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Everything posted by RHill

  1. There are laws against paraphernalia which is equatable to a spoon
  2. Bad decision making cannot be blamed on anything other than the person making the decision. They are also all friends with you.....can we blame you for their bad choices as well? I really like the last example; weed makes your life worse because the national guard tests for it and kicks you out for repeat violations.
  3. Damnit, I wish I had some more money. Would be a great present for my nephews.......and until they grow into it, I could "test" it out for a couple years
  4. Went ahead and picked up the 1.0 sonic springs... Rich from Sonic was quick to respond, was very helpful and the price can't be beat.
  5. I'm 210-215 without gear Hopefully closer to 200 by the time I'm back on the bike.
  6. Just re-read the title
  7. I'm about to order some springs for my bike and I'm not sure of the weight to put into the calculator for the bike. They are going in a 05 gsxr 600. I'm guessing between 430-450 but that is bumping me between a 1.0 and a 1.1 spring on Sonic's calculator. Racetech has 425 in their calculator which gives a 1.0 spring rate, but that weight seems low to me.
  8. Government profiting should have no place in a decision like this
  9. Any chance someone has a fork spring compressor? I was planning on making one and doing a spring/fluid change, but if someone has the tool, I'll put it off till this party .
  10. I'd be down for this, not really sure if I'll have anything left to work on by then, but I'll lend a hand.
  11. The best advice: take advice with a grain of salt Overheard the typical Harley guy giving advice to some newbs last week, describing tight pack riding as the ultimate goal of riding. He justified it withe amount of trust you have to have in the other riders. In a perfect world I may agree that tight riding takes skill and trust, but all it takes it a little turtle to turn a tight pack into a pile of scrap.
  12. wish I would have known about this have an old .32 pistol with a blown out cylinder
  13. Woman: "Whatever that is, it fell. Whatever that is in our car" Cop?: "Thats the landing gear, you got hit by an airplane." Woman: "I know that!" Cop?: "Why did you pull out in front of an airplane, is what I would like to know" Woman: "WE DIDN'T PULL OUT IN FRONT OF AN AIRPLANE!" fucking classic Not saying the pilot was not at fault, but the lady is an absolute moron. The pilot was flaring way too early and extremely high. If he saw the car, it might have been an attempt to avoid collision, but all he had to do was power up and fly out instead of continue the approach. If you watch carefully the nose dips before impact; I'm betting he pulled up without applying throttle early enough causing a stall.
  14. RHill

    LED or Plasma?

    I differ on that opinion, I had a 50" and surround sound in my bedroom while I was in college. If you calibrate the TV so it isn't giving you a suntan like most display models, you can easily sit at the "optimal" viewing distances listed below and not feel beat up after watching a night of TV.
  15. RHill

    LED or Plasma?

    There are a lot of options: Used calibration images and read up to do it yourself Find a dvd/blu ray like Digital Video Essentials that explains settings and has the images. Use a tool like the Sypder calibration system. Or pay someone to come in with professional tools and do a proper setup. One thing to remember, the settings for watching a late night movie(when quality matters most IMO) are going to be different than during the day with all kinds of ambient light blasting through the windows. I used calibration images then tested with DVE and have been very happy with the results. If I had it to do over, I'd buy the best calibration tool in my budget and either sell it when I was done or offer to calibrate TV's for a small fee/beer.
  16. RHill

    LED or Plasma?

    either Whatever you buy properly calibrate it I'm watching my bro-in law's new Panasonic plasma, and it looks like absolute garbage because it is on default settings and he still raves how great it is. My 7 year old DLP smokes this TV in its current form because of the shitty calibration....
  17. Things holding me back in order: Mental blocks Seat time Physique Suspension
  18. Thanks for sharing, interesting video!
  19. I wouldn't use the speed limit as a distinguishing line between smart/experienced and not. I have no statistics to back it up, but I'd put money that the overwhelming majority of bike accidents DO NOT happen on the first time down a new road. Smart street riders(and drivers) are willing to always err on the side of caution no matter the situation and no matter the ego.
  20. ^ no trying to it, just do it
  21. RHill

    Fs: 2003 r6.

    Miles, pics, info?
  22. Nah, must not have been you. It was a red bike with a camera on the front, didnt have a ton straight line acceleration so I think it was an sv. He was catching me under braking and in many turns. It is actually in that video I posted earlier. I wish I would have known he was back there, I would have let him around and followed to try and improve my lines.
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