you have to be shitting me.
  2. RHill


    Yeah, I miss having discovery, history and comedy central...those along with some sports were about all I ever watched. Funny thing, after I dropped cable and signed a contract for ATT Uverse for internet, Time Warner gave me a call offering to cut my bill in half, literally. $90 to $45, but I was already under contract with ATT, so I had to pass. Good luck with the slingbox, I had the same thought when I first cut the cable, but my moms place has dsl with a slow upload rate, so it was out of the question.
  3. Have you played around with your adjustment ranges or kept track of suspension movement with a zip tie? I ask because I didn't realize how much I was bottoming out my forks until I threw a zip tie on, cranked in preload and started turning up compression. Before making the adjustments, the way the front end collapsed and smacked bottom under braking on the front straight at PIRC was frightening. After it was not nearly as bad, but it would still bottom. The suspension made the decision for me about getting heavier fork springs.
  4. RHill


    You could always pay them an extra $8 or whatever it is for an additional box, and have it dedicated to the slingbox. But first check the upload speeds. I dropped cable a year and a half ago, miss some shows, but netflix gets me by for the most part. There are always torrents up the next day for a very select few shows that I want to watch.
  5. RHill

    Anyone into RC?

    Doesn't matter what the hobby is, it is a bonding thing more than anything else. My father used to be into motorcycles before I was born, then I bought one and about a year later he bought a victory. I had already wrecked my bike at this point and by the time I got it back on the road, my father was diagnosed with cancer and was no longer strong enough to ride. RC cars are not bad, unless you are buying all new stuff. Planes can be while you are learning, but once past the curve it is fairly cheap. Heli's are the same as planes. Really depends on how much you crash and how cautious you are. Overconfidence and not knowing/understanding your equipment does not mix well with RC aircraft....at least if you care about $.
  6. RHill

    Anyone into RC?

    Late 80's the JRx2 came in with the crazy trailing link suspension, then the JR2 pro(my picture is of a jrx2 converted to pro). I think I was mistaken before, my truck was an LXT not the JR-T. Then the XX line and XXX line; after that I'm not sure, but currently they are on the 22's for the 10th scale. Traxxas rules for bashing by far, but from what I saw at my old track, they just couldn't keep up with racing unless you literally put a whole new chassis under a Traxxas body. The 1/4 scale stuff is still around, but it is stupid expensive. So is the 1/8th scale. I really wanted an assocated rc8e, but I would have had more money sunk into it than three 1/10 scales.
  7. RHill

    Anyone into RC?

    Think AMA is $60 a year and field membership is usually $50-150 depending on the site. Not really horrible if you plan to fly a decent amount and it is close by. Knock on wood, I've had pretty good luck with planes. I've had 2 major crashes, both of them were "disposable" planes. First was an old "sturdy birdy" which we took out on the most horrible of windy days...lost orientation, got turned with the wind and plowed straight into a tree. Second was a "JC Fun-Bat" combat plane. Part of my normal flight routine was to dive straight down full throttle and pull out last second. I was practicing doing it inverted increasing the throttle on each dive. After a few tries I pinned it open and hit full down elevator a little early "just in case"....heard a split second of flutter before the thing flattened itself mid runway. Best thing about the hobby, both times my dad and I walked to pick up the pieces laughing about what had happened.
  8. RHill

    Anyone into RC?

    Here is a couple pictures of the Jr2's I raced back in the day. Also had a couple Jr-T's, Nitro Hawk, and some other on road kyosho stuff. The both had all kinds of stuff done like the transmissions switched out with XX(I think). Edit: Obviously not vintage electronics, I took a track when I got back into racing. This is some of the stuff I was racing on carpet offroad last year. Also had another T4 and SC10. I regret selling it all, but I learned the hard way...if you plan to get rid of it, do it quick before the next model is released.
  9. RHill

    Anyone into RC?

    I've always wanted an A-10, had an F4 Phantom...but it only lasted 1/2 of a flight with my father at the sticks. He was a really good pilot(both in life size aircraft and RC), but it is pretty damn easy to lose orientation on a fast moving all black F4 on a cloudy day. I can still picture it burying itself vertically into the freshly plowed cornfield about 100 ft in front of the runway.
  10. RHill

    Anyone into RC?

    Sorry to hear about losing all the models. I could not imagine losing all the planes my father and I worked on and flew together. It is the huge sentimental value in these things when you invest so much of your time in, especially if it is with a parent or child. The advancements in electronics are pretty damn amazing; LiPo's, brushless and 2.4ghz radios pretty much redefined electric models. I used to race cars with matched NiCd packs that were good for 1 race and you didn't dare cycle them in a single night.....so we had a small toolbox at least 20 packs that we took hours the night before to charge. Now, a single $30 pack can get you through two 5 minutes heats easily and be topped off with a $40 charger for the mains. Brushless motors all but eliminate motor maintenance. 2.4ghz radios eliminate the worry of frequency conflicts. Add in Chinese electronics reducing costs....I cant even imagine how much my dad spent on our RC racing stuff back in the early 90's....today, you can have better equipment for 1/2 or 1/3 the cost. Even name brand stuff is having to compete.
  11. RHill

    Anyone into RC?

