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Everything posted by RHill

  1. weird, I could have swore when I linked the add said 5k not 5800.
  2. http://weraclassifieds.com/ads/2011-triumph-daytona-675r/
  3. may want to keep an eye on: http://weraclassifieds.com/ http://tracktalk.nesba.com/forumdisplay.php?f=14 http://www.assfaultjunkies.com/forumdisplay.php?31-Bikes along with the classifieds here, sure others will chime in with bikes they have seen if you have trouble finding anything
  4. Yep, maybe I did see it on youtube not netflix. So true about the accent haha Stumbled upon it at about 1am and didnt realize how long the thing was, still watched it all.
  5. I could watch those over and over. That save from being crossed up was insane, could have ended so badly. There was a TT video on Netflix following Guy Martin around, I think they removed it though. Here is a little bit of a more calm shot of the Isle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbaO8mzByvw
  6. Pics are showing up in the last post. Good luck finding a bike, there are some good deals out there to be had about this time of year.
  7. You haven't seen anything yet, I didn't have winter time to build up a pile of spares last year
  8. Pics don't seem to be working for me? Here is a "trackday list" I take as much as I can fit in my car If you forget something or it's not on your list, it will be the one thing you absolutely need. And if you don't have something, ask around, I'm sure it will only cost a couple HJ's.
  9. welcome, looking forward to seeing you at the track! Have you done any racing or track days previously?
  10. I'm really happy with mine, just went 600 miles on Saturday with it behind my 4cyl car....even with all the slush and crap on the highway, didn't even notice it was back there at 70mph. Repack the bearings with quality grease and you are good to go.
  11. RHill

    Happy new year

    Didn't see it, but you are talking about it.....doesn't that make it a talking point? Happy new year!
  12. put anything on the TV enough and dumbasses will think it is statistically significant btw happy new year
  13. RHill

    I'm back!!

    what is the plane? I haven't seen one in probably 15 years but that reminds me of my dad's Cherokee
  14. What is the alternative solution that appeases the majorities need for action? Keep in mind, if you oppose this action, a large % of the population will think you dont care kids got killed. It is complete bullshit, I know it, you know it, but a lot of soccer moms driving their kids to school later this week will take it completely seriously. I actually do give a shit. I love to rip through 25 round mags on my .22, but that is about all the more I care. I haven't read into it more than I've seen on this forum or word of mouth....don't really need to....I know it is bullshit. I'm playing devil's advocate here.
  15. vid said something about a broken tie-rod, maybe they meant drive shaft? the hopping and traction from pavement might have over stressed the driveline?
  16. that includes properly repacking the bearings(where the sole issue with the trailer resides) and how to build a sweet <$10 ramp to get the bike on to the trailer. One stipulation though, you have to do a track day at Nelson and Mid Ohio with me
  17. harbor freight folding trailer..... add a piece of 4x8' plywood and you are at $300 add a wheel chock for $50 If you buy me a case of beer I'll show you where to get a 20% off coupon and help you build it.
  18. I don't believe the vast majority of people are blaming an inanimate object for a person's actions, but I do believe that the vast majority of people DEMAND some type of reaction for an incident such as this. If there isn't a reaction; it will be a subject come next election, votes will swing, politicians will lose foothold and the flow of money will change.
  19. I dont give a shit. Pulling extended mags off the shelves is just making people feel like something was done to correct the "problem". It is a band-aid that will be forgotten about in 5 years or whenever the legislation comes to an end. And in the mean time, if someone wants to do some destruction, they will find a way.
  20. Right and wrong reactions are easily confused whenever the masses are having a knee jerk reaction/emotional response. If the mass majority of people are blaming guns, how is this not being done out of unity? It can easily be a wrong reaction, and be accepted by the majority.
  21. I think people think that every action deserves a reaction, and unless there is a reaction, "we" consider the action insignificant. Stricter gun laws are a reaction, nothing more....right or wrong doesn't matter, it shows "we" are paying attention and care. It is no different than our reaction to 9/11.
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