    Nice! Never had a T/E maxx, but they always looked like tons of fun to bash around.
  12. RHill

    Anyone into RC?

    I've had a few scale planes over the years, but always enjoyed aerobatics more than anything else. I took my quarter scale PT-19 to my home field's last fun fly, I was doing low inverted passes and more aerobatics than the guys with the 50CC edges and extras. Surprisingly, the PT-19 is actually more fun to fly than my 80" extra 300(because the extra is about 2lbs too heavy). Been thinking about picking up a little fun fly park flyer. I could easily fly the 48" MXS low altitude over a soccer field, but I'm just not sure how it would turn out. I live on the approach to Cleveland Hopkins, so I could see that causing some drama. Been to the gas CRCC field once, and I've heard there is a field or two in Avon, but I've never been to those.
  13. RHill

    Anyone into RC?

    I've been into radio control models since I was 6 or 7. Father got me a started with cars, transitioned to planes at 9 and flew them till I left for college. Couple years ago a buddy asked me to help him get a trainer ready to learn how to fly. After venturing out to the field for the maiden flight, I was hooked again. Went through all my old planes and made sure they were airworthy, flying all but my dad's old plane that is older than I am. After going through the collection, I built a SIG Somethin Extra. For my second kit build by myself, I was extremely happy with the way it went together and flew. I didn't want to keep nitro planes in an apartment, so I picked up the Extreme Flight MXS pictured below. I've only had it out a handful of times, but hopefully that will change this summer. It is a blast to fly, hammering through tumbles into spins is pretty amazing. Elevator counterbalance was broken in the apartment move, so I stripped off some covering to find and repair the damage. Thing is built extremely lightweight, but still very solid.
  14. I don't think either option lends itself to store in an apartment; they are both too heavy and awkward to get inside regularly. The harbor freight trailer can be folded up and stored with a bike and car in a single car garage. The trailer Nivin listed in the OP looks to take up more floorspace than the HF folding model.
  15. anyone planning on going to PIRC on 11th/12th?
  16. I put maxima 7wt in my stock forks. I think the stock fluid is 7.5wt, but supposedly viscosity changes from mfgr to mfgr so I didn't really worry changing to 7wt. I may play around with it, removing a measured volume of the 7 and adding back 10 wt to increment it upward.
  17. nah, actually want another for myself. it would be nice to have a set of rains on a spare set of wheels. I have a good spare rear and a dented front. I've rode on the dented front before, its only slight and on the lip, but I don't trust it for the track. Really was refering to gloves, boots, helmet and that good stuff.
  18. I've been watching some of my gopro videos; trying to figure out braking points, early/late apexes and where I was overgeared. Really anticipating the time to wrench on the bikes when it warms up. I need to get the track bike buttoned up and take it out to verify the transmission is good before putting any more "work" into it. I'd like to crack open both bikes and do the valves on them, that will have to wait until I know the track bike rolls smoothly. I'm trying to talk one of the guys I've rode with in PA to come out for a day at PIRC. Told him that he can use my streetbike or trackbike, but he doesn't seem motivated for it at all. Even told him "he wouldn't need to do jack other than fork over for leathers and entry"; I have spares of everything he will need to get on the track besides the leather rental. Oh well, maybe give it another shot after it warms up.
  19. Seems like discussing turn in points, braking markers, and passing setup would be things that could benefit and be practiced during a normal track day?
  20. 5 so far, first was Sept. 1st. I need a lot more track time.
  21. Planning on doing race school the first weekend just to open the option of racing. Installed heavier front springs and a double clicker with the correct spring for the rear. Gear,I should be good, but I'd like to get a chest protector along with losing some weight so it fits. Tires, I have 2 sets of Q2's that probably have 4 track days combined life left followed by 209 GPA's. Also picked up a timer late last year. I'm pretty set on hardware at the moment, besides throwing racetech valves in the front and rebuilding the rear. I just plan on knocking out the cobwebs early and see how it goes, and it would be nice to have the option of racing whenever.
  22. Thanks, I really appreciate the help, the info will be useful when picking one up in the future. I wasn't sure about the battery because the site lists a 3 day charge and this guy was saying you had to charge it the night before. Unfortunately,they just stopped responding after saying I'd take it and asking for their payment info. It sucks AMB/MyLaps has timing cornered and can charge stupid high prices on this stuff and the Flex subscriptions are even worse.
  23. how is the battery life on the newer ones? Charging the day before common? Do you have to register with mylaps to use it? I'd rather buy a used one than rent; coming from RC, transponders hold their value unless you destroy them.
  24. what is the difference in styles models?
  25. Couple people interested so far! Price is going to go much higher, but it will still be a bargain compared to buying individually used.
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